
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Stop Blackwater

Erik Prince testified today

Here's an interpretation of what happened.

(Oh Jeez, I just caught this sentence from the above article: "Every indication is that Prince is a very bad man." Totally cracks me up. I used to listen to squids try to impress me by trying to bullshit me into believing that they were Navy Seals. They didn't realize that that didn't impress or even interest most chicks raised in San Diego. Why? Because we knew that they were assholes. By the time I was eighteen I had had about enough of guys who thought that they were Billy BadAss.)

The asshole acts like his shit don't stink because of The Bush administration's ties to Blackwater

We don't want Blackwater in San Diego.

Encampment and Demonstration to Stop Blackwater West from building a training facility in San Diego County

Stop Blackwater in Potrero October 6-7 2007

The cancer that is killing this country is out of control in this city.
The military-industrial-complex can't even be surgically removed from San Diego.
The triage nurse just rolls her eyes and calls for morphine.

Here's a nice little local article about Brent Wilkes, Dukie Cunningham, ho's and hot tubs, and Wilkes' troubles before the Dukie thing.

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