
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

This is what happens to you when you execute 4 police officers

Seattle police kill suspect in Tacoma officers' slayings

Huckabee Granted Clemency To Maurice Clemmons, Person Of Interest, In Ambush That Killed 4 Cops
Huckabee Granted Clemency To Maurice Clemmons, Person Of Interest, In Ambush That Killed 4 Cops stumble reddit RSS
AP / Huffington Post
First Posted: 11-29-09 12:54 PM | Updated: 11-30-09 08:55 PM

The system was broken by Ronald Reagan, not Mike Huckabee. This man was mentally ill as a teenager and I don't think stints in our prison system did anything but exacerbate the problems.

"Cuts in funding for mental health services continued throughout the 1980s, with the emphasis being on the provision of services via the private sector... Those without medical insurance frequently did not receive adequate care."

DJ Jaffe
Co-Founder: Treatment Advocacy Center
Posted: December 1, 2009 09:00 AM
Maurice Clemmons: Mental Illness Does Cause Violence

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