
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

4 hops

Today I went hopping around blogtopia (yes, skippy coined that phrase!) in search of Bush Administration misdeeds that have had negative consequences for many people in the US. Didn't take long. Here are four of my hops.
The Carpetbagger report making a 'statement'

More on Bush's signing statements from Nieman Watchdog

Statement on Signing Legislation To Repeal Federal Ergonomics Regulations
March 20, 2001

Google search organizes your results now?

The 4th one startled me and then it gave me the creeps. Not that step number four had anything to do with the Bush Administration....I think, anyway. Number three just shows how long it took for the Dictator-tot to start towing the corporate line, and paying back his buddies. Same old short term thinking, only look at next quarter's earnings, never mind that you're crippling people, just keep repealing laws that say you have to cover health insurance, or move everything to India, or switch to temporary employees.


I hate corporate America.

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