
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Reading now

Click on book for wikipedia entry on the author.

Robert Fisk on Ratzi. we go again – was this not the same ex-Cardinal Ratzinger (anti-divorce, anti-gay and anti-aircraft, as I always remind myself) who delivered a lecture at Regensburg in 2006 in which he quoted from a Byzantine text which characterised the Prophet Mohamed as evil and inhuman?...

I'm not sure I want to read this book now, but I'm sorely lacking in historical information, so I may slog through it anyway.

Gah, why does my library branch stock so much right wing shit? Nobody checks out the Ann Coulter books, and her piles of books are higher than any of the liberal's piles of books in the local bookstores. What gives?

I guess those people are around, some bitch at Starbucks gave me shit about the "Not My President" t-shirt I was wearing around election time. Even though I was startled because the country was already looking for a change from Bush's destructive policies, I just smiled and told her to have a nice day.

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