
Thursday, September 14, 2006

cell phone hell

War, Murder, Rape... All for Your Cell Phone
By Stan Cox, AlterNet. Posted September 14, 2006.

Everyone's heard about the human rights abuses in African gold and diamond mines. But when it comes to their ultra-cool, razor-thin cell phones, American consumers won't get the message.

No Shit?

Way ahead of you, dudes. I don't own a cell phone. I'd like to say it's because I know about the human rights abuses, and in fact that may be part of it. Since I'm not giving up my computer, that's probably not it. One reason I don't want a cell phone is because I have a hard enough time driving without that distraction. I don't want to be one of those idiots that I scream at when they're not paying attention to the road because they are on the phone. I also see a lot of people foregoing what might have been real live face-to-face interactions with strangers. Sometimes those little interactions are learning experiences, or a shared laugh. I do not consider them an intrusion. I sometimes feel like I am intruding into someone's private life when they are having a conversation on their cell in a public place. Frankly, cell phones annoy me. It also annoys me that the pager I had for 10 years became obsolete when I discovered that it's nearly impossible to find a working pay phone. People are startled when I say I don't have a cell. I may end up getting one, but that doesn't mean I want one. I don't want to be in cell phone hell. I like walks on the beach with my friend. Neither one of us has a cell phone, and sometimes it's quiet, unless someone else is screaming "Can you hear me now?" When that happens my friend and I smirk and I know he's thinking the same thing I am: Oh fuck, you idiot, the whole fucking world can hear you now.

We ain't talking to the whole world, though, are we?


One of the people I grew up with here in San Diego married a Guatemalan and lives in Guatemala, so initially I was turned off to the goofy cartoon on the cover and irritated by the seemingly arrogant title of the article.

The article is good. It's humane and caring, and neither pro-immigration, nor anti-immigration.
Guatemalan Dreams of American Green
By Geoff Bouvier

I didn't know

that bounty hunting was a crime in Mexico.

Did you?



Waiters Serve Payback to Stingy Tippers
By Betsy Schiffman AP Business Writer
Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2006

Outside Looking In

Or why my customer service skills are best served from a call center, where the only thing I have to control is my voice, because my facial expressions are dead give-away. I'd like to give spoiled yuppies a few hard whacks on their behinds before I send them off to torture someone else who works in one of the service industries.

And the following stories are examples of why immigration IS an issue that needs to be dealt with.

( Shakira! Shakira! Shakira! )

Hispanic immigrant laborers testify about US police harassment
Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2006
By JIM FITZGERALD Associated Press Writer

(AP) - WHITE PLAINS, New York-Hispanic immigrant day laborers suing a U.S. village over alleged harassment testified Tuesday that intimidation by police officers has often prevented them from obtaining work on the streets.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Daily Show - Even Stevphens - Religion

This made me laugh.
hat tip to Loopy (

This pic made me smile

the article that accompanied it, not so much...

62,006 - The Number Killed in the "War on Terror"

By David Randall and Emily Gosden
The Independent UK
Sunday 10 September 2006

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Corporate newz sucks

I didn't expect to find anything in an American newz (MSM) source for an article that spells out how I feel about the "War on Terror." That's why I didn't even bother with (other than to sign a complaint to ABC or Disney) the whole 9/11-blame-it-on-Clinton-Crockudrama thing. Fuggit. Wudn't worth my damn energy.

I knew if I looked hard enough I would find an article some where that about wraps it up for me.
This article from the Netherlands comes close, so here it is:

Five Years of War on Terror: 'Time for a New Strategy'
Translated By Meta Mertens
September 9, 2006
NRC Handelsblad - The Netherlands - Original Article (Dutch)

SSSShhhhhhhhh... don't tell Rudi Guiliani and don't tell Daddy Bush (HW).

I'm no genius, but the "War on Terror" is absolute bullshit, it don't take a fuckin genius to figure that one out.

Peace out.

Monday, September 11, 2006

September eleventh

Five years ago at just around this time I was glued to the tube. Watching the films of the buildings tumbling down over and over and over again. I was horrified, but confused, and baffled as to who, and why, and for what purpose this was happening. Emotionally I was stunned, and somewhat numb. The first time I cried was weeks later. What made me cry then, and still makes me cry is the thought of the police officers and the firefighters who died on September 11, 2001. The people who risked, and lost their lives trying to help others still makes me cry.

Today I was thinking of reading this book: Why They Don't Hate Us: Lifting the Veil on the Axis of Evil
Hardcover: 456 pages
Publisher: Oneworld Publications (August 25, 2005)
Language: English
by Mark LeVine

and I watched this:
The Best War Ever
By John Stauber (PR watch)

and I watched this:
America Remembers again
by Mark Fiore

Thursday, September 07, 2006

war profiteering

The 10 Most Brazen War Profiteers
By Charlie Cray, AlterNet. Posted September 5, 2006.

Halliburton has become synonymous with war profiteering, but there are lots of other greedy fingers in the pie. We name names on 10 of the worst.

A few years ago (8 actually) I took some silly little business classes. One of my instructors couldn't say enough good things about Titan. I wasn't really aware at the time that Titan was a defense contractor, nor did I care. The only thing those business classes did for me was let me know I wasn't crazy, that there really were a whole bunch of greedy, selfish, self-centered assholes out there who would sell their mothers if they thought they could make a buck. This judgement of mine included students. Around that time some students at another school got caught cheating on a test in a business ethics class. Best laugh I had all year. The only part of those classes that I really liked were a couple of the extra credit assignments. On one of them I got to interview people regarding business practices in other countries. We are certainly not alone in the bribery game. People are people. They haven't changed much. And the wealthy and powerful have been benefitting off of wars since somebody decided war was a good idea, most likely someone who was already wealthy and powerful.

Guess what? Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Smedley Darlington Butler

I haven't read this book, but what a fascinating title, eh?

Banking on Baghdad: Inside Iraq's 7,000-Year History of War, Profit, and Conflict Black, Edwin

New Poll: 43% Still Believe Saddam Had Something To Do With 9/11
By: Jamie Holly on Thursday, September 7th, 2006 at 9:30 AM - PDT


How many times we gonna get booty-bopped by this porcine little dweeb?

(this is a great picture, I couldn't resist snatching it, and I really had no idea when I used it that Atrios had gone batshit with it)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Get ready

U.S. immigrant rallies draw far fewer supporters than huge spring demonstrations
Monday, Sept. 4, 2006
By MARCUS WOHLSEN Associated Press Writer

(AP) - SAN FRANCISCO-In far smaller numbers than they did this spring, supporters of illegal immigrants marched in several U.S. cities, calling for them to be given the chance to live and work freely in the United States.

No Signs of Pro-Immigrant Voter Boom
Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2006

(AP) - LOS ANGELES-During the spring protests that brought hundreds of thousands to the streets, Hispanic immigrants chanted a promise and a threat to politicians: "Today We March, Tomorrow We Vote."

So far, however, there is no indication that such a potent political legacy is developing....

...A study by the Pew Hispanic Center found that while Hispanics accounted for half the nation's population growth between the 2000 and 2004 elections, they represented only one-tenth of the increase in votes cast...
In Fresno, Tackling Poverty Moves to the Top of the Agenda
Council Approves Task Force After Study Links Central Valley City With Densest Area of Poor
By Evelyn NievesWashington Post Staff Writer
Monday, November 21, 2005; A03

Community Medical Centers hopes this year for its first black ink since 2003.
Code Green
By Tracy Correa, Cyndee Fontana and Russell Clemings / The Fresno Bee
(Updated Sunday, August 20, 2006, 8:54 AM)

Mexican Court Leader Sides With Calderon
Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2006
By WILL WEISSERT Associated Press Writer

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Exodus: Border-Crossers Forge a New America

News: Coyotes, pollos, and the promised van
By Charles Bowden
September/October 2006 Issue (Mother Jones)

The Illegal Immigration Invasion

If you want to understand the extent of the problem, how it's happening, and why it's happening then read the ten page Mother Jones article, AND watch the two hour documentary. The media attempts to paint the minutemen as monsters and racists. Do you know what viva la raza means? We hear that a lot around here. Translated it means the race lives.

Who's racist?

It wasn't poor people of any race or nationality, or particular political party who created this problem.

But the poor will deal with it whether we want to or not.

Toda la gente pobre. (All the poor people.)

Friday, September 01, 2006

Why do we pay for this crap?

OPT: Gaza children suffer as rich world meets to discuss aid

FBI Arrests Head of Israeli Security at Atlanta Consulate
20:59 Aug 31, '06 / 7 Elul 5766

Two Elephants in the Room
Israel and its amen corner

US May Cover Israel's War Costs
By Ryan R. Jones
All Headline News Middle East Correspondent
08/31/06 -- - Jerusalem, Israel (AHN) -

Can You Really Not See?
By Amira Hass
08/30/06 "Haaretz."

Behind the plan to bomb Iran By Ismael Hossein-zadeh
08/31/06 "Asia Times" --

Armed man infiltrates British Embassy compound in Tel Aviv, demands asylum
(AP) - JERUSALEM-An armed man threatening to commit suicide breached security at the British Embassy in Tel Aviv on Thursday and was loose on the grounds inside, Israeli police said.
Police officials identified the man as Nadim Injaz, 28, from Ramallah, a suspected informer for the Israeli security services who was demanding asylum in the United Kingdom.

Because Israel is so good to the people that help them?

..and here on the home front, fightin' fer democracy...

Block the Vote
9.1.06 (tonight's show)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

They got it right, I hope

Holy Crapoli.
I've been rolling my eyes so long at the the abuse of power that is so endemic in the 50th district (where I live) that my eyes about crossed when I saw this over on BradBlog, an article that mentions that the North County Times actually stepped up to the plate and mentioned that "Just a few days after the election, the California secretary of state's office notified the office of Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., that it was OK to seat Bilbray, based on an unofficial count showing Bilbray with a lead of about 5,000 votes over Democrat Francine Busby.
Hastert then swore in Bilbray as the new congressman, despite the fact that the election results had yet to be certified.
During the brief hearing, Judge Hofmann said the matter is one the U.S. House, not the state, must now address."Once the House asserts exclusive jurisdiction and selects a candidate, the court no longer has jurisdiction," Hofmann said."

and I was thrilled to see that Finn quoted Francine Busby as saying:

"It's outrageous that this judge just said the state of California doesn't have jurisdiction over our own elections, over this election," Busby said. "What happened today should be of concern to all voters."

go read the whole article:

Judge throws out 50th District election lawsuit

and this was interesting: Assembly approves universal health care Passage of bill seen as election-year test for Schwarzenegger
Lynda Gledhill, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

spread 'em, dread 'em and I read 'em

(Aug. 28, 2006 -- SPECIAL REPORT FROM EUROPE. Information visas (I-Visa) -- a Bush administration method for controlling the foreign media's coverage of the United States.) hat tip to Danny

and from Information Clearinghouse we get this charming expose of American fruitcakes with something called "Jerusalem Sydrome." (22 minute Aussie video)

and from the Independent we get to read questions from people all over the world answered by Noam Chomsky

Sunday, August 27, 2006

one more on immigration (way rude)

Nashville's New Nativism

Hey, you Democrats out there, let's be real fucking honest for once about the immigration mess. Let's back this goddmned truck up and see just exactly why this is such a problem, OK?

Bush Sr. is now Clinton's buddy. Why? Beause they both committed the same crimes against working American people, and they are of the same class. Same fucking policies that Bush Sr. learned from Nixon who opened up China for semi-legitimate trade. Big fucking labor pool there, Western countries have been drawing on it for centuries. The whole CIA/spooky games that powerful men seem to be so fascinated with and drug running and laundering for the sake of filling up the Wall Street kitty. Drugs have always been used to make money and control people, that's old as the fucking hills, K?

Today we have a half-ass educated, completely uninformed electorate. And even more important for those rich fucks, a long ass trip to the elctorate for the energy sources. Too long. The energy sources that are needed to power the new offices for the world--India, and the new factories for the world--China are much closer to the energy sources needed to power them. If you were a rich fuck, what neighborhood would you invest in? The nice, shiny, new, energy efficient one with cheap labor, and cheap brainiacs, or the old inefficient one with leaky, creaky old buildings (and not enough gas and oil in the neighborhood to power it) and fat, stupid, spoiled workers? Now remember, you're a rich fuck, or you work for a rich fuck and your job is to make your rich fuck boss more money. That's what you do, and all you focus on is the bottom line. It's. Your. Job.

Now, back to why we have so many "illegal" Mexicans here.


{sent those maquiladoras (factories) that were supposed to keep more Mexicans employed right the fuck over to China, cleared land in Mexico and S. America to raise food to feed Norteamericanos, and Europeans (fucking snotbucket Europeans don't like GM soybeans) as the new and improved crop in Los Estados Unidos seems to be suburban McMansions}


union busting

and probably the one that will surprise the most Americans:

peak oil

The bitch has thrown her opinion out there and she really doesn't give a shit whether you like it or not. She really doesn't give a shit whether you think she's wrong or not. She really doesn't give a shit about whether you think or not. She's going to go get drunk now.

Ta fucking Ta.

Thursday, Aug 31, 2006

update for those of you who think Clinton shits gold bars: Clinton Ended Welfare, Not Poverty

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Chad orders oil giants to leave
Saturday 26 August 2006, 21:20 Makka Time, 18:20 GMT

...The president gave the oil production consortium that is led by Exxon Mobil, a deadline of just 24 hours to start making plans to leave...

Friday, August 25, 2006

Disturbing similarities

Deir Yassin (20 minute video)

So, a hundred or so people die in 1948 and this starts the 750,000 person Palestinian exodus?

Anyhoooooo, as I'm watching this video I start to feel uncomfortable.


Because Israel is encouraged to pull the same shit we did:

And for fun, we pop over to One Pissed off Veterans place for what some would say are disgusting, but I think are hilarous, penis pump stories

Transportaion Security Administration, protecting you!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Water, trees, war, destruction, empire, and arrogance







Or why if you're a warmonger and not a tree hugger, you're an idiot.

And just for shits and giggles let's take a trip to the currency converter:

"2006.08.25 01:37:28 UTC.
100.00 USD
United States Dollars = 78.3413 EUR
1 USD = 0.783413 EUR 1 EUR = 1.27647 USD" ( )

nifty, a hundred dollars will buy you 78 euros.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

just one of those days

and yes, my more base, and rude nature is amused at this, so freakin sue me, Ok? Good luck collecting anything.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006



Sure you know what happened here with Busby.... sure you do, you live here, right Chris?

I do. I live here. I know what happened. And it will keep happening. Not because more people want things changed, but because the "right" people don't want things changed.

Dems wanted hand count

Busby forum on black box voting

Oh, and change will happen because the government is soooooooo responsive to what the people want, right?


Some of us knew exactly what was going to happen .
Scientists suspect Israeli arms used in South contain radioactive matter
By Mohammed Zaatari
Daily Star staff
08/21/06 "Daily Star" --

Monday, August 21, 2006

Cheney Gets Flawed Neocon Briefings on Iran
By Larisa Alexandrovna, Raw Story. Posted August 19, 2006.

In what has become an all-too-familiar storyline, Dick Cheney is receiving flawed intelligence briefings from a clique of neocons who are viewed skeptically by veteran analysts.

Submission, part 1

The film's title is a direct translation of the word "Islam". The film suggests the mistreatment of women born to Muslim families. The film was shown on the Dutch public broadcasting network (VPRO) on August 29, 2004. It portrays a Muslim woman as having been beaten and raped by a relative. The bodies are used in the film as a canvas for verses from the Qur'an.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

caption contest

Welcome to Pottersville does it again.

Oooooooh Yeah!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Net Neutrality under Congressional threat...

or big corporate lobbyists payola squeeze democracy AGAIN.

Congress Poised to Unravel the Internet
Published on Saturday, August 19, 2006 by The Nation
by Jeffrey Chester

GOP = Greedy Old Pukes

Friday, August 18, 2006

Bush on a Harley

Looks like I'm not the only one who couldn't resist fun with
this one

(just scroll down to number ten)
Remember the 2006 Republican campaign motto: "We have nothing to sell but fear itself."