
Saturday, November 21, 2009

I am stunned

every time I open a medical bill at how much the insurance companies are screwing people with no insurance. The only thing I heard Darrell Issa say at that town hall meeting that made sense to me was that people who do not have insurance should pay the same amount that people who DO have insurance pay.

When I took the 8 hour drive that opened up an already slowly healing incision site and ended up in the ER the next morning the Dr. came in and looked at it, wrote a Rx for an antibiotic, and sent a nurse in to soak a bunch of gauze in saline solution and place it over the site for about a minute. After she took dry gauze and blotted it, she took what looked like two 1/2 in. wide strips of tan colored masking tape (steri-strips) and taped two 3 inch long strips vertically over the horizontal incision site. A bunch of gauze and an attempt at a pressure bandage and I was out of there.

Grand pooh-bah total?


The insurance paid less than three hundred and I owe $30.00. That is a tiny portion of the total, BUT, enlisted retirement checks are really pathetic, for two old people in and out of dr.s offices (co-pay is less) and ERs that is a chunk. I was out of town but I found the Urgent Care clinic because I thought the co-pay would be less. Hell, the incision site had been flapping open for 12 hours, what was a few minutes trying to save some money? Nope, they sent me over to the ER.

I've still got a 1/4 X 1/2 in. scab on the incision site by the way. It's been 7 weeks. At least now I can sit up for a while.

Jason live-blogged the Senate Health Care Debate. Not that it realy matters:

Health care's 'public option' would cover little of population

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