
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

please no deja vu

Boy, this looks good.

Connecticut Democrats oust Lieberman
Last Update: 12:44 AM ET Aug 9, 2006

I just hope when I wake up in the morning, it's not
deja vu .

Cailfornia & oil & gas & Alaska

British Petroleum's 'Smart Pig'The Brilliantly Profitable Timing of the Alaska Oil Pipeline Shutdown
Published on Tuesday, August 8, 2006 by the Guardian/UK
by Greg Palast

Bill to curb greenhouse gases poses dilemma for Schwarzenegger
Associated Press
Posted on Sun, Aug. 06, 2006
SACRAMENTO - Over the past year, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has sought to position himself as a leader on climate change issues.

He outlined a broad program to reduce air pollution during a speech at a United Nations summit a year ago and last week reached a publicity-generating agreement with British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

BP says no need to hurry Alaska gas deal
By Yereth Rosen
...U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney in June wrote to Alaska legislators urging them to approve the pipeline project Murkowski has brokered with BP, ConocoPhillips and Exxon Mobil Corp...

...They say it surrenders basic state powers to protect the public interest and cedes meaningful state control over the project, which is expected to cost more than $20 billion....

AK ANWR + pipeline map

US Press re: Israel, and ban on Arab news in India?

I say the US mainstream press sucks re: Israel:
Noam Chomsky on Israel, Lebanon and Palestine
By Kaveh Afrasiabi of Global Interfaith Peace
08/07/06 "Information Clearing House" -- --

Do you agree with the argument that Israel's military offensive in Lebanon is "legally and morally justified?"
Noam Chomsky: The invasion itself is a serious breach of international law, and major war crimes are being committed as it proceeds. There is no legal justification....

Tomgram: Dahr Jamail, The Damage in Lebanon -- and Beyond
...As of this writing, the Lebanese government had already announced at least 900 deaths, and that number is now certainly well over 1,000. At least 60 Israelis are also dead from Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israel and fierce fighting inside Lebanon...

Arab news ban in India?

Monday, August 07, 2006

Joe Francis is a pig

NEWSCOMA is way too nice to say anything like this, so I will.

Joe Francis is a nasty ass pig who needs to grow the fuck up.

'Baby, Give Me a Kiss'
The man behind the 'Girls Gone Wild' soft-porn empire lets Claire Hoffman into his world, for better or worse
By Claire Hoffman, Times Staff Writer
August 6, 2006

Joe needs to take some ritalin, or something, my God, what a spoiled rotten flaming asshole.

Update Friday September 15, 2006 The Verdict: Joe Francis is Still a Sleazehole

Girls Gone Wild' producers fined $2.1 million
'POSTED: 2015 GMT (0415 HKT), September 12, 2006


I was listening to the Squirrel Nut Zippers just the other day, so I heard the influence right away. I have been a REALLY BIG fan of Rickie Lee Jones since 1978. I became interested in politics around 6 years ago. This song made me feel joy. I haven't felt that from listening to a song in quite a while. Joy and hope. It's really a fun song.

She recorded it especially for the
Blue America community

Have you had enough? mp3 file from Crooks and Liars

DownWithTyranny tells us how he got involved with this


Indigenous Middle Eastern Jews condemn Israeli aggression

Indigenous Middle Eastern Jews condemn Israeli aggression
Thu, 03 Aug 2006 01:42:46 -0700

Palestininan Jews killed at Sabra and Shatila? Never heard that before.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

What is it with this God thing, anyway?

My friend wrote this this the other day. I liked it. He said it's ok to share it with you.

Some living things having gained some time to devote to pursuits other than plain survival have wondered if there is an overarching reason for existence thus they have created Gods. Of that there can be no reasonable doubt. Cleverly though they also have made their Gods necessary and inevitable. We create our Gods in order to create us. Something in the human psyche needs that, the evidence seems to indicate. But enough of this intellectualizing. One wants an experience of God (by which I mean) the un-nameable mystery behind it all. That does not come by thinking. All the words written, all the sacred inspired texts, beautiful though they may be are mere signposts. They are not the road itself. Those who argue "take this road" or "take that road" are stuck looking at maps. They are eating the menu, but not the meal. They are hearing the notes, but not the music.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

US Gen. Abizaid says civil war possible in Iraq

US Gen. Abizaid says civil war possible in Iraq
Thu Aug 3, 2006 10:34am ET

Baghdad Burning (today's post)

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 (archive post)
...The latest corpses were those of some Sunni and Shia clerics- several of them well-known. People are being patient and there is a general consensus that these killings are being done to provoke civil war. Also worrisome is the fact that we are hearing of people being rounded up by security forces (Iraqi) and then being found dead days later- apparently when the new Iraqi government recently decided to reinstate the death penalty, they had something else in mind...

General Abizaid obviously doesn't read Riverbend's posts.

Hate the news? Here's why.

Bombing is backed by most American voters
From Tom Baldwin in Washington 08/04/06 "The Times"

-- -- ISRAEL’s military campaign in southern Lebanon is still being backed by most American voters, according to a survey published yesterday that shows public opinion in the US once again sharply at odds with views in Europe. The Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll found that 59 per cent believed that Israel’s actions were “justified”, although a quarter of this group stated that the military had behaved in an “excessively harsh” fashion.

After watching Orville Shell online last night, I understand, but I'm still saddened. Try to tell people from other countries why Americans are so ignorant of current events in the Middle East and they won't believe you unless they have lived in the US sometime within the last ten years. Try to tell an American nursed on Faux newz, or Entertainment Tonight, or any of the major network newz soundbites that they are ignorant (meaning uninformed) and they will tell you "I don't want to know," "It's too depressing, " or "I don't care, " or most commonly, "I don't have time for that." Ask them why they don't seek out news sources on the internet and they will say "I work on a computer all day, I don't want to touch a computer when I'm not stuck working at one." These are answers I have received when I have asked people why they don't know what I know. These are all understandable reasons to me. If you just don't want to deal with the news, the following interview might help you figure out why it's such a turn off, you're NOT crazy, Ok?

The Brancaccio/Schell interview is worth 24 minutes of your time, come on, it's Saturday, g'head, g'head'----

Orville Schell on a Responsible Press

Friday, August 04, 2006

Hiya, you looking for a link to this article?

Military Waste In Our Drinking Water
By Sunaura Taylor and Astra Taylor, AlterNet. Posted August 4, 2006.

Happy to oblige.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006 landed here, wtf?

Can anyone tell me why someone from in Houston Texas would perform a search using these words:

australia seismic whale dead interview

and then wade through 15 effing pages of Google results to hit on this particular entry?

On this silly little blog?

LEAD: More than 140 whales die after beachings in Australia, NZ
Asian Economic News Dec 13, 2004
SYDNEY, Nov. 30 Kyodo
...More than 140 whales have died in three separate mass strandings in Australia and New Zealand since Sunday, according to government officials and media reports Tuesday....Sen. Bob Brown of the Australian Greens party said in a statement released Tuesday that seismic tests carried out in oceans to search for gas and oil should be stopped until the whale migration season ends.

''The whale strandings of recent days come exactly a year after a similar stranding on Tasmania's west coast,'' Brown said. ''In both cases, seismic testing occurred in the preceding days.''

Seismic testing is sound bombing of the ocean bed to search for oil and gas. There is growing evidence that such activities may impact whales and dolphins but research data are inconclusive.

''However, the precautionary principle should apply, and the tests, until shown to be safe, should stop -- at least in whale migration seasons,'' Brown said...

or maybe halliburton was looking for this or this?

Greg has some info on the oil barons..

Greg Palast Aug 03, 2006

Um, Greg? They hate sunlight.

In PA, Big-Time GOP Donors Show True Colors: Green
By Justin Rood - August 2, 2006, 5:51 PM
A Halliburton lobbyist giving money to the Green Party?

Santorum, the Green Party, and some very strange bedfellows

...James Holman (misidentified in FEC records as "Howmen"); California publisher, $5,000:Holman publishes a string of pro-life, Catholic newspapers across California (and, highly incongruously, an alternative paper, the San Diego Reader. According to this article, he pumped a whopping $1.1 million last year into Proposition 73, a parental notification measure that Holman called in ads "the first 'pro-life measure to be voted on in the state of California.'" ...

Oh yeah, good times here in the 50th. oily congresswhore Bilbray votes

He and other local congresswhores along for the slip n slide ride:

North County Reps vote to lift offshore drilling ban

Anybody who thinks San Diego doesn't have any serious problems is a moron, a tourist, or they've spent way too much time with their heads up their asses.

Let's fix the voting problem

Mel Gibson

I don't give a shit. Shut the fuck up about something someone said when they were drunk. I'm fucking sick of hearing about it. Besides, Mel's not the only person on the planet who might be pissed off at the Jews who run Israel right now, and are bombing the crap out of Lebanon. My guess is that they're bombing areas of Lebanon that are loaded with Palestinians who fled their own land when the Jews took control of it. Jews were horribly vicitimized during the second world war. The Israeli government has become the victimizer of Palestinians. You want to call me an anti-semite for saying that, FINE. Just use the word with all of it's meanings. I pretty much hate that fact that the Arabs (semites) and the Jews (semites) have been trying to kill each other for thousands of years. Nobody wins a war of ideology with weaponry. And I hate the fact that my country is selling weapons all over the world. So call me unpatriotic while you're at it. I don't give a shit.

Note: This is not an invitation for Christo-fascists to think I'm on your side, fuck you too. Religious texts were written by men, making NONE of them perfect.

By Dahr Jamail
There was Khuder Gazali, an ambulance driver, whose left arm wasblown off by a rocket fired by an American-made Apache war helicopter while he was rescuing civilians whose home had been bombed. The ambulance then sent to rescue the rescuer was bombed, everyone in it killed. Miraculously, the third ambulance was able to retrieve him, only because the Apache had left.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

More oil crud

Thanks cookie jill for the jump start on this one

The crude facts about oil
Global market not only cause for rising gas prices
Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Even the insane bible thumping Pat Robertson couldn't get in on this action

It's just too lucrative.

Welcome to Pottersville: Enough is Enough

Welcome to Pottersville: Enough is Enough

Jurassicpork strikes again!!!!

As the world burns

Tomgram: Frida Berrigan on the Weapons Trade as Entertainment

Monday, July 31, 2006

Sunday, July 30, 2006

9/11 American Scholars Symposium Panel Discussion

The information highlight of the symposium was undoubtedly the Sunday morning panel discussion. The panel was a who’s who of the most credentialed 9/11 skeptics ever impaneled. It was moderated by Alex Jones who set the stage and pushed the envelope from his first statement; this seemed to energize the crowd as well as the panel members. The fact that C-Span had agreed to film this event had the panel chomping at the bit to hit bullet point after bullet point.

voting in Democratic Republic of Congo

War-battered Congo conducts historic vote

umm, yeah that would be the Democratic Republic of Congo, ironically titled because these "are the first free elections since winning independence 46 years ago" ...

Congo polls open in landmark vote
Sunday 30 July 2006, 7:25 Makka Time, 4:25 GMT

Wonder who will win? My guess is whoever the mining companies can bribe.

Why mining companies?

Coltan is a key element in cell phones, computer chips, nuclear reactors, and PlayStations. The market for the mineral has greatly increased in recent years, exacerbating conflict in Congo.

In terms of its untapped mineral wealth, the DRC is one of the richest countries in the world. Its soil is reputed to contain every mineral listed on the periodic table and these minerals are found in concentrations high enough to make metal analysts weep.

...The big names have also been present in the gold sector for decades. AngloGold and Barrick Gold Corporation of Canada have traditionally operated through complex webs of joint ventures with local ...

So, what is Barrick? According to Palast- the initial stake came from none other than Adnan Khashoggi- the Saudi arms dealer who arranged the Iran-Contra arms for hostage deal. Bush Sr.

Corporate Profiteering: From Congo to Iraq
Tuesday, May 27th, 2003

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Minimum wage hike ok'd by pickled fucker's Walton Massas

Republicans saw combining the wage and tax issues as their best chance for getting a permanent cut to the estate tax, which produced powerful lobbying by farmers and small-business owners and superwealthy families such as the Walton family, heirs of the Wal-Mart fortune.

"This is the best shot we've got; we're going to take it," said Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio.

Hey, he's trained, maybe he can try the monkey chow diet

No, wait, isn't he on a liquid diet?

What bullcrap

How Hating Jews Transformed Into Hating Americans

Do left-wing groups hate Americans as an acceptable alternative to anti-Semitism? According to this op-ed article from Paraguay's Ultima Hora, this philosophy, which got its start as the scapegoating of Jews for all of the world's ills, has become the motivating ideal of Islamist and anti-democratic forces alike.
By Hugo RubinTranslated by Emma Peitx ClúaJuly 21, 2006Paraguay - Ultima Hora - Home Page (Spanish)

Why do I wonder if the fucking CIA or fucking Mossad wrote this article?

Alternet DrugReport

(If you're looking for the DRUDGE REPORT you're in the wrong place, buh bye, tah tah, C-ya)

I liked this book, "Breaking Rank" by Norm Stamper. I especially liked the chapter on de-militarizing the police.

Click on "Alternet Drug Report" to read an article that Mr. Stamper wrote for Alternet. I found the comments on the article very interesting.



Then go laugh at the description of this outfit . It's spot on and it made me laugh out loud, although I have no idea who's in it. Usually I don't care which celebrity is out and wearing what kind of fashion nightmare, or even what the "press" reports are their latest shenanigans. I might pay attention to Brangelina because of their work in Africa, but he rest of 'em? Eh, pfffftt, who cares?

Friday, July 28, 2006

Bankers Fear World Economic Meltdown
On June 15 we published Gabriel Kolko’s essay on the enormous instability of the world’d financial system. In the ensuing weeks Professor Kolko has enlarged his analysis, and here we offer our readers his updated version. AC / JSC
There has been a profound and fundamental change in the world economy over the past decade. The very triumph of financial liberalization and deregulation, one of the keystones of the “Washington consensus” that the U.S. government, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and World Bank have persistently and successfully attempted over the past decades to implement, have also produced a deepening crisis that its advocates scarcely expected.

Exxon Mobil makes more than $10 billion
No. 1 U.S. oil company earns $1,318 a second - topping forecasts - but comes in just shy of a record.
By Steve Hargreaves, staff writer
July 27 2006: 4:27 PM EDT

Robber baron (industrialist))
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historical Estimates of World Population
(Population in millions. When lower and upper estimates are the same they are shown under "Lower.")

World population

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Diebold Profit Falls By 46%

Diebold profits are down?


This is pathetic

This was in my mailbox:

Thank you to everyone who contacted their senator asking that they vote in favor of the Lautenberg-Menendez Teen Pregnancy Prevention amendment to S. 403. Sadly, yesterday the U.S. Senate rejected this important amendment by a vote of 48 to 51. As you recall, the amendment would have funded programs to prevent teen pregnancy and help parents talk to their kids about tough topics like sex. Yesterday's vote shows that Majority Leader Bill Frist and others are not interested in realistic approaches to preventing teen pregnancy or protecting young women in difficult circumstances. That is the only reason they could to reject more funding for teen-pregnancy prevention programs.
Please take a few moments to call or write your senators and thank them if they voted YES or express your disappointment if they voted NO. To see how you member voted click on this post's title.

It's all the same old usual suspects, the ones I want to thump over the head with their own damn bibles to knock some sense into them.

Do they pay attention to the abortion rates of their constituents? Do they have any clue that this will just make the death toll go up?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Rapture whackos allowed a voice in the MSM

And....they call liberals crazy? Unhinged? Moonbats?

Do not adjust your screen. Do not get your eyes checked. Do not attempt to have a rational discussion with these people, either, you'll be wasting your breath and your energy.

Peace out.

Note: A Rapture Whacko can be identified by frequent use of the word Armageddon, and a strange, frantic, desperate, but disconnected look in their eyes.

Greg says nope, it's about oil profits, again.

Blood in Beirut: $75.05 a BarrelPublished by Greg Palast July 26th, 2006 in Articles
The failure to stop the bloodletting in the Middle East, Exxon’s record second-quarter profits and Iran’s nuclear cat-and-mouse game have something in common — it’s the oil.
By Greg Palast The Guardian
I can’t tell you how it started — this is a war that’s been fought since the Levites clashed with the Philistines — but I can tell you why the current mayhem has not been stopped. It’s the oil.
I’m not an expert on Palestine nor Lebanon and I’d rather not pretend to be one. If you want to know what’s going on, read Robert Fisk. He lives there. He speaks Arabic. Stay away from pundits whose only connection to the Middle East is the local falafel stand.
So why am I writing now? The answer is that, while I don’t speak Arabic or Hebrew, I am completely fluent in the language of petroleum....

Related Posts
Why Palast Is Wrong - And Why the oil companies don’t want you to know it

3 stories caught my eye today

more on Net Neutrality from MyDD

I had to laugh as I read this because I recently got a call to switch my long distance carrier. I told them to call back when they could help me save some money on local calls, which amounts to 80% of the bill, not the other 20%.

American Masters (PBS tonight) Walter Cronkite

I'm looking forward to watching this.

Uncensored news reports from the Middle East
Mosaic Link TV

Is it me, or does it seem like "murdered" and "martyred" translate into English as the same word?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Depleted uranium in Lebanon and neocon plans from 1996

Did you know that "The delivery of at least 100 GBU 28 bunker busters bombs containing depleted uranium warheads by the United States to Israel for use against targets in Lebanon will result in additional radioactive and chemical toxic contamination with consequent adverse health and environmental effects throughout the middle east."?

Did you know, from

informazione dall'iraq occupato information from occupied iraq
أخبار من العراق المحتل

And they planned this crap?

1996. Neocons deliver report to Israel: Remove Saddam

The "Clean Break" report, from IASPS

AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH! wtf is WRONG with these creeps? No, nevermind, wtf is human about them, wtf is right about them?