
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reading now

(click on the books for their Wikipedia pages)
I am slogging through "Commanding Heights" by Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw because I learned so much when I read "The Prize" by Yergin.

If I hadn't already read "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein and

"Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins I might be pulled in by their enthusiasm for the free markets and economic liberalism.

Unfortunately I have read the other books and I'm also watching the bailouts happen right now. The bailouts kind of shoot a hole in the Stanislaw/Yergin free market, economic liberalism theory. I'm having difficulty finding the energy expert Yergin's opinion on the bailouts free of charge and out there for the public to read even though the book on the worship of the free markets is available for free at the local library. Well, I did find this rather cryptic statement out there on teh interwebs for free:

“There is an opportunity to address energy needs in a way that hasn’t been possible for decades,” said Daniel Yergin, the chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates. “It almost feels like we’re picking up from where we were in the 1970s.”

You think I'm paying to read this asshole's work?

Not. Happening.

The hypocrisy is staggering. It's ok to impoverish other people, and bankrupt other coutntries' governments but the American people are forced to pay for AIG's bounuses? With what? These dickheads encouraged the shipping of our jobs overseas.

Pitchfork time yet? Unh huh.

Perp Walks Instead of Bonuses
Posted on Mar 17, 2009
By Robert Scheer
There must be a criminal investigation of the AIG debacle,...

Oh, Lord have mercy, but I love Arianna Huffington. How she manages to be droll with that lovely sing-song voice of hers is a marvel to me.

I 've Decided to Move to Print... for a Day
Posted March 18, 2009 03:40 AM (EST) Arianna Huffington

The Story: The AIG Bonus FightMy Take: It's a battle to see who is more tone-deaf: the AIG execs pushing for bonuses despite running the company into the ground or the members of the Obama administration who didn't realize this would inspire such outrage.

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