
Sunday, August 06, 2006

What is it with this God thing, anyway?

My friend wrote this this the other day. I liked it. He said it's ok to share it with you.

Some living things having gained some time to devote to pursuits other than plain survival have wondered if there is an overarching reason for existence thus they have created Gods. Of that there can be no reasonable doubt. Cleverly though they also have made their Gods necessary and inevitable. We create our Gods in order to create us. Something in the human psyche needs that, the evidence seems to indicate. But enough of this intellectualizing. One wants an experience of God (by which I mean) the un-nameable mystery behind it all. That does not come by thinking. All the words written, all the sacred inspired texts, beautiful though they may be are mere signposts. They are not the road itself. Those who argue "take this road" or "take that road" are stuck looking at maps. They are eating the menu, but not the meal. They are hearing the notes, but not the music.

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