
Sunday, August 27, 2006

one more on immigration (way rude)

Nashville's New Nativism

Hey, you Democrats out there, let's be real fucking honest for once about the immigration mess. Let's back this goddmned truck up and see just exactly why this is such a problem, OK?

Bush Sr. is now Clinton's buddy. Why? Beause they both committed the same crimes against working American people, and they are of the same class. Same fucking policies that Bush Sr. learned from Nixon who opened up China for semi-legitimate trade. Big fucking labor pool there, Western countries have been drawing on it for centuries. The whole CIA/spooky games that powerful men seem to be so fascinated with and drug running and laundering for the sake of filling up the Wall Street kitty. Drugs have always been used to make money and control people, that's old as the fucking hills, K?

Today we have a half-ass educated, completely uninformed electorate. And even more important for those rich fucks, a long ass trip to the elctorate for the energy sources. Too long. The energy sources that are needed to power the new offices for the world--India, and the new factories for the world--China are much closer to the energy sources needed to power them. If you were a rich fuck, what neighborhood would you invest in? The nice, shiny, new, energy efficient one with cheap labor, and cheap brainiacs, or the old inefficient one with leaky, creaky old buildings (and not enough gas and oil in the neighborhood to power it) and fat, stupid, spoiled workers? Now remember, you're a rich fuck, or you work for a rich fuck and your job is to make your rich fuck boss more money. That's what you do, and all you focus on is the bottom line. It's. Your. Job.

Now, back to why we have so many "illegal" Mexicans here.


{sent those maquiladoras (factories) that were supposed to keep more Mexicans employed right the fuck over to China, cleared land in Mexico and S. America to raise food to feed Norteamericanos, and Europeans (fucking snotbucket Europeans don't like GM soybeans) as the new and improved crop in Los Estados Unidos seems to be suburban McMansions}


union busting

and probably the one that will surprise the most Americans:

peak oil

The bitch has thrown her opinion out there and she really doesn't give a shit whether you like it or not. She really doesn't give a shit whether you think she's wrong or not. She really doesn't give a shit about whether you think or not. She's going to go get drunk now.

Ta fucking Ta.

Thursday, Aug 31, 2006

update for those of you who think Clinton shits gold bars: Clinton Ended Welfare, Not Poverty

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