
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Child brides, Stolen lives

I almost gave up on this show last night because the first half was so depressing.

I couldn't stop thinking about 'Planet of Slums' by Mike Davis.

The second half of the show was much more hopeful , and well worth an hour of your time, if you've got it.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Cheaper to keep her

California law bars landlords from asking tenants' immigration status

JULIANA BARBASSA Associated Press Writer
California is again forging its own path on immigration reform by becoming the first state to prohibit landlords from asking tenants' immigration status.The law signed this week by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger elicited a sigh of relief among landlord associations concerned that without it, they would be forced to take on the cost and the liability of enforcing federal laws as "de-facto immigration cops," said Nancy Ahlswede, executive director of the Apartment Association, California Southern Cities....

Effort to Curb Illegal Worker's Hiring Blocked
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, October 11, 2007; 2:04 PM

A federal judge barred the Bush administration yesterday from launching a planned crackdown on U.S. companies that employ illegal immigrants, warning of its potentially "staggering" impact on law-abiding workers and companies.

...the chasm that the issue has opened between the Republican Party and its traditional business allies.

The case also called attention to the gulf between Washington rhetoric about the need to curtail illegal immigration and the economic reality that many U.S. employers rely on illegal labor, as well as to the government's inability for nearly three decades to develop adequate tools for identifying undocumented workers...

In a statement, Rep. Brian P. Bilbray (R-Calif.), an opponent of Bush's approach who won election to the House last year on the issue, criticized the court. "What part of 'illegal' does Judge Breyer not understand?"... ...

Overall, 7.2 million illegal immigrants account for at least 10 percent of low-skilled U.S. workers and 5 percent of the total U.S. workforce, according to a Pew Hispanic Center analysis of 2005 census data.

Illegal immigrants make up even greater portions of workers in specific industries, including 24 percent in farming, 17 percent in cleaning, 14 percent in construction and 12 percent in food preparation. But the government's record in developing tools to screen such workers is spotty, largely because of successful efforts by employers, labor unions and civil rights groups to water them down...

... On Aug. 31, U.S. District Judge Maxine M. Chesney issued a temporary restraining order pending an Oct. 1 hearing before Breyer, who was appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1997 and is the brother of Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer

Correction to This Article
Earlier versions of this story gave the wrong relationship between U.S. District Judge Charles R. Breyer and Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer. They are brothers. This version has been corrected.

Danny Schechter the News Dissector

Has a blog post that we on the left should heed today:

If Fox Can Create a Business Channel, Why Can't We?

...We can sit on the sidelines and ignore this new channel, or we can snipe at and put it down it as the latest Murdochian invason by the evil empire. We can make fun of it, and feel self-righteous while exposing its likely lies and crimes against truth.

These responses won’t amount to much.

Or we can recognize that the we need credible economy/business news too, a channel and outlet that probes more deeply, that examines the shoddy practies and illicit deals by the Miliitary Industrial and Media complex and its kissing cousin, the equally insidious credit and debt complex. We need to know not just about business but about political economy. We need to know how these markets work and who influencing them and subsidizing them. We need to understand how rules and regulations were broken to permit subprime ‘ponzi” schemes like the subprime lending that is now leading to millions of foreclosures...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Congressional braniacs

Um, yeah, who's brilliant idea was it to bring up a hundred year old genocide whan when what's happening in Iraq could be called genocide?

Turkey mulls cutting military ties with U.S. over genocide vote

Yeah, and both the Turkish government and the US government would rather you call them civil wars, thank you very much.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Reading Now

New book to read: $30

A gallon of milk and a pack of cancer sticks: $9.40

The grin I exchanged with somebody sporting this on their vehicle: Priceless

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Louisiana Most Corrupt State in the Nation,

Mississippi Second, Illinois Sixth, New Jersey Ninth
21 Corporate Crime Reporter 40, October 8, 2007

Louisiana is the most corrupt state in the nation...

California (23)(2.07),....

Pakistan jets pound 'rebel bases'

Pakistani warplanes have attacked suspected pro-Taleban positions near the Afghan border for a fourth day.

Pakistani troops in North Waziristan (file photo)

The army faces well-armed, well-trained militants in Waziristan

I wish I gave a crap today. About anything.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Finished reading

"Legacy of Ashes
The History of the CIA"
By Tim Weiner © 2007
Tim Weiner is a New York Times reporter who has written on American intelligence for twenty years. He was awarded a Pulitzer price for this work on national security programs. He has traveled to Afghanistan and other nations to investigate CIA covert operations first hand. This is his third book.

On page 411 in the book is an interesting passage on William Casey. {Casey was the OSS chief in London during WWII. He was a Wall Street operator who made his money selling tax-shelter strategies. He was Reagan’s campaign manager.}

He was the director of the CIA at the time.

December 15, (1986) Casey had a seizure in his 7th floor office. He was wheeled out on a stretcher before anyone grasped what had happened. At Georgetown University Hospital, his doctors determined that he had an undiagnosed, central nervous system lymphoma-a malignant spider’s web spreading in his brain, a rare disease, difficult to detect. It often led to inexplicably bizarre behavior in the twelve to fifteen months before it was discovered.

{ So Reagan sleeps through briefings and the director of CIA has some weird cancer in his brain. Iran-Contra anyone? }

There’s a passage on page 510 that left me with my mouth hanging open:

The clandestine service began to abandon the techniques of the past - political warfare, propaganda, and covert action - because it lacked the skills to conduct them. The agency remained a place where few people spoke Arabic or Persian, Korean or Chinese. It still denied employment to patriotic Arab Americans on security grounds if they still had relatives living in the Middle East as most did.

Huh? Who’s security does this protect? The security of Americans? The relatives still living in the old country? So I guess deaing with liars, cheats, thieves and drug dealers has proven to be a more efficient way to gather intelligence. Yeah, tell that to all the families of the foreign CIA recruits that got killed upon discovery. Mmmmmm hmmmm, OKaybee.

On page 512 a now familiar lament from anyone with three brain cells left:

At he end of Dwight Eisenhower’s years a president, a few days after he lamented the legacy of intelligence failures he would pass on to his successors, he gave his farewell address to the nation and famously warned" "We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplace power exists and will persist." Little more than a half century later the surge of secret spending on national security after 9/11 had created a booming intelligence-industrial complex.

Corporate clones of the CIA started sprouting all over the suburbs of Washington and beyond. Patriotism for profit became a $50 billion-a-year business by some estimates-a sum about the size of the intelligence budget itself. This phenomenon traced back fifteen years. After the cold war the agency began contracting out thousands of jobs to fill the perceived void created by the budget cuts that began in 1992. A CIA officer could file his retirement papers, turn in his blue identification badge, go to work for a much better salary at a military contractor such as Lockheed Martin or Booz Allen Hamilton, then return to the CIA the next day wearing a green badge. After September 11 the outsourcing went out of control. Green-badge bosses started openly recruiting in the CIA’s cafeteria.
…Lockheed Martin posted help wanted ads for "counterterrorism analysts" to interrogate suspected terrorists at Guantánamo prison.

So this book mentions some local hotshot names of people who are in hot water, and then mentions Blackwater USA. This company wants to set up a training camp a few miles from Tecate, Mexico in a tiny little place called Potrero. I was listening to the only local progressive talk radio show in San Diego this morning and a listener called in to say that she was at the protest yesterday in Potrero. She said that she felt like the Blackwater goons were trying to intimidate the Blackwater protesters. They were filming and one of these goons was pointing his finger at the protesters and making it look like a gun. I wasn’t there because I figured that something like that would happen. I've tangled with right-wing idealogues before. They're so stupid and brainwashed that reasoning with them is a waste of time, but they're kind of like cornered badgers, you don't want to fuck with them, they're nasty little shits.

Three hundred against Blackwater, and fifteen for Blackwater at the protest:
Blackwater foes begin fight with their feet

The right-wing brainwashed morons who commented on the Fishwrap article just crack me up. I wonder if any of them have ever looked up the word 'liberal' in a dictionary.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

My biggest pet peeve

The one nobody wants to talk about, deal with, pull their stupid heads out of their butts on, etc.

Overpopulation or sometimes they call it population momentum

Obviously I am not a Cornucopian

Wow, I got to here and then decided to go see what Growth is Madness had been up to lately.

Nosing around looking for information on what I consider the most important issue of my life and our time, I found this clip from a meeting last month.

It's fascinating. Let's face it, human rights don't have a chance unless population issues are addressed in a humane and productive way.

The Real News interviews Gore Vidal

If you're tired of being treated like an idiot by the mainstream media, this is the interview to watch. Some of the things I heard him say weren't fun to listen to, but it made me feel better to hear him say them.

Ok, now I'm off to go explore more stories on The Real News network site.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Friday, October 05, 2007

Chris Matthews on Jon Stewart

And this unrelated story caught my eye this morning:

The Point of Net Neutrality
Saturday, September 29, 2007; Page A17

Thursday, October 04, 2007

"Capitalism and Freedom" Unmasked

"Capitalism and Freedom" Unmasked
By Stephen Lendman

10/04/07 "
ICH" -- -
Iraq above all other nations today is a ghoulish testimony to the myth of free market magic, but it's even worse than that. It proves Friedmanomics a crime against humanity and the man who led it a Nobel prize-winning fraud whose legacy is failure. His real time record is so horrific, it's unrevealed in the mainstream to suppress it.

Today I spoke with a woman from Vietnam. She said her family of ten tried to escape from Vietnam eight times because her father hated the communists. I asked if she thought that the communists there were controlled by the Chinese communists, and she said "No, they different." When she said she had 8 siblings I asked her if I looked a little green. I didn't go off on my population control tirade, but I couldn't help wondering why so few governments consider it a priority to help women control the size of their broods. She certainly didn't seem like she wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps on that one. I love San Diego because I get to meet all kinds of neat people here. People who can share stories from all over the world.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Stop Blackwater

Erik Prince testified today

Here's an interpretation of what happened.

(Oh Jeez, I just caught this sentence from the above article: "Every indication is that Prince is a very bad man." Totally cracks me up. I used to listen to squids try to impress me by trying to bullshit me into believing that they were Navy Seals. They didn't realize that that didn't impress or even interest most chicks raised in San Diego. Why? Because we knew that they were assholes. By the time I was eighteen I had had about enough of guys who thought that they were Billy BadAss.)

The asshole acts like his shit don't stink because of The Bush administration's ties to Blackwater

We don't want Blackwater in San Diego.

Encampment and Demonstration to Stop Blackwater West from building a training facility in San Diego County

Stop Blackwater in Potrero October 6-7 2007

The cancer that is killing this country is out of control in this city.
The military-industrial-complex can't even be surgically removed from San Diego.
The triage nurse just rolls her eyes and calls for morphine.

Here's a nice little local article about Brent Wilkes, Dukie Cunningham, ho's and hot tubs, and Wilkes' troubles before the Dukie thing.

Monday, October 01, 2007

He he he, this made me laugh

Conscientious people are less prone to Alzheimer's
Mon Oct 1, 2007 7:02pm EDT
CHICAGO, Oct 1 (Reuters) - People who lead a good clean life -- those who are conscientious, self-disciplined and scrupulous -- appear to be less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

The finding is the latest from a long-running study of nearly 1,000 Catholic nuns, priests and brothers by Robert Wilson of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. The study appeared in the Archives of General Psychiatry.

NYT Front Page

What I gotta read today and...

Exoneration Using DNA Brings Change in Legal System
October 1, 2007

Loyal Network Backs Obama After His Help
Published: October 1, 2007
In 2000, after losing a Congressional race, Barack Obama was looking to revive his political fortunes. And he soon found a springboard — a group of black entrepreneurs also trying to break out.

October 1, 2007
Darfur Rebels Kill 10 in Peace Force

...Mr. Mezni said the rebels, whose precise affiliation was unclear as of late Sunday, came at the camp from every direction in what he called a “deliberate and sustained attack.” ...

The Everyman Who Exposed Tainted Toothpaste
October 1, 2007
...The news set off alarms. In 2006 the government had mistakenly mixed mislabeled diethylene glycol into 260,000 bottles of cold medicine, and Panama was still coping with its aftermath. The day before Dr. Alleyne’s announcement, a front-page newspaper article here reported the finding by The Times that the diethylene glycol in the cold medicine had come from a Chinese company not certified to sell pharmaceutical ingredients, and that it had been sold under a false label...
...Over the years, counterfeiters have used diethylene glycol as a cheap substitute for its more expensive chemical cousin, glycerin, a common ingredient in medicine, food and household products...
...The toothpaste had entered Panama through the Colón Free Trade Zone on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal. One of the world’s biggest free zones, with 30,000 workers and 2,500 businesses, it is a place where billions of dollars in goods are unloaded, stored and either sold or reshipped free of tariffs. From there, 5,000 to 6,000 tubes slipped into the Panamanian market, without proper certification, mixed in with animal products, investigators said. A much larger number of tubes were reshipped from the free zone to other Latin American countries...

Barred From Public Housing, Even to See Family
October 1, 2007
...For decades, crime has been a grim fact of life for public housing tenants, some of whom say they have no sympathy for neighbors who are barred for breaking the law....

Mets Complete Stunning Collapse October 1, 2007
Marlins 8, Mets 1

...what I want to read:

Two Clues for the Clueless
October 1, 2007

...In a reality-based existence, it is more effective to modify one's own behavior than to try to govern the behavior of other sovereign individuals and entities...

I like Jim Kunstler's Clusterfuck Nation

And my friend Annie Banannie, who keeps me from staying in bed all day with the covers pulled over my head. I'm fortunate to be able to call her a friend.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I need a music break

Bonnie Raitt -- Unnecessarily mercenary

Rickie Lee Jones -- Dat Dere

John Mayer -- Daughters

It's a charade

Terror finance trail vanishes in Saudi Arabia
The kingdom has pledged to crack down on funding activities for the likes of al-Qa'ida. So why the secrecy?

Paul Cochrane reports
Published: 30 September 2007

MMMM. Color me cynical. As the "investigations" drag on forever, people in high places in both US and SA governments continue to make obscene amounts of money on arms sales and new "war on ________" (fill in the blanks) programs that need nifty new spy gadgets.

Some things just never seem to change.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The question I have is...

How do we stop wars from happening whether they be for power, profit, or simple basic need if there are no world leaders willing to be honest about the problems of overpopulation?

Problems that are getting worse because of global warming (See Myanmar). Whether you believe that global warming is caused by human activity or you don't, the fact of the matter is that more suffering is happening because of the one human activity that happens to be extremely successful:


Or as I like to call it--squirting out brats.

Bill Moyers Journal

I was too tired to watch it last night, I'm watching it now.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

WaPo today

Increase In War Funding Sought
$42 Billion Boost Would Raise 2008 Total to $190 Billion
By Josh White and Ann Scott Tyson
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, September 27, 2007; A01

...In a rare sign of bipartisan consensus over war policy, the Senate plan to divide Iraq, conceived by Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), was approved 75 to 23, with support from 26 Republicans, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.)...What? Who me cynical?

'I Failed Him. I Failed My Baby.'

Man Sought Help for Son Weeks Before D.C. Police Killed Him
By Keith L. Alexander
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, September 27, 2007; A01

GM, Union Agree on Contract to End Strike
Deal Seen as Model Across Industries
By Sholnn Freeman and Frank Ahrens
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, September 27, 2007; A01

In Flood-Prone Bangladesh, a Future That Floats
By Emily Wax
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, September 27, 2007; A01

Report Says Fixes Slow To Come at Walter Reed
By Steve Vogel
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, September 27, 2007; A01

Democratic Rivals Press Clinton, Courteously
By Dan Balz and Anne E. Kornblut
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, September 27, 2007; A01

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A story I missed, & some I didn't-- Project Censored

# 3 AFRICOM: US Military Control of Africa’s Resources
Source: 2/21/2007
Title: “Understanding AFRICOM”
Author: Bryan Hunt

Student Researcher: Ioana Lupu
Faculty Evaluator: Marco Calavita, Ph.D

In February 2007 the White House announced the formation of the US African Command (AFRICOM), a new unified Pentagon command center in Africa, to be established by September 2008. This military penetration of Africa is being presented as a humanitarian guard in the Global War on Terror. The real objective is, however, the procurement and control of Africa’s oil and its global delivery systems.
Happiness gap widens between ladies, gents
By David Leonhardt
September 26, 2007

It appears that men may have the edge when it comes to happiness.

No. Fucking. Shit.

Update: 5:35 PM 9/26/2007


Security Council urges Myanmar to allow UN envoy's visit 27 Sep 2007, 0443 hrs IST,AFP

UNITED NATIONS: The UN Security Council on Wednesday failed to condemn Myanmar's military rulers for their bloody crackdown on anti-government protests and merely expressed "strong support" for a UN envoy's visit there "as soon as possible."

Iraq, Afghanistan wars to cost US $190 bln in 2008
Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:57pm EDT

Dead monks, wars that cost 200 billion dollars a year.

Gee, I don't know why women score lower on the happiness scale?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Myanmar imposes curfew, bans assembly

YANGON, Myanmar - Myanmar's (Burma) military leaders imposed a nighttime curfew and banned gatherings of more than five people Tuesday after 35,000 Buddhist monks and their supporters defied the junta's warnings and staged another day of anti-government protests.

About Myanmar

Myanmar's (Burma) population is estimated at over 47 million, with the population density being 70 persons per sq km. Roughly three quarters of the population are rural inhabitants, with the remaining population living in urban Yangon, (Rangoon) Mandalay and Moulmein. About two thirds of Myanmar's population are Burman (ethnically close to Tibetans and Chinese) with other minorities making up the other third.

With less than 16 percent of the US' population Myanmar has captured the world's attention by peacefully protesting a brutal regime.

And the president of the United States embarrasses me once again...

Bush uses UN speech to criticise Burma and Zimbabwe regimes
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The police didn't put the monks and their supporters in cages for their protest. They cracked down the day after, but they didn't set up "protest zones" days in advance.
Zimbabwe has been dealing with European colonial interests for about 500 years now. Must not be an American mining company that Mugabe is moving aside people for, or some shit, because the US Govt has propped up more than their share of tin pot dictators, including him. It'd be nice if they taught us that shit in school.

And why is everybody still talking about Ahmadinejad? How do you take someone seriously who says there are no homosexuals in Iran, a country of over 71 million ?

52nd District field grows

thicker with Repugnant Thuglican horseshit candidates.

The bottom paragraph of the article offers up two Democratic candidates in the 52nd.

Duncky also sez:

I Will Try To ‘Cut Off Funds To Columbia University’ Because Of Ahmadinejad Speech

Here's a good read for Duncky:

Shock and Awe

Monday, September 24, 2007

Candidates Forum on Health Care

The Presidential Candidate Forums, organized by the Federation of American Hospitals and Families USA, feature candidates being interviewed by a panel of prominent journalists from ABC News, National Public Radio, the Wall Street Journal, and the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. The forums, taking place at the Kaiser Family Foundation's Barbara Jordan Conference Center, will be taped for broadcast by MacNeil-Lehrer productions and webcast by kaisernetwork, Kaiser's health news and information service.

Kuckinch is up first. Think Kaiser wanted to get that one out of the way?

Upcoming Live Webcasts

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio)
Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 8:30 a.m. ET

Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del.)
Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 11:30 a.m. ET

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007 at 10 a.m. ET

Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.)
Thursday, November 1, 2007 at 11 a.m. ET

Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.)
Wednesday, November 7, 2007 at 10 a.m. ET

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.)

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-Ark.)

Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas)

Gov. Bill Richardson (D-N.M.)

Yeah, so I think this is more important than the whole Amadinejad speaking at Columbia thing.
The Iranians are a bit puzzled also, they know that he has no real power.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Economic Impact of Peak Oil Part 1: A Flashback

Posted by Gail the Actuary on September 23, 2007 - 11:00am
Topic: Economics
Tags: debt, industrial revolution, Robert Ayres, Robert Solow

This is the first part of a three-part series providing my ideas on the economic impact of peak oil.

Mmmmm. Besides glazing over a bit when Gail the Actuary pulls the charts out, it's a great read. I didn't say fun, I said great.

Senate Clown Show

TPM nails it.

Religions sucks #7 Blackwater edition

(click book cover to find a copy of Scahill's book, click Gomer for an article that provesLarry correct)

What a country I live in. My government's unfairness and arrogance and hypocrisy infuriates me sometimes. I didn't know I could feel horrified, terrified, angry, disgusted, and despondent at the same time.


I can.

And I'd like to add that Blackwater may finally be getting the negative press it deserves, but the problem is systemic. There are companies competing for a chunk of the security company gravy train that this shitty, fucked up war has created.
Lookee here at the list: PRIVATE FORCES DOT COM

Friday, September 21, 2007

It's Friday ya bastards

(Yup, I hear Randi Rhodes' voice as I write that)

Are USAID Funds Being Used for Covert Operations in Central Africa?
September 20, 2007 at 07:21:51

Mmmmm. Does this surprise me? Nope, I read this book a few years ago:

Hidden Terrors: The Truth About U.S. Police Operations in Latin America by A.J. Langguth (Author)
  • Paperback: 343 pages
  • Publisher: Pantheon (July 12, 1979)
The DRC had elections last year.

I know this is unrelated, but it's disgusting to me.

Oil hits high over $84
Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:33pm EDT

I'm still plugging along, reading this book. It's depressing.

Tonight on NOW

Bill Moyers is doing part of tonight's show on Rachel Carson I'm still picking up her book occasionally, but I can't read the thing straight through. It's too depressing to see how little of her work had a lasting impact on the captains of industry. I'm curious to see how long it takes for some genius to advocate the use of DDT for bedbug problems that are cropping up.

Speaking of creepy, bloodsucking critters, I love this
letter to Larry Silverstein