
Thursday, July 27, 2006

This is pathetic

This was in my mailbox:

Thank you to everyone who contacted their senator asking that they vote in favor of the Lautenberg-Menendez Teen Pregnancy Prevention amendment to S. 403. Sadly, yesterday the U.S. Senate rejected this important amendment by a vote of 48 to 51. As you recall, the amendment would have funded programs to prevent teen pregnancy and help parents talk to their kids about tough topics like sex. Yesterday's vote shows that Majority Leader Bill Frist and others are not interested in realistic approaches to preventing teen pregnancy or protecting young women in difficult circumstances. That is the only reason they could to reject more funding for teen-pregnancy prevention programs.
Please take a few moments to call or write your senators and thank them if they voted YES or express your disappointment if they voted NO. To see how you member voted click on this post's title.

It's all the same old usual suspects, the ones I want to thump over the head with their own damn bibles to knock some sense into them.

Do they pay attention to the abortion rates of their constituents? Do they have any clue that this will just make the death toll go up?

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