
Monday, November 16, 2009

This project is kicking my butt

Yo. My finger is numb from holding the spray can and my nose hairs are "satin ivory silk." My legs are sore and I gave up on the abdomen and stuck a huge band-aid and neosporin on it. I just can't be sluggo anymore. I have people coming for Thanksgiving. Somebody told me that using vinegar instead of carpet soap does not leave a residue that attracts dirt. There's plenty of time for the stink to go away before the holiday. It's nice to be busy again. Maybe I have more energy because I have a decent bed now and I sleep better?

I apologize for the completely non-political posts, but even the politickybitch needs a break from the never-ending corrupt bullshit.

Update 5:28 PM 11/16/2009

I took the newspaper off of the chair seats... and they look like crap. Sanding and re-varnishing anyone? Guess the finger is going to stay numb and the legs are going to stay sore for a few more days.

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