
Friday, July 07, 2006

No media whores here today

Ken Lay'd to rest

Señor "Blank-o" wins in Mexico

Tonight's TV

Still in Harm's Way & Man of Peace?

I know better than to read stories like the following one, I usually end up in tears. The boy who died in Iraq isn't a whole lot older than my kid.

I knew this was going to happen, you see, where I grew up the human flotsam and jetsam from previous foreign wars is inescapable, and heartbreaking. What are these men (boys, really) dying for? Why are the ones who don't die, but end up broken, fighting? So Dick Cheney can make obscene amounts of money?

A dead soldier and who cares

1 comment:

  1. Man, Nunya, that Greg Palaste is damned good, ain't he?

    Thanks for the link to the letter Michael Moore's site, also.
