
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mexican kidnapping spills over border to San Diego

Kidnappings No Longer Just a Mexico Problem

This is part II.

I linked to Part I and commented on it(as did some of you) here .

"And you see a lot of cartel members moving to the north side of the border. They're living in the U.S. because they're fearful of operating in Tijuana where they used to because they're afraid they're going to get kidnapped. Now the kidnappers have followed them."

Anyone Can Be a Target
What is most troubling to law enforcement is that kidnappings used to happen only to people within the drug trade, as payback for deals gone wrong, but that has changed since the AFO lost its monopoly.

"That's where we've seen a change in the last couple of years," said San Diego FBI chief Keith Slotter. "Some of the splinter groups decided they don't need to play by the old AFO rules. In their minds kidnapping purely for profit is simply a money-making operation for them."

Oy. Did anybody NOT figure that this was only a matter of time? And a logical consequence of trying to rid Mexico of a culture of corruption with American 'War on Drugs' money, which only took down the AFO ? The last link is to a (2000) PBS Frontline show that reported on that gang like at least 20 years after I heard of them, and I have done my best to steer clear of drugs and druggies. Not easy to do when you don't make much money.

Unrelated interesting tidbits, the PR watch's Weekly Radio Spin rips on the corporate clowns dominating the World Water Forum .

And why President Obama is right about trying to get us to focus beyond the AIG bounuses .

Friday, March 20, 2009

PBS NOW tonight - Gambling With Health Care

Week of 3.20.09
Interview: Howard Dean

Obama did mention health care a few times on Leno last night.

The Age of Stupid: New Film Gives Us a Painfully Realistic Look at Life in 2055

By Sean Pool, Climate Progress. Posted March 19, 2009.
The central premise: We would be the first life form to knowingly wipe itself out. What does that say about us?

...The fact that the clips in this montage are all real-life news reports from 2007 and 2008 is chilling.

Indeed, although framed by a post-apocalyptic narrative set in the future, the bulk of the film is actually a documentary about the impacts of climate change that we are already seeing in 2009 — and its not pretty...

And a little excitement on one of the local freeways yesterday

Freeway Drivers Grab Money as Suspects Toss Thousands During Police Chase
Reported by: Elex Michaelson
Last Update: 8:42 am

SAN DIEGO - Thousands of dollars worth of hundred dollar bills brought rush hour to an abrupt halt on two San Diego freeways.

Drug suspects tossed the money from their car as they were chased by police. Other drivers saw the money and stopped their cars on the freeway to dash into traffic trying to get some of the cash.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

A little Maddow to start your day

You've got to hear Robert Scheer on Democracy Now talk about working for the LA Times, how it really worked from the inside, & how the retirement healthcare promised him was lost in the bankruptcy. Deregulation. Oy.

Obama to meet with Antonio, Arnold, and CA Speaker

And yeah, Obama will be on Leno tonight. I'm supposed to go to LA this weekend, but frankly, I'm not feeling like it. Not when a 2 hour drive can turn into 4 or 5 hours. I love my friend, I like her friends, but there's a lot of assholes (who generally are not locals) in places like San Diego and LA.

Hey San Franciso! your mayor wouldn’t allow a sign about lack of funds for public transit into his rally in San Diego

By Frank Gormlie on March 18th, 2009
the OB rag

CITY HEIGHTS, CA. Tonight outside a rally for San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom in City Heights, a local activist - and writer for the OB Rag blog - was prevented from taking her sign about the lack of funds for public transit into the rally site, a local City Heights school auditorium.

I think the state budget is giving transit budgets problems all over California. Some cities are more creative than others when it comes to ideas about how to keep them in service.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reading now

(click on the books for their Wikipedia pages)
I am slogging through "Commanding Heights" by Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw because I learned so much when I read "The Prize" by Yergin.

If I hadn't already read "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein and

"Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins I might be pulled in by their enthusiasm for the free markets and economic liberalism.

Unfortunately I have read the other books and I'm also watching the bailouts happen right now. The bailouts kind of shoot a hole in the Stanislaw/Yergin free market, economic liberalism theory. I'm having difficulty finding the energy expert Yergin's opinion on the bailouts free of charge and out there for the public to read even though the book on the worship of the free markets is available for free at the local library. Well, I did find this rather cryptic statement out there on teh interwebs for free:

“There is an opportunity to address energy needs in a way that hasn’t been possible for decades,” said Daniel Yergin, the chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates. “It almost feels like we’re picking up from where we were in the 1970s.”

You think I'm paying to read this asshole's work?

Not. Happening.

The hypocrisy is staggering. It's ok to impoverish other people, and bankrupt other coutntries' governments but the American people are forced to pay for AIG's bounuses? With what? These dickheads encouraged the shipping of our jobs overseas.

Pitchfork time yet? Unh huh.

Perp Walks Instead of Bonuses
Posted on Mar 17, 2009
By Robert Scheer
There must be a criminal investigation of the AIG debacle,...

Oh, Lord have mercy, but I love Arianna Huffington. How she manages to be droll with that lovely sing-song voice of hers is a marvel to me.

I 've Decided to Move to Print... for a Day
Posted March 18, 2009 03:40 AM (EST) Arianna Huffington

The Story: The AIG Bonus FightMy Take: It's a battle to see who is more tone-deaf: the AIG execs pushing for bonuses despite running the company into the ground or the members of the Obama administration who didn't realize this would inspire such outrage.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

LA Times covers Zionism

For it

Is anti-Zionism hate?
Yes. It is more dangerous than anti-Semitism, threatening lives and peace in the Middle East.
By Judea Pearl
March 15, 2009

and against it.

Zionism is the problem
The Zionist ideal of a Jewish state is keeping Israelis and Palestinians from living in peace.
By Ben Ehrenreich
March 15, 2009

hat tip to Raw Story

But, wait, nobody in the MSM, especially the Los Angeles Times has historically made an effort to explain what "Zionism" is. All the better to keep the US taxpayer unaware of what Zionsist policies actually do in Israel and how much it cost them, financially and politically. Well Chas Freeman might have addressed some of the foreign policy issues that Americans really need to know about, but AIPAC nipped that in the bud.

Obama Rebuffs Israeli Hawk

Good. We've paid for enough of Israel's wars.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Mexican drug cartels and San Diego street gangs are increasingly joining forces

A Deadly Merger
Part one of a two-part series.
Mexican drug cartels and San Diego street gangs are increasingly joining forces, and law enforcement agencies from here to Washington are scrambling to respond.

Gee, what was the first clue? I coulda told you that three fucking years ago when we had to send my friends son out of state because his friend was shot in the face and killed. It was Mexican drug gang that had taken over Clairemont (that used to be a working class white neighborhood) that killed him.
I'm not saying the cops didn't know that then, I'm saying the local newz reporting right there on your teevee sucks syphlitic dick.

Part II here


Their "support for Israel" may end up destroying it, it's time for an intervention.

Is This Last Gasp for the Israel Lobby and the Neocons?
By Robert Dreyfuss, Posted March 16, 2009.

Man with an aritcle title like that, my first thought was 'God, I hope so,' especially after listening to Amy Goodman interview Rachel Corrie's parents on this morning's Democracy Now.

Mauricio Funes

Update 10:20 AM 3/17/2009 BradBlog checks in on the Salvadoran election.

The right-winger lost the Presidential election in El Salvador. Heh.

Amy Goodman of Democracy Now covers it.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Obama meets with Brazilian President

Ok, I dropped out of business classes and became a liberal at the same time.


Because the business world didn't make any sense to me. Not that I didn't get it, I got an A in business math, and a B in business law. I got it all right: Women have to act like men but they still have to wear sexy clothes and high heels and make-up. Besides, in this country the only thing women ever really get on top of is some guy's dick.

Fuck. That. Noise.

So tell me why it makes sense that in a country where the rich are few and drive around in bullet proof SUV's so they don't get
kidnapped and they never go anywhere near the favelas that their president is only mildly concerned about the investments in US Treasuries?

Somehow I think that family planning aid to "developing countries" won't be discussed much at the G20. Not when asinine right-wing think tanks dispense advice like this.

And why the fuck is Obama yammering about biofuels from Brazil when the emphasis needs to be on public transportation here and re-planning of cities here because the suburbs are unsustainable. Not to mention that for Brazil, investment in US Treasuries does absolutely nothing for the slums of Rio and Sao Paulo.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

El Salvador and US

Update(sort of) 4:45 PM 3/15/2009 I didn't realize that Jane Hamsher over at Firedoglake covered the election in El Salvador yesterday also.

Presidential election tomorrow El Salvador.

In El Salvador, Cautious Optimism On What a Progressive Win Would Mean for U.S. Relations
By Roberto Lovato, New America Media. Posted March 14, 2009.

...The policies of post-World War II presidents in the United States, both Republican and Democratic , make many Salvadorans wary of Obama, even though they give him high popularity ratings, says Edgardo Herrera, an international relations expert at the university.

“If it is truly committed to improving relations with El Salvador and the rest of Latin America, the Obama Administration should remember what we say about justice here,” said Herrera. “Justice is like a snake. It only bites the barefoot poor, not the rich who have shoes.” He thinks the United States is not in sync with ideas about justice on the Salvadoran street. He cites an annual opinion poll conducted by Central American University since 2003. “Every year Salvadorans are telling the United States they do not like its policies, including the Iraq war, the CAFTA and the dollarization of the country’s currency,” Herrera said. “Rejection of these policies has turned the Salvadoran electorate against the ARENA government-and the United States.”..
..“Although the country may be small and its economy heavily dependent on remittances from the United States," White said, "it is still important for that country to demonstrate its policy independence. Many questions have been raised by some of the Salvadoran government’s past actions.”..

I understand that the constant meddling in El Salvadoran politics (and what the US considered it's sphere of influence, all of Latin America )that people are fed up, but sometimes I wonder if they know that the meddling has had some pretty nasty blowback here.

Like Mara Salvatrucha.

Evil, rotten little bastards.

In the last two years have been arrested 57 thousand Maras in Mexico.

Mara Salvatrucha, Social War and the Decline of the Revolutionary Movements in Central America

Friday, March 13, 2009

NYT notices tabloids tapping into "populist anger at corporate America."

Forget Britney; Media Outrage Hits Big Spenders
Published: March 12, 2009
It could be called “To Catch a Rich Guy.”

Fucking geniuses, what was their first clue?

The election last November?

The bankrupt (in more ways than one) newzpapers?

The Stewart vs. Cramer thing?

More soldiers lost to suicide than al-Qaeda in January?


Slain US Nazi hated Obama, had parts for 'dirty bomb'

Slain US Nazi hated Obama, had parts for ‘dirty bomb’

Hat tip to Danny Schechter the News Dissector. who writes

"Mark Crispin Miller: So where’s the coverage? This story comes from the Bangor Daily News.

By and large, terror from the right does not exist, according to the media, whose employees have long turned a blind eye to terrorism aimed at government workers (as in our national parks), environmentalists and abortion clinics (and, also, foreign terrorists working for our government); and now the media consistently tune out, or underplay, assassination threats against the president.

The same press that yakked endlessly about William Ayers, and his alleged close connection to Obama, have so far been completely mute about this character, who planned to kill the president (and, of course, planned it recently, while Ayers set off his bombs decades ago). The Ayers/Obama “friendship” was the subject of a front-page story in the New York Times. So where’s that paper’s front-page piece on James G. Cummings?”

Robert Parry, Editor of It’s The Media, Stupido

Less than two months into Barack Obama’s presidency, it has become clear that the top threat to his ability to accomplish his goals - from reversing the recession to reforming health care to building a greener economy - is not just an obstructionist Republican Party but a U.S. news media that remains largely tilted to the Right."

For Mrs. Cummings.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mercenaries in Africa a new concept?

Oh fuck me running, get the fuck outta here.

Ladies and Gentleman may I present

Warren Zevon - Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner

Blackwater's New Frontier: Their Own Private Africa

Somali extremists recruiting here?

Somali Americans Recruited by Extremists
U.S. Cites Case of Minnesotan Killed in Suicide Blast in Africa

By Spencer S. Hsu and Carrie Johnson
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, March 11, 2009; A01

Since November, the FBI has raced to uncover any ties to foreign extremist networks in the unexpected departures of numerous Somali American teenagers and young men, who family members believe are in Somalia. The investigation is active in Boston; San Diego; Seattle; Columbus, Ohio; and Portland, Maine, a U.S. law enforcement official said, and community members say federal grand juries have issued subpoenas in Minneapolis and elsewhere.

I told you there was a place in San Diego they call "little Mogadishu." I hope the investigation doesn't find any Islamist whackjobs there.

Somali-Americans recruited as "cannon fodder" -US
Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:16pm EDT

How FBI helped India probe Mumbai terror attacks
Washington, Feb 24

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Commanding Heights By Daniel Yergin, Joseph Stanislaw

Written in 1998. I'm having a tough time just getting through the Introduction since it's looking like a 'let's worship at the altar of the free markets and kick government regulations AND government to the curb' kind of book to me. That shit did not, never has, never will work.

"Glass houses? Meet stones" She's so quotable.

Managing Expectations and Understanding the Economic Crisis

Lincoln Mitchell
Assistant Professor in the Practice of International Politics, Columbia University
Posted March 11, 2009 10:14 AM (EST)

...Rarely, however, has the expectation game been as complicated as it is for President Obama. Presidents are, still, to a substantial extent, judged by the performance of the economy during their term in office; and Obama is unlikely to be an exception. It would seem, therefore, that Obama has every reason to reduce hopes for an economic recovery in the immediate future because this would make it possible for voters to reward any economic recovery by supporting the Democrats in congress in 2010 and Obama himself during his 2012 reelection bid...

What did I say? Yeesh, good fucking luck keeping Molly McMooseturd out of office with the overinflated expectations of the underinformed and intentionally terrified American people. Especially the fucktards who watch Fox newz.

The realization that we are We Are Breeding Ourselves to Extinction may sink in as we are forced to share what we have considered ours because we have been a wealthy country, by hook or crook in this century.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Shut Up and Take Your Medicine

Quite an interesting video. Go watch it. Click on title link.

Monday, March 09, 2009

lyme disease and brain

Preacher Slay Witnesses Unfazed At First
Congregants Believed Shooting Was Theatrics; Pastor Killed, Two Others Wounded In Attack

MARYVILLE, Ill., March 9, 2009
During a service at the First Baptist Church of Maryville in Ill., a 27 year-old man shot and killed the church?s pastor as well as stabbed two congregants and himself. Dean Reynolds has the latest...

the man's mother said the disease left lesions on his brain and that doctors had diagnosed him as mentally ill before discovering the disease...

...In the August 2008 article, the mother said her son was taking several medications and had difficulty speaking after contracting the tick-borne illness....

The Complexities of Lyme Disease A Microbiology Tutorial by Thomas M. Grier M.Sc.
...What happens when the infection gets to the brain? In the case of Lyme disease, every animal model to date shows that the Lyme spirochete can go from the site of the bite to the brain in just a few days. (41,60, abstract 644) While we know these bacteria can break down individual cell membranes and capillaries, its entrance into the brain is too pronounced for such a localized effect. When the Lyme bacteria enters the human body, we react by producing several immune regulatory substances known as cytokines and lymphokines. Several of these act in concert to break down the blood brain barrier. (E.g. Il-6, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, Il-1, Transforming Growth Factor-beta etc.) In addition to affecting the blood brain barrier, these cytokines can make us feel ill, and give us fevers. (54,60,) (JID 1996:173, Jan)...

... When the human brain becomes inflamed, cells called macrophages respond by releasing a neuro-toxin called quinolinic acid. This toxin is also elevated in Parkinson's Disease, MS, ALS, and is responsible for the dementia that occurs in AIDS patients. What quinolinic acid does is stimulate neurons to repeatedly depolarize. This eventually causes the neurons to demyelinate and die. People with elevated quinolinic acid have short-term memory problems. (27,29-37,40-42,74,75, 82-84,87-90)

This means: If we think of all of our brain cells like telephone lines, we can visualize the problem. If all of the lines coming in are busy, we can't learn anything. If all of the lines going out are busy, we can't recall any memories. Our thinking process becomes impaired.

White House says Bush was treated for Lyme disease a year ago
updated 12:12 p.m. EDT, Thu August 9, 2007

Friday, March 06, 2009


The more I read about the financial mess the more I'm reminded of Aron Kader's cousin in this piece of his comedy routine.

Jon Stewart rips CNBC

Here's your Friday Spermophilus beecheyi

1,200 people in Tent City in Sacramento.

Calif. high court weighs gay marriage ban

By LISA LEFF and PAUL ELIAS Associated Press Writers

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The mood was somber among gay rights supporters after a bruising, three-hour hearing before the justices of California's highest court, who expressed considerable skepticism at the idea of overturning the state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage.

So the same court that ruled against mob rule is going to support it now?

The Mormon cult must feel really good right now. Those inbred fuckers better not be banging on my door any time soon. And the Jehovah's witnesses? Bring it on bitches. I can't guarantee that I will be as polite as I have been.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Taliban force a China switch

March 6 Asia Times

Because of its deep strategic and economic relationship with Pakistan, the inviolability of Chinese interests has been largely accepted by all the major political players inside Pakistan and its sphere of influence in western Afghanistan...

...After September 11, 2001, China aggressively played the Islamic terrorism card in stigmatizing the Uyghur self-determination movement and conflating it with the activities of the violently militant East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)...

...The Taliban, who had no qualms about claiming responsibility for the brutal concurrent massacre of five Medicien Sans Frontiers staff, quickly disclaimed responsibility and made their pro-Chinese feelings known with alacrity:
The Taliban militia has denied responsibility for the killings ... "We deny the accusation of killing the Chinese workers in Kunduz province of Afghanistan," Abdul Latif Hakimi, who claims to represent the ousted militia, told AFP by telephone from an undisclosed location. Hakimi said the deaths "should not have happened...

The defiantly anti-foreign Hekmatyar, who counts Russia, the United States and Iran as his enemies, also denied responsibility in an interview with Sikh Spectrum:

Question: Are you behind the recent killing of the Chinese?..

Hekmatyar: It is not true. I cannot accept the responsibility if some miscreants have masterminded it at the US's behest. I believe it is the handiwork of the Americans. They have used some greedy mujahideen for this inhuman act to defame the true mujahideen. I suspect that the Americans have also masterminded the killing of Chinese in Gwador, Balochistan. The US agenda is to malign jihad and jihadis.

Hekmatyar? Oh Yeah, this guy:

During the anti-Soviet jihad, Hekmatyar was strongly favored by the ISI and received the lion's share of aid Pakistan funneled to the mujahideen - perhaps US$600 million worth.

...When the flow of secret dollars became a flood and the demand for arms and ammunition became so great that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) could not satisfy it from the usual clandestine sources, China became Hekmatyar's primary supplier of everything from bullets to AK-47s to mules...

...despite his status as a declared terrorist with a $25 million price on his head, Hekmatyar has been wooed by the President Hamid Karzai government in Kabul, the Saudis, the Pakistanis, the ISI, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the United Kingdom, the US and, perhaps now, through its JI link, by China...

What, Adnan Kashoggi couldn't get American weapons in there?

Yeesh, Fuckin American Fuckin foreign policy.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

John Yoo's Legal Groundwork for Subverting the Republic

Naomi Wolf
Posted March 3, 2009 05:23 PM (EST)

John Yoo
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...John Choon Yoo (born 1967 in Seoul[1][2]) is an American visiting professor of Law at the Chapman University School of Law in Orange County, CA...

Yeesh, that in iteself is scary to me. The OC has a lot of right-wing nutjobs.

Reading now

Click on book for wikipedia entry on the author.

Robert Fisk on Ratzi. we go again – was this not the same ex-Cardinal Ratzinger (anti-divorce, anti-gay and anti-aircraft, as I always remind myself) who delivered a lecture at Regensburg in 2006 in which he quoted from a Byzantine text which characterised the Prophet Mohamed as evil and inhuman?...

I'm not sure I want to read this book now, but I'm sorely lacking in historical information, so I may slog through it anyway.

Gah, why does my library branch stock so much right wing shit? Nobody checks out the Ann Coulter books, and her piles of books are higher than any of the liberal's piles of books in the local bookstores. What gives?

I guess those people are around, some bitch at Starbucks gave me shit about the "Not My President" t-shirt I was wearing around election time. Even though I was startled because the country was already looking for a change from Bush's destructive policies, I just smiled and told her to have a nice day.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Yes, I do have Congressman I have respect for

Bernie Saunders Wants Answers, Writes Legislation to Get Them

Monday, March 02, 2009

Realistic people know what Obama is up against.

And how hard these fuckers are going to fight any of the changes our country needs to make.

1. Get the money out of politics.

(damn bankers)

2. Get the money out of the newz.

3. Get the military-industrial-congressional-complex monkey off of our backs. (see above also)

Then we might work towards a democracy (or back towards a democratic republic) instead of living in a Corporatocracy.

Brit Hume, pouty mouthpiece for the rich.

Why do poor people watch Fox News?

Oh, yeah only poor people with the IQ of acorn squash watch Fox News.

Santelli's rant backed by Koch (pronounced coke) money.

Update 11:32 AM 3/6/2009 Mmmmmm, jury's out on this one

Umm, just go read Danny's post today

click on title link

FBI saw mortgage fraud early

..."We knew that the mortgage-brokerage industry was corrupt," the first of the retired FBI officials told the Seattle P-I. "Where we would have gotten a sense of what was really going on was the point where the mortgage was sold knowing that it was a piece of dung and it would be turned into a security. But the agents with the expertise had been diverted to counterterrorism."...

SEC alerted about Allen Stanford in 2003: report
Fri Feb 27, 2009 6:35am EST

The more I hear about the SEC, the less surprised I am that Gary Aguirre was canned.
I still believe that he and his brother got scooted out of the way because they were trying to do the right thing for the people, and it pissed off the powerful and corrupt.

12,000 students, and it doesn't make any of the mainstream media?
Of course not, CNN is powered by big coal.