For Lay's estate, and his widow Linda, the positive implication of this grim day is that the government now has no means to collect on its forfeiture claim against Lay for $43.5 million...
...That makes it more likely that Linda Lay will be able to hold onto remaining assets, like the Lays' $3 million Houston condo. Having sold several properties in Aspen to pay legal bills, the Lays were reportedly renting a place there when Ken Lay died.
Larry Ribstein, a law professor at the University of Illinois College of Law, thinks Lay's death might provoke a reevaluation of government strategy in pursuing white-collar criminals. "A natural sympathetic reaction will cancel some of the anger that was driving all this," he says.
That could end up being good for Lay's co-defendant Jeffrey Skilling...
And hmmm, what's Cheney doing?
"U.S. Plants Seeds of Disaster in Kazakhstan"
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