
Friday, November 20, 2009

The border stroller incident

piqued my interest and woke up my sense of humor.

Border Officers Discover 9 Lbs. Of Pot Inside Stroller
POSTED: 5:38 pm PST November 19, 2009

I reacted to this story with two competing thoughts:

A) People really do need to take some type of test before they start squirting out brats.

B) Look at the ridiculous consequences of marijuana being illegal; the federal government has to foot the cost of incarcerating this dumb bitch, probably will end up paying for her defense, trials, appeals, etc. and the county has to foot the cost of taking care of her brat.

On a different subject, last night I watched part of the Jim Lehrer News Hour and they did an in depth report on the Fort Hood shootings and Nidal Hasan is a symptom of a very sick mental health problem within the military. I thought to myself "Six years they knew this guy was a problem and he continued drawing a salary in the military? Hmm, why does this only confirm what I have seen my whole damn life in this military town?"

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