
Thursday, July 13, 2006


BLOGGED BY Brad ON 7/13/2006 5:37AM

audio on qui tam (fraud) suit filed:

And finally the UT carries an AP report on the voting machines, not that it matters, it's old news and pablum

Fucking pompous, arrogant assholes from hell. How much more of this crap do the elite think we can take and still guarantee their safety? And do they think that police brutality will work forever?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

oil slicks

Cheney's Oily Interests
BLOG Posted 05/16/2006 @ 11:43am
Katrina vanden Heuvel

Cheney Starts New Cold War Over Oil
By Mark Ames, The eXile. Posted June 1, 2006.

Putin Blames U.S. for Russian Diplomats’ Murder in Iraq

Created: 12.07.2006 14:08 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 14:08 MSK, 6 hours 5 minutes ago

Enron fraud suspect found dead
12/07/2006 16:22 - (SA)

Terror in Mumbai: IT could be next target
Rakesh Goyal
July 12, 2006
...The bombs strategically targetted the local trains: the transport lifeline of Mumbai. All the blasts were in the first class compartments which carry middle and senior management of corporations, banks and government, apart from owner-managers from various markets. Thus, the target-segment was chosen carefully to break the middle layer of the industrial hierarchy and create terror. Until now, this class was never targeted...

update: Yeesh, I didn't even think of the possible nuclear implications

Paper no. 1176
06. 12. 2004
by B.Raman
...15. The LTTE had been examining for many years the possibility of an explosive-laden suicide bomber piloting a microlite aircraft crashing on a land or sea-based target. A Sikh terrorist arrested by the Indian authorities in the early 1990s had stated during his interrogation that during his training in Pakistan, the ISI had asked him to join the Mumbai (Bombay) Flying Club, go on a solo flight and crash his trainer plane on to the Mumbai off-shore oil platform...

Dollar gains on US trade; oil, gold rally
Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:03 PM GMT
By Steven C. Johnson
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The dollar on Wednesday was on track for its biggest one-day gain against the yen in 18 months, boosted by a smaller-than-expected U.S. trade deficit in May and growing uncertainty about Japanese monetary policy
Gold, meanwhile, hit a six-week high, supported by higher oil prices, while technology shares dragged U.S. stock markets lower after European antitrust regulators fined Microsoft Corp..
U.S. Treasury debt prices also slipped as investors unwound safe-haven plays established after Tuesday's deadly train explosions in Mumbai, India's financial hub....

North County Reps vote to lift offshore drilling ban
Last modified Wednesday, July 12, 2006 12:27 AM PDT
NORTH COUNTY ---- Local Republican congressmen, including newly elected U.S. Rep. Brian Bilbray, have voted for a bill that would allow companies to drill for oil and gas off the coast of California and other coastal states.

Awww crap, what does Bilbray, the (environmentalist *cough* surfer *cough*) care?
His kids prefer indoor activities in Virginia.

Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Announces Signing of Purchase and Sale Agreement for Majority Interest in Beta Oil Field Unit
JULY 10, 2006 - 08:30 ET
LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA--(CCNMatthews - July 10, 2006) - Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. (TSX:PFE)(the "Corporation") wishes to announce that further to its news release of February 24, 2006, it has signed a definitive Purchase & Sale Agreement with Aera Energy LLC regarding the sale of its 71% interest in the Beta Unit, offshore California. Before the acquisition is completed, the Corporation is required to satisfy a number of financial and regulatory requirements, further particulars of which have been filed today on SEDAR as an additional News Release at Sewell & Associates (NSA) estimated Proved Reserves of 19.78 Million barrels of 14 degree API oil and 3.23 Bcf of gas as of May 1, 2006 for the Unit. It also estimated 11.61 Million barrels of Probable oil reserves, 1.93 Bcf of Probable gas reserves, 31.26 Million barrels of Possible oil reserves and 4.84 Bcf of Possible gas reserves. These estimates are based on forecasted price scenario and have PV10% values of US$ 193.90 Million, US$ 89.29 Million and US$121.14 Million for Proved, Probable and Possible reserve categories respectively.The Beta Oil Field is located in San Pedro Area, in Federal waters nine miles offshore Long Beach, California. The leases in question are POCS 300, 301 and 306. A complex of two production platforms (Eureka and Ellen) and a facilities Platform (Elly) handle production from these leases. Platform Edith, also in the Beta Oil Field in lease POCS 296 is neither owned nor operated by Aera and is not included in this acquisition.The Beta Field was discovered in 1976 by Shell Oil Company...

Umm. that's like ONE day's worth of oil for the US.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Peak Oil

An Open Letter to Greg Palast on Peak Oil
Sun, 09 Jul 2006 20:09:01 -0700

Oil Country

I think Peak Oil is real, but who am I?
Just someone who loves to read non-fiction.
I rarely read fiction anymore.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

spin the mexico vote

Who's winning, & who's spinning?

Guess it depends on what your Google search terms are, eh?

mexico vote fraud

mexico vote

I'm finding this vastly amusing at this point.

elections stolen by the elite...again

Resident calls for recount in 50th District runoff
Last modified Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:04 PM PDT
SAN DIEGO ---- A registered voter living in the 50th Congressional District filed a formal request with the county registrar of voters office late Wednesday asking for a hand recount of all the ballots in the June 6 special election runoff...

...On June 29, Haas certified the election results, kicking off a five-day period in which requests could be filed for a recount of the votes. However, due to the holiday, the deadline ended Wednesday.Registrar of voters spokesman Mike Workman said that county counsel is now reviewing Jacobson's request for a recount, as will registrar Haas upon his return to the office. Once that review has been completed, Haas will discuss with Jacobson the projected costs of conducting the recount ----- a process which can cost the requesting party as much as $2,000 to $3,000 a day, Workman said. He added that depending on how detailed Jacobson wants the recount to be, it could take several days to complete....

The comments section for this article is a good example of some of the opinions in the county. I'm pretty sick of the Repugnanthuglican bullies, I 'd like two minutes alone with some of these morons.

So what's up with the recount? How much will it cost?

Greg Palast is investigating the selection of the new Mexican president via ChoicePoint, the company that helped prevent probable democrats from voting in Florida in 2000.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Friday, July 07, 2006

No media whores here today

Ken Lay'd to rest

Señor "Blank-o" wins in Mexico

Tonight's TV

Still in Harm's Way & Man of Peace?

I know better than to read stories like the following one, I usually end up in tears. The boy who died in Iraq isn't a whole lot older than my kid.

I knew this was going to happen, you see, where I grew up the human flotsam and jetsam from previous foreign wars is inescapable, and heartbreaking. What are these men (boys, really) dying for? Why are the ones who don't die, but end up broken, fighting? So Dick Cheney can make obscene amounts of money?

A dead soldier and who cares

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Mexican election steaks

Border for Sale
Privatizing Immigration Control
by Joseph Richey, Special to CorpWatch
July 5th, 2006

Grand Theft Mexico
July 3, 2006

Mexico Presidential Election Ballots Found in Dump
Published: Thursday July 6, 2006

Conservative Has Insurmountable Lead In Mexican Presidential Race
Massive Recount Underway in Mexican Election
(July 6, 2006)--Ruling party candidate Felipe Calderon now has an insurmountable lead in Mexico's presidential vote count, but his leftist rival is vowing to challenge the results in court...

Past Incidents of Mexico Election Fraud
By The Associated Press
July 05, 2006

Calderon wins disputed Mexico vote
Thursday, July 6, 2006; Posted: 7:03 p.m. EDT (23:03 GMT)
Leftist candidate says he'll challenge vote in court

Lay Cheats Justice

For Lay's estate, and his widow Linda, the positive implication of this grim day is that the government now has no means to collect on its forfeiture claim against Lay for $43.5 million...

...That makes it more likely that Linda Lay will be able to hold onto remaining assets, like the Lays' $3 million Houston condo. Having sold several properties in Aspen to pay legal bills, the Lays were reportedly renting a place there when Ken Lay died.
Larry Ribstein, a law professor at the University of Illinois College of Law, thinks Lay's death might provoke a reevaluation of government strategy in pursuing white-collar criminals. "A natural sympathetic reaction will cancel some of the anger that was driving all this," he says.
That could end up being good for Lay's co-defendant Jeffrey Skilling...


And hmmm, what's Cheney doing?
"U.S. Plants Seeds of Disaster in Kazakhstan"

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Israel dosen't want peace

Israel’s Gaza assault: the real motives
Guy Grossman
3 - 7 - 2006
Israel's destruction of Palestinian infrastructure in Gaza has more to do with its strategic objectives than with concern for one kidnapped soldier, says Guy Grossman.

Israel is like a thirteen year old boy who is spoiled beyond belief. I'm sick of the boy's shit, he needs his fucking allowance cut off for a year.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Monday, July 03, 2006

the fourth

America From Freedom to Fascism Commentary

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The Problem with Presidential Signing Statements: Their Use and Misuse by the Bush Administration

pertectin' yer freedom, now go git drunk 'n watch the damn fireworks

Spy Agency Sought U.S. Call Records Before 9/11, Lawyers Say
June 30 (Bloomberg) --
The U.S. National Security Agency asked AT&T Inc. to help it set up a domestic call monitoring site seven months before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, lawyers claimed June 23 in court papers filed in New York federal court.

next two, hat tip: One Pissed Off Veteran

State's security office tracked protests
Attorney general criticizes monitoring as unconstitutional
Peter Nicholas, Los Angeles Times
Saturday, July 1, 2006

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's office in charge of protecting California against terrorism has tracked demonstrations staged by political and anti-war groups, a practice that senior law enforcement officials say is an abuse of civil liberties...

Has This Country Gone Completely Insane?
By Mike Ferner
-- Yesterday afternoon, drinking a cup of coffee while sitting in the Jesse Brown V.A. Medical Center on Chicago's south side, a Veterans Administration cop walked up to me and said, "OK, you've had your 15 minutes, it's time to go.""Huh?", I asked intelligently, not quite sure what he was talking about. "You can't be in here protesting," Officer Adkins said, pointing to my Veterans For Peace shirt."Well, I'm not protesting, I'm having a cup of coffee," ...

Matt Pascarella in Mexico City
Greg Palast in London
Monday, 3 July for The Guardian
Dispatch from Mexico City

Gore v. Bush.
Kerry v Bush.
Lopez Obrador v Calderon.

As in Florida in 2000, as in Ohio in 2004, the exit polls show the voters voted for the progressive candidate, but the race is “officially” too close to call.

But they will call it — after they steal it...

True Lies
2:46 min poetry reading video

thanks to ICH and GNN

A July 4th Declaration in Defense of the Constitution

The Nation
BLOG Posted 07/03/2006 @ 7:43pm

...Given a clear choice, Americans will choose defenders of the Constitution over those who would destroy it. But the choice must be put clearly before them...

Ummm, gosh, what's missing from this atrticle/blog post?
They forgot to add

"And the right to vote, and the right to have that vote counted."

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Right wing pundits lose readers

Right-wing pundits in Internet ratings freefall
Published: Friday June 30, 2006

That's a relief. Just because someone has enough money behind them to buy air time doesn't mean that they're not full of shit. It looks like the online community is figuring that out. Frankly, I never understood the morbid fascination on the left with refuting the pina ho anyway, till a commenter on
Sadly, No! pointed out what I, as a woman, had suspected all along:

NYT's spotty history

When Republicans Hurt our freedoms the Terrorists Win
RJ Eskow on Huff Po
...The latest wave of liberal outrage is directed at conservative Melanie Morgan's call to send the New York Times editor to the gas chamber. (Call it "Deadline Man Walking.") Some additional progressive heat is directed at Fox anchor E.D. Hill for suggesting a Government Bureau of Censorship...

A declaration of war
Fri, Jun 30, 2006 8:20pm EST
"Media Matters"; by Paul Waldman
This week, the conservatives declared war.

Not on The New York Times. Not even on the media in general. No, this week the entire conservative movement -- from the White House to Republicans in Congress to Fox News to right-wing talk radio to conservative magazines -- declared war on the very idea of an independent press....

Ummmm...Dudes? The media (including the New York Times) has a long history of carrying water for those in power. I'd really like to think that us uppity bloggers are changing that, I really would, but here's some relatively recent history (as far as human civilization goes, it's recent).

Project Censored's media ownership 2005 (pdf file)

I've read this book, check it out

It's about William_L._Laurence of the New York Times

And it's the first time I ever saw this quote written, although I had heard of the quote before.

Regarding the 1939 letter to Roosevelt, his biographer, Ronald Clark, has noted:
"As far as his own life was concerned, one thing seemed quite clear. 'I made one great mistake in my life,' he said to Linus Pauling, who spent an hour with him on the morning of November 11, 1954, '...when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made; but there was some justification - the danger that the Germans would make them.'".
Ronald Clark, Einstein: The Life and Times, pg. 620.
Hiroshima quotes

The nightmares caused by the ruling elite and the year 2000 crowning of King George the Poopypants

I generally don't care for rap, except for Rage Aganist the Machine, but I love these music videos. My kid showed me these.

The Fourth Branch

Cause of Death

Mama is proud.

We could learn a lot from the youth in this country.

I wish people would quit treating them like they're stupid, or incompetent, and completely irresponsible because they are not legal adults yet. You think people magically turn into responsible adults on their eighteenth birthdays?

Now if you'll excuse me I want to finish this book today. So far, I think the title of the book is appropriate. The one descriptive phrase for the Supreme Court that jumped out at me was (that they were) "pompous asses." After spending the better part of two days trying to find out somthing about John Diebold, (who apparently has nothing to do with the voting machines, but sure looks like he was a member of the ruling elite to me) the arrogance of the members of the Supreme Court is ...ummm...not surprising.

All that hoohah about the decision that the court made on Thursday re: Gitmo? I'll take a wait and see attitude. The ruling elite are, after all, the ruling elite.

Bwwaaaaa haaaaa hhaaaaaaa ha ha ah ha, karma for you, you shortsighted bitch. Did you really think the Bushies would take care of you after they were done with you?

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Good job, captains of industry

Heeeey, looks good....

Gray whale births rebounding on Pacific Coast
Thursday, June 29, 2006 Posted: 1456 GMT (2256 HKT)

Will it last?

A mystery of mass death
By Andrew Darby
December 1, 2004

Mystery my ass, pay attention, I predict more beachings

Navy allowed to use sonar in war games
HI Star Bulletin
Posted on: Friday, June 30, 2006 10:50 AM HST

Yeesh, between the gas and oil companies , the companies and people that pollute, the Navies that protect them and the ignorance of global warming, the whales and dolphins are fucked. The noise isn't just "pollution" to them it is survival, or death. They beach themselves, and sometimes the tympanic bones recovered from their corpses are broken. If they are deafened that means that they have no way to navigate.

In fact the oceans are fucked, but don't try to tell the captains of industry that, their useless offspring don't have enough in their trust funds yet. And the captains have help.

Just more of the same

And via Danny, some digging on what I suspected

Ok that was a bummer, now go laugh at Rush via Robin Williams on Leno Crooks & Liars

thanks C&L, I needed to laugh.

Friday, June 30, 2006

John Diebold

I would like this page to be removed imediatly. John T. Diebold (whom this page is about) has no connection at all to the Diebold voting machienes. Our name has been slandered in relation to thes fuckers and we have no connection. They triend to prove a connection back in the 80's but my dad disproved them. He died last December and these sort of pages connecting him to the Diebold Voting machines just hurt our family.John Diebold 11.17.06 - 8:12 pm #

So, before you read any further and make connections to a company which bears the name Diebold and makes voting machines, remember that according to the commenter (on this silly little 20 hit a day blog) "John Diebold," John T. Diebold had nothing to do with this democracy stealing piece of crap company

Ok, that said, this John T. Diebold guy was fascinating. Very busy, and fascinating.

John Diebold
Also known as: John Theurer Diebold,
John Diebold

Birth: June 8, 1926 in Weehawken, New Jersey, United States
Death: December 26, 2005 in Bedford Hills, New York, United States

Nationality: American

Occupation: Writer

PERSONAL INFORMATION: Born June 8, 1926, in Weehawken, NJ; died of esophageal cancer, December 26, 2005, in Bedford Hills, NY; son of William and Rose(Theurer) married Doris Hackett, November 22, 1951; children: Joan. Brother William

Education: U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, B.S., 1946; Swarthmore College, BA (with high honors), 1949; Harvard University, MBA (with distinction),1951. Military/Wartime Service: Served in U.S. Naval Reserve during World War II.

Memberships: International Cybernetics Association (member of board of directors, 1965--), Society for the History of Technology (member of executive council), Council on Foreign Relations, Young Presidents Organization, Center for Inter-American Relations Institute of Directors (London), International Chamber of Commerce, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Author's Guild, Harvard Business School Club, Economic Club, Union League, Harvard Club (New York City), Metropolitan Club (Washington, DC), Chicago Club, Bohemian Club(San Francisco), Reform Club, Burkes Club (London).

Addresses: Home: 1East End Ave., New York, NY 10021.

Office: 430 Park Ave., New York, NY10022.

AWARDS LL.D., Rollins College, 1965; Sc. D., Clarkson College, 1965; ng. , Newark College of Engineering, 1970, fellow of Pierpont Morgan Library,1971; D.Comml.Sc., Manhattan College, 1973; decorated grand officer,Order of Istiqlal (Jordan); grand cross, Eloy Alfaro Foundation (Panama); grandcross, Order of St. Martin (Vienna); commendatore, Order of Merit (Italy); Order of Merit (Germany).

CAREER Griffenhagen & Associates (later Griffenhagen-Kroeger, Inc.; management consultants), New York, NY, and Chicago, IL, associate, 1951-57, owner 1957--;Diebold Group, Inc. (management consultants), New York, founder, president, and chairman of the board, 1954--; founder of Diebold Europe S.A. and of Management Science Training Institute, 1958; founder and chairman of the board of John Diebold, Inc., 1967--; chairman of the boards of Diebold Venture Capital Corp., 1968, "Managing Miracles: The Challenge of Communications to American Management." Diebold Research Program, San Diego, Calif., January 30, 1968 (FCC 11861). [T] of D.C.L., Inc. (holding company of Diebold Computer Leasing, Inc.), 1967--,. of Gemini Computer Systems, Inc., 1968--, and of Intermodal Transportation Systems Inc. 1969
Intermodal Transportation Systems, Inc., 1969--. Member of board of Genesco. span> Member of national advisory council of the Peace Corps, 1965--;member of U.S. advisory committee for European Institute of National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, 1969--; member of International institute for Strategic Studies, 1971--, public member, Hudson Institute; member, often in an advisory capacity, of numerous other committees and councils in business, education, and government. The conference was conceived and initiated as a biennial meeting by John Diebold, a venture capitalist who also served as Vice Chairman of the American Council on Germany, 1970--, Business Council for International Understanding, 1970--, and Academy for Educational Development. Member of boards of trustees of Freedom House, 1969a--, Freedom House, 1969b--, Committee for Economic Development, 1970--, Council of Americans, 1971--, and National Planning Association, 1971--. Diebold Institute for Public Policy Studies

Automation: The advent of the Automatic Factory, Van Nostrand, 1952.

* Beyond Automation: Managerial Problems of an Exploding Technology, McGraw, 1964. * Man and the Computer: Technology as an Agent of Social Change, Praeger,1969. * Business Decisions and Technological Change, Praeger, 1970. * (Editor) World of the Computer, Random House, 1973. Contributor of articles to magazines and journals.

FURTHER READINGS ABOUT THE AUTHOR: PERIODICALS * Wilbur Cross, John Diebold: Breaking the Confines of the Possible, Heinemann, 1966; Carl Heyel, John Diebold on Management, Prentice-Hall,1972.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


A Single Person Could Swing an Election
Electronic Systems' Weaknesses May Be Countered With Audits, Report Suggests

By Zachary A. Goldfarb
Special to The Washington Post
Wednesday, June 28, 2006; Page A07


Seeing isn't believing
Tuesday June 27, 2006
The Guardian
A year on from 7/7, wild rumours are circulating about who planted the bombs and why. Some people even claim this picture of the four bombers was faked. Mark Honigsbaum, who accidentally triggered at least one of the conspiracy theories, investigates.

Gee, ya think?

I'll trust these guys when monkeys fly out of my ass. . Friggin brownshirts

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

4 hops

Today I went hopping around blogtopia (yes, skippy coined that phrase!) in search of Bush Administration misdeeds that have had negative consequences for many people in the US. Didn't take long. Here are four of my hops.
The Carpetbagger report making a 'statement'

More on Bush's signing statements from Nieman Watchdog

Statement on Signing Legislation To Repeal Federal Ergonomics Regulations
March 20, 2001

Google search organizes your results now?

The 4th one startled me and then it gave me the creeps. Not that step number four had anything to do with the Bush Administration....I think, anyway. Number three just shows how long it took for the Dictator-tot to start towing the corporate line, and paying back his buddies. Same old short term thinking, only look at next quarter's earnings, never mind that you're crippling people, just keep repealing laws that say you have to cover health insurance, or move everything to India, or switch to temporary employees.


I hate corporate America.


Israel's Hostage Crisis Sparks Both Joy, Anger
A Daily Survey of What the International Online Media Are Saying
Posted at 10:34 AM ET, 06/27/2006

Ummm, sure, among the online pundits.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Missile Defense

Fund, Krauthammer overstated capabilities of missile defense system

No shit.

It has never worked right , and it probably never will.

It is very expensive

It's not worth what my great-great grandkids will be paying for it, that's for sure.

Just more M-I-C crap.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Lockheed Martin Uses Questionable Facts to Steer Spending Bill
June 16, 2006
For Immediate Release
Contact: Jennifer Gore or (202) 347-1122

Duncan Hunter: Is he behind the Switfboating of Murtha?
By: John Amato on Saturday, June 24th, 2006 at 3:01 pm

KBR Fingered in Iraq Contract Fraud
By Paul Kiel - June 23, 2006, 6:11 PM
Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown, & Root? War profiteering? Iraq? Shocked!

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Ok, so I needed a laugh.
(click to enlarge)

for more laughs, go see Assimilated Press

Friday, June 23, 2006

not surprised

City Authorities: Sears Tower Was Never In Danger
Tower Management Lauds Law Enforcement
Jun 23, 2006 11:59 am US/Central

No shit.

The Bush Adminstration needed a new bogeyman because they got Abu Musab al-Zarqawi .

Hey, hey, about time to ratchet up the fear factor.

What do you want to bet they find Osama binLaden...oh, about the time they think they need to, right before the November election.

Oh boy, this is rich. The MSM newz sure looked like they were trying to paint the Miami "terrorists" as militant Muslim extremists. According to Juan Cole, they're your garden variety cult.

Wow, how did I miss this little gem?
Dollars, Not Sense: Government Contracting Under the Bush Administration
By: Committee on Government Reform Minority Office
Published: Jun 19, 2006 at 08:25

And finally, you gotta love Barbara Eherenreich
Piggery Award

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Working for you?

I'm going to borrow a hilarious, but also frightening nickname from WTF is it NOW?:

The DictatorTot.

I think the only book that Preznit Poopypants ever studied was Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince.

Don't listen to what he says, look at what he and this Adminstration have done:

For security

and consumer protection

regarding deregulation of the media

and blatant abuse of power to benefit cronies

and global warming
(Asked about the environment, Hawking, who suffers from a degenerative disease, uses a wheelchair and speaks through a computerized voice synthesizer, said he was "very worried about global warming." He said he was afraid that Earth "might end up like Venus, at 250 degrees centigrade and raining sulfuric acid.")

( graph for CO2 emissions )

This Bush plan for spreading freedom and democracy, is it working for you?