
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Rapture whackos allowed a voice in the MSM

And....they call liberals crazy? Unhinged? Moonbats?

Do not adjust your screen. Do not get your eyes checked. Do not attempt to have a rational discussion with these people, either, you'll be wasting your breath and your energy.

Peace out.

Note: A Rapture Whacko can be identified by frequent use of the word Armageddon, and a strange, frantic, desperate, but disconnected look in their eyes.

Greg says nope, it's about oil profits, again.

Blood in Beirut: $75.05 a BarrelPublished by Greg Palast July 26th, 2006 in Articles
The failure to stop the bloodletting in the Middle East, Exxon’s record second-quarter profits and Iran’s nuclear cat-and-mouse game have something in common — it’s the oil.
By Greg Palast The Guardian
I can’t tell you how it started — this is a war that’s been fought since the Levites clashed with the Philistines — but I can tell you why the current mayhem has not been stopped. It’s the oil.
I’m not an expert on Palestine nor Lebanon and I’d rather not pretend to be one. If you want to know what’s going on, read Robert Fisk. He lives there. He speaks Arabic. Stay away from pundits whose only connection to the Middle East is the local falafel stand.
So why am I writing now? The answer is that, while I don’t speak Arabic or Hebrew, I am completely fluent in the language of petroleum....

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