
Friday, September 01, 2006

Why do we pay for this crap?

OPT: Gaza children suffer as rich world meets to discuss aid

FBI Arrests Head of Israeli Security at Atlanta Consulate
20:59 Aug 31, '06 / 7 Elul 5766

Two Elephants in the Room
Israel and its amen corner

US May Cover Israel's War Costs
By Ryan R. Jones
All Headline News Middle East Correspondent
08/31/06 -- - Jerusalem, Israel (AHN) -

Can You Really Not See?
By Amira Hass
08/30/06 "Haaretz."

Behind the plan to bomb Iran By Ismael Hossein-zadeh
08/31/06 "Asia Times" --

Armed man infiltrates British Embassy compound in Tel Aviv, demands asylum
(AP) - JERUSALEM-An armed man threatening to commit suicide breached security at the British Embassy in Tel Aviv on Thursday and was loose on the grounds inside, Israeli police said.
Police officials identified the man as Nadim Injaz, 28, from Ramallah, a suspected informer for the Israeli security services who was demanding asylum in the United Kingdom.

Because Israel is so good to the people that help them?

..and here on the home front, fightin' fer democracy...

Block the Vote
9.1.06 (tonight's show)

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to think about this one as I build the Freak Power platform for a Presidential run in 2008. You can find details at Fear and Loathing - The Gonzo Papers.

    Yes, I've lost my old blogspot through some twisted Blogger Archive Hell. It would be much appreciated if you update my link. I hope when you have a chance you'll come by for a look and write a comment or three for me.
