
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Paulson sez we are angry on 60 minutes

Paulson: Economy Is In A Fragile Situation
Treasury Secretary Talks To Scott Pelley About The Controversial $700 Billion Bailout

No shit Paulson, how did it get that way, asshole?

No, No really, dickhead, what happened?

Man, I am so fucking sick of the foxes eating everything in the hen house, shitting in it and making us clean up after them. Are they gonna bring the chickens back? I don't fucking think so. I spotted this neat little gem in it:


Subsectiion (b) of section 3101 of title 31, United States Code is amended by striking out the dollar limitation contained in such subsection and inserting "$11,315,000,000,000"

Nice. My share of that just went to $37,717, and so did yours. Chalmers Johnson chimes in here. on how the recently passed a 612 billion dollar defense authorization bill for 2009 that didn't merit a blink.

Update 3:12 PM 9/29/2008

Afghanistan has seen 'spiral downwards': top US general

Unh huh, Johnson said yesterday

"In Afghanistan, our historically deaf generals and civilian strategists do not seem to understand that our defeat by the Afghan insurgents is inevitable. Since the time of Alexander the Great, no foreign intruder has ever prevailed over Afghan guerrillas defending their home turf. The first Anglo-Afghan War (1838-1842) marked a particularly humiliating defeat of British imperialism at the very height of English military power in the Victorian era. The Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989) resulted in a Russian defeat so demoralizing that it contributed significantly to the disintegration of the former Soviet Union in 1991. We are now on track to repeat virtually all the errors committed by previous invaders of Afghanistan over the centuries."

Well, isn't there some other dude running things over there now? What does he think?

Oh. Iraq is fucked too?

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