
Friday, October 12, 2007

Danny Schechter the News Dissector

Has a blog post that we on the left should heed today:

If Fox Can Create a Business Channel, Why Can't We?

...We can sit on the sidelines and ignore this new channel, or we can snipe at and put it down it as the latest Murdochian invason by the evil empire. We can make fun of it, and feel self-righteous while exposing its likely lies and crimes against truth.

These responses won’t amount to much.

Or we can recognize that the we need credible economy/business news too, a channel and outlet that probes more deeply, that examines the shoddy practies and illicit deals by the Miliitary Industrial and Media complex and its kissing cousin, the equally insidious credit and debt complex. We need to know not just about business but about political economy. We need to know how these markets work and who influencing them and subsidizing them. We need to understand how rules and regulations were broken to permit subprime ‘ponzi” schemes like the subprime lending that is now leading to millions of foreclosures...

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