
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Tiger Woods?

Who cares? I don't get it.

Monday, December 07, 2009

The True Meaning of 2012

Thank you Mr. Perkins. I looked at the trailers for the 2012 movie and couldn't help but wonder if Cusack needed to finance one of his other projects and that's why he did it? The movie looks like utter nonsense. I'm looking forward to the predicted 1000 years of peace.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Movie choices

A feel good movie about helping someone in poverty? (Fiction, hey I like it, and I love Sandra Bullock. Yeah, I know it's sort of based on Michael Oher's life )

Or drive an hour and a half in the rain to get a fucking clue watching a totally depressing documentary?

(Feh, it'll be on Netflix in no time and I know what they are going to say. Frankly it sucks to be an informed American. I wish I could climb back into the warm cocoon of ignorance )

Sunday, December 06, 2009

When Saudi Oil Minister Calls Oil Prices 'Perfect', Ladies Better Secure Your Handbags

How many people in the US have no clue how far out of US corporate control the oil industry is and how long that slippage has gone on?

Why has our basic infrastructure never adjusted to that?

Refineries shut down and damaged here in the US.

US Refinery Status: Fire Damages Unit At Husky Ohio Plant

Refineries built in Armenia and Brazil

Fledgling biofuel industry in the US

Federal Biofuel Awards Made for Green Refinery Projects in 15 States, Including Pilot Plants for Sapphire Energy, BioEnergy Intl.
Bruce V. Bigelow 12/4/09

Dick Durbin Won't Commit To Support Budget For Afghanistan

Shirley Bassey - History Repeating

"Soviet personnel strengths and casualties

Between December 25, 1979 and February 15, 1989, a total of 620,000 soldiers served with the forces in Afghanistan (though there were only 80,000-104,000 serving at one time)...

...The total irrecoverable personnel losses of the Soviet Armed Forces, frontier, and internal security troops came to 14,453. ...

....There were 469,685 sick and wounded, of whom 53,753 or 11.44 percent, were wounded, injured, or sustained concussion and 415,932 (88.56 percent) fell sick....

...Materia­l losses were as follows:[citation needed]

* 451 aircraft (includes 333 helicopters)
* 147 tanks
* 1,314 IFV/APCs
* 433 artillery guns and mortars
* 1,138 radio sets and command vehicles
* 510 engineering vehicles
* 11,369 trucks and petrol tankers...­"
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Aetna Forcing 600,000-Plus To Lose Coverage In Effort To Raise Profits

Aetna makes

"$4 million in profit per day, or almost $400,000 an hour, on average...­.Here are the 2008 total compensation figures for the biggest insurance companies: Aetna, Ronald A. Williams: $24,300,11­2;..."
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, December 04, 2009

Infrastructure deficit

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Unnnh huh. The road I have to use to get to my house is heavily traveled and crumbling. A police car with flashing lights was parked behind a dangerously elevated piece of concrete surrounding a cast iron sewer cover for at least 5 hours today. Since it is rush hour there is no way I am venturing out to see if the police car is still there or the city maintenance workers (or sub-contractors) are fixing the problem. The city has a $179 million budget deficit.

Next round of cuts? Analysis: Sanders’ Budget Proposes Sweeping Cuts

Senator Sanders unfiltered

I'm still reading


Thursday, December 03, 2009

Afghanistan is not about terrorism

It's about pipelines. Energy. Who will control and profit from them and the booming Asian economies, legal and illegal?

Shit. Fuck. Goddamnit people.




Go read Pepe.

Think that Wall Street's ability to screw us all in the ass for their own selfish greed and avarice and the rich's ability to force less fortunate people to fight their wars have nothing in common?

Rinse and repeat the top of this blogpost.

Fuck it, I'm gonna go watch old Dead Like Me shows, or something.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Yay Tweety

Chris Matthews: Dick Cheney is a ‘troll’
By John Byrne
Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 -- 9:10 am

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

This is what happens to you when you execute 4 police officers

Seattle police kill suspect in Tacoma officers' slayings

Huckabee Granted Clemency To Maurice Clemmons, Person Of Interest, In Ambush That Killed 4 Cops
Huckabee Granted Clemency To Maurice Clemmons, Person Of Interest, In Ambush That Killed 4 Cops stumble reddit RSS
AP / Huffington Post
First Posted: 11-29-09 12:54 PM | Updated: 11-30-09 08:55 PM

The system was broken by Ronald Reagan, not Mike Huckabee. This man was mentally ill as a teenager and I don't think stints in our prison system did anything but exacerbate the problems.

"Cuts in funding for mental health services continued throughout the 1980s, with the emphasis being on the provision of services via the private sector... Those without medical insurance frequently did not receive adequate care."

DJ Jaffe
Co-Founder: Treatment Advocacy Center
Posted: December 1, 2009 09:00 AM
Maurice Clemmons: Mental Illness Does Cause Violence

Monday, November 30, 2009

Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price

Oh, my dear the Christmas season is upon us.

One radio station in town started playing Christmas songs on Thanksgiving day.

Right now I'm thinking fuck it. I don't want to do it this year. Especially after watching the documentary movie about Wal-Mart (title link)

Large employers forum wary of public insurance option
Published: Thursday, November 5, 2009
"...National employers such as Dow Chemical Co. and Wal-Mart worry that they will have to follow state mandates, instead of offering one national plan..."
(Bwahhahahahaha, that's what they economically force their employees to do now, while they suck the corporate welfare tit

Wal-Mart Steals Billions From Public Schools
Aug 03, 2007

Senate Free Rider Provision Gives Nation`s Largest Employer a Free Ride
Wed Nov 4, 2009 11:35am EST
"...examining the impact of the Senate`s Free Rider provision
on the nation`s largest private employer - retail giant Walmart. The provision
would have the unintended consequences of:

* Providing little or no incentive for Walmart to provide better care to its workers;
* Continuing Walmart workers` dependence on federal and state subsidies for Medicaid and Medicare, and encourage Walmart to have even more workers dependent on Medicaid and Medicare;
* Making few, if any, Walmart workers eligible for tax credits to purchase better insurance through the health insurance exchange;
* Forcing low-income Walmart workers into high-deductible company-provided insurance;
* Incentivizing the hiring of a largely part-time workforce, and encourage reducing workers` hours as a way to reduce health care costs...."

Unintended MY ASS.

Walmart's nuclear blunder: Retailer mishandled radioactive exit signs
Bruce WatsonBruce Watson RSS Feed
Nov 3rd 2009 at 1:00PM

Wal-Mart's Chinese Suppliers Accused Of Labor Violations
November 30, 2009

Nov. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world’s largest retailer, reported third-quarter profit rose 3.2 percent, helped by inventory reductions, and forecast U.S. sales for the fourth quarter would be little changed.

"Rounding out the top 10 on The Forbes 400: Oracle founder Larry Ellison ($27 billion); Wal-Mart ( WMT - news - people )09-intro.htmlheirs Christy Walton ($21.5 billion), Jim C. Walton ($19.6 billion), Alice Walton ($19.3 billion), and S. Robson Walton ($19 billion) ; media maven Michael Bloomberg ($17.5 billion) and energy titans Charles and David Koch ($16 billion each)."

Walton Family Ranks 37th In Charitable Giving
From the Arkansas Democrat Gazette:

$9.5 Million for a San Diego Development.
A San Diego development project anchored by a Wal-Mart and a Sam's Club received about $9.5 million in public subsidies -- yet the stores contribute only about $800,000 in annual sales tax to the city. [Brennan Center for Justice]

NEWS COVERAGE: Big Box Ban Considered. San Diego-Union Tribune, 11/20/03
Proposed Ordinance in San Diego Takes Aim at Wal-Mart Supercenters
By Penni Crabtree
The squids and jarheads don't unnerstand a town that aint go not Wal-Mart:

Wal-Mart Supercenter Opens Doors
Updated 10:08 AM PST, Thu, Jul 30, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Beatles Helter Skelter

I woke up with this song in my head. It's raining. I usually love the rain because it's so rare here. I don't even like this song.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Obama's turkey pardon cracked me up

I've been trying to avoid the news because frankly, the holidays are rough enough for me, but I liked this clip. I must say that I am incredibly grateful for a president who is intelligent and witty.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I am stunned

every time I open a medical bill at how much the insurance companies are screwing people with no insurance. The only thing I heard Darrell Issa say at that town hall meeting that made sense to me was that people who do not have insurance should pay the same amount that people who DO have insurance pay.

When I took the 8 hour drive that opened up an already slowly healing incision site and ended up in the ER the next morning the Dr. came in and looked at it, wrote a Rx for an antibiotic, and sent a nurse in to soak a bunch of gauze in saline solution and place it over the site for about a minute. After she took dry gauze and blotted it, she took what looked like two 1/2 in. wide strips of tan colored masking tape (steri-strips) and taped two 3 inch long strips vertically over the horizontal incision site. A bunch of gauze and an attempt at a pressure bandage and I was out of there.

Grand pooh-bah total?


The insurance paid less than three hundred and I owe $30.00. That is a tiny portion of the total, BUT, enlisted retirement checks are really pathetic, for two old people in and out of dr.s offices (co-pay is less) and ERs that is a chunk. I was out of town but I found the Urgent Care clinic because I thought the co-pay would be less. Hell, the incision site had been flapping open for 12 hours, what was a few minutes trying to save some money? Nope, they sent me over to the ER.

I've still got a 1/4 X 1/2 in. scab on the incision site by the way. It's been 7 weeks. At least now I can sit up for a while.

Jason live-blogged the Senate Health Care Debate. Not that it realy matters:

Health care's 'public option' would cover little of population

Friday, November 20, 2009

The border stroller incident

piqued my interest and woke up my sense of humor.

Border Officers Discover 9 Lbs. Of Pot Inside Stroller
POSTED: 5:38 pm PST November 19, 2009

I reacted to this story with two competing thoughts:

A) People really do need to take some type of test before they start squirting out brats.

B) Look at the ridiculous consequences of marijuana being illegal; the federal government has to foot the cost of incarcerating this dumb bitch, probably will end up paying for her defense, trials, appeals, etc. and the county has to foot the cost of taking care of her brat.

On a different subject, last night I watched part of the Jim Lehrer News Hour and they did an in depth report on the Fort Hood shootings and Nidal Hasan is a symptom of a very sick mental health problem within the military. I thought to myself "Six years they knew this guy was a problem and he continued drawing a salary in the military? Hmm, why does this only confirm what I have seen my whole damn life in this military town?"

Monday, November 16, 2009

Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On (live)

This reminds me of what I tell my girlfriends. Stand up for yourself.

So Ok, my age is showing

Sue me.

This project is kicking my butt

Yo. My finger is numb from holding the spray can and my nose hairs are "satin ivory silk." My legs are sore and I gave up on the abdomen and stuck a huge band-aid and neosporin on it. I just can't be sluggo anymore. I have people coming for Thanksgiving. Somebody told me that using vinegar instead of carpet soap does not leave a residue that attracts dirt. There's plenty of time for the stink to go away before the holiday. It's nice to be busy again. Maybe I have more energy because I have a decent bed now and I sleep better?

I apologize for the completely non-political posts, but even the politickybitch needs a break from the never-ending corrupt bullshit.

Update 5:28 PM 11/16/2009

I took the newspaper off of the chair seats... and they look like crap. Sanding and re-varnishing anyone? Guess the finger is going to stay numb and the legs are going to stay sore for a few more days.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Yay, new bed is here!!!

I'm gonna go to bed early. I'm tired. The day before yesterday I discovered a piece of string coming out of my abdomen where they supposedly took the stitches out a month ago. The string was a loop and one side came out easily, but the other side hurt, so I wait till it heals more. There is no pain, redness or heat on site, and no fever, so I wait.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Courts Divide Over the Constitutionality of Sex Toy Bans

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Some stories just make me laugh. If you haven't read it yet, just guess what state this story takes place in?

Monday, November 09, 2009

Health Care Bill

Let's take a look at the reasons offered by two candidates who bucked their own party's in the historic House vote last night, as each seem quite instructive on a number of levels...


Danny writes about the Fairness Doctrine and the rightwing ridiculousness.

Senator Sanders Unfiltered: Break 'Em Up!

I'm trying to avoid news reports on the Ft. Hood shootings until Rachel Maddow's show tonight. I'm sure she was busy doing homework this weekend.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

The Killeen killings

I have suspicions that more will be revealed about this case. Let the wingnuts scream for now. The truth never stays hidden forever.

For now the whole case makes me very, very sad. The shock, disbelief and confusion after September 11, 2001 kept me from crying for months. When I discovered how many firefighters and police officers died I simply lost it and cried for hours. By then I was well on my way to finding out just how fucked up the US' foreign policy really is.

What we ask our military to do is especially disgusting to me. I've been witness to the results since I was born, since this is a military/defense contractor town. Fine examples of the destructive rhetoric AND the destruction here.

Bill Moyers Journal covered it last Friday.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

The End of America

I'm watching it on Netflix. I had forgotten how much the Bush Administration attempted to subvert the Constitution. I know about the spying. I knew about it in July of 2003. I had forgotten how absolutely terrifying AND enraging it was.

Naomi Wolf
Ten Steps To Close Down an Open Society

1 Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
2 Create a gulag
3 Develop a thug caste
4 Set up an internal surveillance system
5 Harass citizens' groups
6 Engage in arbitrary detention and release
7 Target key individuals
8 Control the press
9 Dissent equals treason
10 Suspend the rule of law

Rethug bullying

Friday, November 06, 2009

Bummer. Totally

Well, yesterday's news was quite the bummer. Scary in fact. I was on a base yesterday, changing my primary care physician. Really glad that the shrink who snapped was on a different military base in a different state.

I wouldn't be the first time I've heard of a shrink doing shit that was totally whack. Frankly, it makes me grateful that mine is professional and patient. It took years to find something that worked for me, but my shrink kept trying.