Exoneration Using DNA Brings Change in Legal System
October 1, 2007
Loyal Network Backs Obama After His Help
Published: October 1, 2007
In 2000, after losing a Congressional race, Barack Obama was looking to revive his political fortunes. And he soon found a springboard — a group of black entrepreneurs also trying to break out.
October 1, 2007
Darfur Rebels Kill 10 in Peace Force
...Mr. Mezni said the rebels, whose precise affiliation was unclear as of late Sunday, came at the camp from every direction in what he called a “deliberate and sustained attack.” ...
The Everyman Who Exposed Tainted Toothpaste
October 1, 2007
...The news set off alarms. In 2006 the government had mistakenly mixed mislabeled diethylene glycol into 260,000 bottles of cold medicine, and Panama was still coping with its aftermath. The day before Dr. Alleyne’s announcement, a front-page newspaper article here reported the finding by The Times that the diethylene glycol in the cold medicine had come from a Chinese company not certified to sell pharmaceutical ingredients, and that it had been sold under a false label...
...Over the years, counterfeiters have used diethylene glycol as a cheap substitute for its more expensive chemical cousin, glycerin, a common ingredient in medicine, food and household products...
...The toothpaste had entered Panama through the Colón Free Trade Zone on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal. One of the world’s biggest free zones, with 30,000 workers and 2,500 businesses, it is a place where billions of dollars in goods are unloaded, stored and either sold or reshipped free of tariffs. From there, 5,000 to 6,000 tubes slipped into the Panamanian market, without proper certification, mixed in with animal products, investigators said. A much larger number of tubes were reshipped from the free zone to other Latin American countries...
Barred From Public Housing, Even to See Family
October 1, 2007
...For decades, crime has been a grim fact of life for public housing tenants, some of whom say they have no sympathy for neighbors who are barred for breaking the law....
Mets Complete Stunning Collapse October 1, 2007
Marlins 8, Mets 1
...what I want to read:
Two Clues for the Clueless
October 1, 2007
...In a reality-based existence, it is more effective to modify one's own behavior than to try to govern the behavior of other sovereign individuals and entities...
I like Jim Kunstler's Clusterfuck Nation
And my friend Annie Banannie, who keeps me from staying in bed all day with the covers pulled over my head. I'm fortunate to be able to call her a friend.
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