
Monday, September 29, 2008

Corporate Crime Reporter stories

Professor Bowman Says It’s Either Regulation or Criminal Prosecution, Take Your Pick
22 Corporate Crime Reporter 36(12), September 22, 2008

Big business has been working for years to undermine civil regulation.

Into the void has stepped the Department of Justice.

Now, big business is crying foul.

No more criminal prosecution, they say.

Well, you can’t have it both ways.

With regulation crippled, business wrongdoing is shooting up.

And criminal prosecutors are just doing their job.

So, get used to it.

That in a nutshell is the take of Frank Bowman, a Professor at the University of Missouri College of Law.

Times Reporter Morgenson Says Paulson, Bernanke Lied about Meltdown
22 Corporate Crime Reporter 36, September 24, 2008

First the Bailout, Then the Bailiff
22 Corporate Crime Reporter 37(12), September 29, 2008

When McCain started blathering at the debate about how Corporate taxes are too high in the US at 35% I was screaming at the TV "Do they PAY those taxes, asshole?!?!"

NO, they don't.

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