
Monday, March 02, 2009

Realistic people know what Obama is up against.

And how hard these fuckers are going to fight any of the changes our country needs to make.

1. Get the money out of politics.

(damn bankers)

2. Get the money out of the newz.

3. Get the military-industrial-congressional-complex monkey off of our backs. (see above also)

Then we might work towards a democracy (or back towards a democratic republic) instead of living in a Corporatocracy.

Brit Hume, pouty mouthpiece for the rich.

Why do poor people watch Fox News?

Oh, yeah only poor people with the IQ of acorn squash watch Fox News.

Santelli's rant backed by Koch (pronounced coke) money.

Update 11:32 AM 3/6/2009 Mmmmmm, jury's out on this one

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