
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Exodus: Border-Crossers Forge a New America

News: Coyotes, pollos, and the promised van
By Charles Bowden
September/October 2006 Issue (Mother Jones)

The Illegal Immigration Invasion

If you want to understand the extent of the problem, how it's happening, and why it's happening then read the ten page Mother Jones article, AND watch the two hour documentary. The media attempts to paint the minutemen as monsters and racists. Do you know what viva la raza means? We hear that a lot around here. Translated it means the race lives.

Who's racist?

It wasn't poor people of any race or nationality, or particular political party who created this problem.

But the poor will deal with it whether we want to or not.

Toda la gente pobre. (All the poor people.)

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