
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Managing Expectations and Understanding the Economic Crisis

Lincoln Mitchell
Assistant Professor in the Practice of International Politics, Columbia University
Posted March 11, 2009 10:14 AM (EST)

...Rarely, however, has the expectation game been as complicated as it is for President Obama. Presidents are, still, to a substantial extent, judged by the performance of the economy during their term in office; and Obama is unlikely to be an exception. It would seem, therefore, that Obama has every reason to reduce hopes for an economic recovery in the immediate future because this would make it possible for voters to reward any economic recovery by supporting the Democrats in congress in 2010 and Obama himself during his 2012 reelection bid...

What did I say? Yeesh, good fucking luck keeping Molly McMooseturd out of office with the overinflated expectations of the underinformed and intentionally terrified American people. Especially the fucktards who watch Fox newz.

The realization that we are We Are Breeding Ourselves to Extinction may sink in as we are forced to share what we have considered ours because we have been a wealthy country, by hook or crook in this century.

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