
Sunday, July 09, 2006

elections stolen by the elite...again

Resident calls for recount in 50th District runoff
Last modified Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:04 PM PDT
SAN DIEGO ---- A registered voter living in the 50th Congressional District filed a formal request with the county registrar of voters office late Wednesday asking for a hand recount of all the ballots in the June 6 special election runoff...

...On June 29, Haas certified the election results, kicking off a five-day period in which requests could be filed for a recount of the votes. However, due to the holiday, the deadline ended Wednesday.Registrar of voters spokesman Mike Workman said that county counsel is now reviewing Jacobson's request for a recount, as will registrar Haas upon his return to the office. Once that review has been completed, Haas will discuss with Jacobson the projected costs of conducting the recount ----- a process which can cost the requesting party as much as $2,000 to $3,000 a day, Workman said. He added that depending on how detailed Jacobson wants the recount to be, it could take several days to complete....

The comments section for this article is a good example of some of the opinions in the county. I'm pretty sick of the Repugnanthuglican bullies, I 'd like two minutes alone with some of these morons.

So what's up with the recount? How much will it cost?

Greg Palast is investigating the selection of the new Mexican president via ChoicePoint, the company that helped prevent probable democrats from voting in Florida in 2000.

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