
Friday, June 23, 2006

not surprised

City Authorities: Sears Tower Was Never In Danger
Tower Management Lauds Law Enforcement
Jun 23, 2006 11:59 am US/Central

No shit.

The Bush Adminstration needed a new bogeyman because they got Abu Musab al-Zarqawi .

Hey, hey, about time to ratchet up the fear factor.

What do you want to bet they find Osama binLaden...oh, about the time they think they need to, right before the November election.

Oh boy, this is rich. The MSM newz sure looked like they were trying to paint the Miami "terrorists" as militant Muslim extremists. According to Juan Cole, they're your garden variety cult.

Wow, how did I miss this little gem?
Dollars, Not Sense: Government Contracting Under the Bush Administration
By: Committee on Government Reform Minority Office
Published: Jun 19, 2006 at 08:25

And finally, you gotta love Barbara Eherenreich
Piggery Award

1 comment:

  1. My eyes continually bleed these days everytime I see the word "Bush" in a news story.
