
Friday, September 19, 2008

McCain busted by PBS reporter Judy Woodruff hypocritically talking about Obama doing 1/10 of what he is doing

McCain cites contributions from Freddie and Fannie to Obama...blah blah blah, and yet, McCain has received "$169,000 from lobbyists", & blah blah blah. .. "more than ten times what Obama has received from them."

Listen for yourself to
the mp3 file

By Kaveh L Afrasiabi
Iran plays the mediator
Sep 20, 2008
...Palin should be aware of the importance of courting Iran at this critical hour, rather than strengthening the caricature of Iran painted by simplistic anti-Tehran voices in the US. The nation's recent diplomatic interventions between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and Russia and Georgia, are an enlightening indication of Iran's capacity to act as a "main pillar of regional stability", to paraphrase Ahmadinejad in his latest interview...

Right. This stuff can be published and read with comprehension all around the world. Molly McMooseturd isn't reading it, she's reading whatever the neocon bastards are writing for her teleprompter.

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