
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blue Girl finds Photo of the Day

Blue Girl (in a Red State) for her and YD's NightOwl Newsraps, they're fabulous. Here are some other pictures that I have fallen in love with in the last coupe of days.


Looping in my brain this AM

I'm too old for this shit, lol

Madison Protests

largest numbers on Saturday

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hello? Hellloooo? Helllllooooooooooo!?

Fuckingaskippychristonapogostick, are the French the only ones connecting the protests and revolutions to the soaring costs of FOOD? Well whataya know, the head of the World Bank gets it. Read the wiki page linked, of course he gets it!

Rising food prices nearing danger point: World Bank
By Agence France-Presse
Saturday, February 19th, 2011 -- 6:19 pm

"...Soaring food, fuel and other basic costs have been one of the key factors driving political unrest across the Middle East and North Africa which has forced the ouster of long-standing autocratic rulers in Egypt and Tunisia..."

Thousands protest in Bolivia over food prices
(AFP) – 1 day ago

Price protests erupt across Algeria
Unrest spreads from capital to several towns as youths protest over rising costs and increasing unemployment.
Last Modified: 07 Jan 2011 10:15 GMT

"Static state salaries and inflation, particularly with respect to prices for food and key staples, have hit ordinary Libyans hard in the last two years,"
Fourteen people were killed this weekend in the deadliest incidents yet in an unprecedented wave of protests in Tunisia sparked by high food prices and unemployment,

Arab and Middle East revolt - an interactive map
Trace the current spate of protests from Morocco to Iran ...

Global wheat production will probably drop 4.3 percent to 653 million metric tons in 2010-2011 from the previous year, while demand may expand 1.2 percent to 667 million tons,...

<>Wheat reached $9.1675 a bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade on Feb. 14, the highest price since August 2008 for a most-active contract, and has surged 76 percent the past year. That compares with an 88 percent gain for corn and a 47 percent increase for soybeansI hope you bitches who are dating speculators and traders got diamonds for Valentines day because your hos made bank that day.

How the fuck do you figure an effective 8% loss in production merits a 76% increase in price?

Why is Glenn Beck so full of shit?

In Hour-Long Attack On Planned Parenthood, Beck Inexcusably Ignores Key Fact
February 18, 2011 11:25 pm ET

And Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?
By Matt Taibbi
FEBRUARY 16, 2011 9:00 AM ET

"...To understand the significance of this, one has to think carefully about the efficacy of fines as a punishment for a defendant pool that includes the richest people on earth — people who simply get their companies to pay their fines for them. Conversely, one has to consider the powerful deterrent to further wrongdoing that the state is missing by not introducing this particular class of people to the experience of incarceration. "You put Lloyd Blankfein in pound-me-in-the-ass prison for one six-month term, and all this bullshit would stop, all over Wall Street," says a former congressional aide. "That's all it would take. Just once."...

Gawd I love Matt Taibbi.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fuck you in your lying ass Mike Pence you rethug liar piece of shit

Just moments ago, the U.S. House voted to bar all federal aid to Planned Parenthood clinics across the country.

The 240-185 vote occurred on an amendment to H.R.1 offered by Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) that prohibits any assistance to every Planned Parenthood agency in the United States. The amendment, in fact, lists all of those agencies by name.

"...And once again, I must think that it would deliver no end of displeasure to them were they to find out that thousands of contributions were being sent to Planned Parenthood in their names -- that they, in fact, had become fundraisers for an organization they evidently despise..."

In the Middle East

Just visit Al Jazeera. It's fabulous to me, all those protests.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Progress, but not here

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Waist Deep in the Washington Quagmire
Posted by Tom Engelhardt at 10:02am, February 17, 2011.

"...There's no way that thinking so old and stale, so out-of-date, can begin to take in or react adventurously to a fast-changing world. Look at Egypt, or China, or Brazil, or India, or Turkey. There, new thinking and new developments are blooming, but you wouldn’t know it in Washington...."


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Had enough in the Middle East

16 February 2011 Last updated at 10:00 ET
Middle East protests: Country by country

Arab leaders warned of 'revolution'
Arab League chief warns regional leaders that recent political upheaval is linked to deteriorating economic conditions.
Last Modified: 19 Jan 2011 20:28 GMT

and um, other places also:

Food Riots Threaten Latin America on Surging Commodities in UN Assessment
By Nicholas Larkin - Feb 16, 2011 12:26 AM PT
Countries in Latin America and Africa, including Bolivia and Mozambique, are most at risk of food riots as prices advance, the United Nations reported.

"....Goldman View
Food prices are going higher because there is competition for limited arable land to boost supplies, said Jeff Currie, global head of commodities research at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in London..."

Regulating Commodity Speculation Back In EU Spotlight


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yeah, What BadTux said

The revolution starts... err.... not.

Yup, I'm feelin' pretty lazy these days too, probably because I feel hopeless regarding the Idiocracy that is my country.

Maybe it's because I just finished watching another documentary on illegal immigration, this one about kids. I felt nothing when I watched it, probably because I was born and raised in a Mexican border town. That could change a person's perspective and make them see things that others might not see while watching that particular documentary.

Maybe it's just the hopeless feeling I get when I think about the Idiocracy that is my country.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Grammys tonight

Eh Feh, I think I have heard one of these songs, unless this is the old McCartney version of Helter Skelter. I don't much care for rap, and most R & B sounds the same to me. I kind of wrote off the Grammys as just one more sad commentary on life in America when I happened to catch part of that Gawdawful song one year about it being "hard out here for a pimp." I think back to what my kid listened to and I can see that some of her favorites from 5 or 6 years back are up for Grammys, but the dinosaur rockers are surprising to me, um, unless I don't know any better and their namesake kids are up for awards. If I could figure out when the kid who went to my high school a gazillion years after I went, I might watch part of it, but since the kid didn't even write the one song I like, again let me reiterate... eh feh.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Tired of the news

No, I don't know it all, but since I've been reading non-stop since September 12, 2001 I'm finding the blowback stories from the Middle East tedious. I just don't see current events the way I used to. With 7 billion people on the planet, how long did the Captains of Industry and the Banksters think they could shit all over a majority of the world population?

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Do nothing Republicans

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

I'm assuming my congresswhore Bilbray is fundraising. A LOT. Since the asshole never represented me or did anything that I care about, I try not to pay attention to the bills that he votes in diametric opposition to my values.

Time to head back to Netflix viewing. Romantic comedies were never so interesting to me, hey I am a woman, and action flicks get really tedious to me. I just don't like car chases, explosions, gunfights, damsel in distress rescues and all the bullshit regarding national security and war. I did enjoy a movie and a documentary about The Runaways, and I loved a Norwegian film that translated as "Buddy."

Monday, February 07, 2011

DC "blindsided?"

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Goodbye to All That

Pox Americana
Driving Through the Gates of Hell and Other American Pastimes in the Greater Middle East

By Tom Engelhardt

"As we've watched the dramatic events in the Middle East, you would hardly know that we had a thing to do with them....

Still, make no mistake, there’s a story in a Washington stunned and "blindsided," in an administration visibly toothless and in disarray as well as dismayed over the potential loss of its Egyptian ally, “the keystone of its Middle Eastern policy,” that’s so big it should knock your socks off..."

As I was reading this I was reminded of an article that I read a couple of weeks ago:

Maddow Shows How the "National" Media Isn't National At All

by: David Sirota

Thu Jan 20, 2011 at 13:30

"Last night, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow rightly asked a taboo question of our "national" media: Why has it largely ignored what the FBI says is a major terrorist bombing attempt on Spokane, Washington? In the segment, you can see she cites examples of the "national" media hyperventilating about bomb scares that ended up being false alarms. She cites these examples to wonder why, in the face of a bomb scare that's actually real, the same "national" media has ignored the Spokane story? ..."

If the NY-DC media bubble cannot inform the people of the United States about danger, how can we expect them to stop tripping over their dicks internationally? They may understand campaign contributions, election cycles and the coming quarter's earnings but the effin megalomaniacs are so myopically focused on those things that they can't even see how dangerous they are to the world.

And, Oh, yeah, I'm getting better at spotting CIA planted stories, especially with the Egypt thing going on. Some of the absolute nonsense I have read in the last couple of weeks is fucking hiliarous.

Asia Times / By Pepe Escobar 16 COMMENTS
Why the US Fears Arab Democracy
As much as Mubarak is a slave to US foreign policy, Obama is boxed in by geopolitical imperatives and enormous corporate interests he cannot even dream of upsetting.


Saturday, February 05, 2011

Natural Gas and New Mexico

Friday, Feb. 4, 2011
Thousands in NM without natural gas service
By SUE MAJOR HOLMES Associated Press

Stocks Posted Best Weekly Gain In 2-Months (AAPL, BAC, BIDU, BP, ERTS, FCX, FSLR, MEE, PFE, SLW, V, XOM)
Written by TradersHuddle Staff
Friday, 04 February 2011 21:33
"...Energy, materials, and financials were the bets performing sectors. The energy sector rallied 2.6% lifted by higher crude oil prices and by M&A activity in the coal space. Crude oil extended its gains, climbing to a two-year high of $92.84 per barrel, before settling with a 3.2% gain at $92.19 per barrel. Traders continued to press the possibility of crude oil flow being interrupted at the Suez Canal and of possible Egypt unrest spillover to other oil producing countries in the Middle East..."

New Mexico Board Votes to Adopt Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade Rules
Published Nov. 2, 2010
"...PNM Resources, the Albuquerque-based parent firm of the utility Public Service Co. of New Mexico, has opposed the regional greenhouse gas regulations and issued a statement indicating that it may consider legal action. The company is among many that would prefer a national approach to energy and emissions regulations of this type..."

Speculation On A Monster Rebound, Higher Oil
Andrew Wilkinson, Interactive Brokers, 01.28.11, 02:58 PM EST
Monster Worldwide has been a horror show, dropping about 20%. Some options players wager on a snap back rally.

Patterson-UTI Energy: Shares of the provider of contract services to the North American oil and natural gas industry were up 2.25% this afternoon to stand at $22.90 just before 2:30 p.m. in New York.

Thursday 3 Feb 2011 UK Guardian
Terry McAllister
Shell's search for profits widens even as the oil price climbs
• Shell now 'world's largest trader' as well as oil major
• Plans to explore in Arctic, Iraq, Russia and deep sea
"...Shell is also busy building up its positions in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico and off Brazil, despite the safety concerns triggered by BP's Deepwater Horizon spill..."

Natural gas leak reported at offshore platform in the Gulf of Mexico
Published: Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 9:20 PM Updated: Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 9:21 PM AP

Saboteurs attack Egypt gas pipeline to Jordan
By Agence France-Presse
Saturday, February 5th, 2011 -- 8:12 am
"..."The pipeline to Jordan has been attacked and the supply to Israel has been cut off," the official said..."


Friday, February 04, 2011

It's (Partly) the Food, Stupid!

Why isn't this on the front page!?

"rapacious speculator­s have produced the current dramatic spike in food prices, rapacious speculator­s have produced the current dramatic spike in food prices, rapacious speculator­s have produced the current dramatic spike in food prices, rapacious speculator­s have produced the current dramatic spike in food prices, rapacious speculator­s have produced the current dramatic spike in food prices, rapacious speculator­s have produced the current dramatic spike in food prices"
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Food Speculation Behind Food Riots N Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Morocco

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Danny is closely following Egypt

Is Friday “The Day Of Departure?” If Hosni Is Going, Who Is Coming?

Democracy in San Diego?


Wal-Mart Buys San Diego

Dude, this shit is par for the course here in my lovely home town.

Walmart PAC donated to vote-flippers’ favored charities
FEBRUARY 4, 2011 - 1:13 PM
by Dave Maass

Councilmember Marti Emerald on Supercenters
Posted on February 4, 2011 by admin

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Congratulations commodities speculators and traders

You are responsible for the unrest in developing countries.

Get your greedy asses out of the commodities markets.

Bankers and Speculators Helped Create Egyptian Crisis
By Danny Schechter
Last Updated: Feb 1, 2011

Get out.

Fuck off and die please.


I dunno what I'll blog about today, but it WON'T be Egypt

So, the whole GOP trying to redefine rape pisses me off. And I'm not the only liberal blogger to be ticked about it.

Republicans Redefine Rape, Outraging Liberals
<> By CAITLIN DICKSON | January 28, 2011 5:07pm

On Rape, War Crimes, and Republicans

Exclusive: Dem calls GOP rape-redefining bill ‘a violent act against women’
By Sahil Kapur
Tuesday, February 1st, 2011 -- 8:23 am



Friday, January 28, 2011

Thirteen Days

Thirteen Days (2000)

Users: (24,062 votes) 302 reviews | Critics: 150 reviews Metascore: 67/100 (based on 31 reviews from

The film is set during the two-week Cuban missile crisis in October of 1962, and it centers on how President John F. Kennedy, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and others handled the explosive situation.

The Pentagonistas were doing a circle jerk that could have led to nuclear war instead of letting the Presidents of the US and USSR actually communicate directly. Fucking warmongering idiots.

Men just irritate the living shit right out of me. I wonder how many pairs of villages that shared the same water well avoided wars because the women talked to each other instead of letting their testosterone fueled men loose on each other.

I read, then escape, and then rinse and repeat.

Still slogging through Russ Baker's Family of Secrets. *sigh* In light of the financial crashes, bubbles, and phoenixes that soon will come crashing back to earth in a flurry of feathers, blood, guts and bits of broken bones again, I found this particular bit interesting:

P. 292
"...In the two years leading up to the oil embargo....

The point man for weaving together the complex economic relationship with the Saudis was a little-known fellow by the name of Gerald Parsky. His grasp of U.S. tax laws enable him to advise Arab countries how to benefit from IRS tax exemptions for foreign investment in real estate..."

Oh. Shit. If we are dealing with foreign capital that started that giant sucking sound in the 70's, how bad is it now?

At which point my head hurts enough to hit the escape button and find out what is on Netflix? Oh, so glad you asked! I recently discovered that the first four years of "Brothers and Sisters" is streaming on Netflix. Either I'm getting senile, or I missed the first half of the first year.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Birthday to me

I went to Wally World and bought myself some new windshield wiper blades. Then I came home to a flower delivery from my mom. Then my friends Jacob and Annie sent me a really funny Jib Jab card, and they told me that I have something else coming, but they won't tell me what it is. My dad called, that was unusual and very nice. My daughter's card was so beautiful that I cried. My sister is taking me to lunch tomorrow.

I feel very appreciated today.

I forgot to post my blog anniversary this month. On the 8th my little politickybitch blog was 5 years old.

I'm not telling you how old I am today, but it's really fucking old.

Update 7:30 pm - Watching this response to the SOTU speech What a fucking tool.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Trying to read now

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy (Andrew Bromfield translation, earlier and shorter)

What was I thinking? I still haven't finished
Family of Secrets or Globalization and it's Discontents. I used to read for fun. I'm not having much fun reading these days. Fuckin' 9/11.

I love this essay

What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?

Philip E. Agre
August 2004


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rachel Maddow is AWESOME

This tool from the Wall Street Journal Steve Moore dude makes me want to smack the shit out of him, just so Rachel doesn't have to treat him like the misbehaving child he's acting like.


Goddamned Old Pricks (GOP)

Posted at 4:14 PM ET, 01/21/2011
GOP bill would block D.C. abortion funding
By Ben Pershing
"..."The new Republican majority has spent its first three weeks preaching about the need to reduce the federal government's power," Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) said in a press release. "Yet the third bill they introduced this Congress prohibits a local jurisdiction from spending its own local funds."...

O'Reilly promotes effort to recall Sheriff Dupnik for 'divisive' talk -- with Nazi-coddler Russell Pearce cheerleading

Was Comcast Behind Keith Olbermann’s Exit from MSNBC?
Jan. 21 2011 - 10:51 pm
"...But Comcast has its own calculations. An intrinsically conservative corporation, it’s not overly friendly to congenital boat-rockers like Olbermann..."

The More Americans That Go On Food Stamps The More Money JP Morgan Makes

JP Morgan is the largest processor of food stamp benefits in the United States. JP Morgan has contracted to provide food stamp debit cards in 26 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. JP Morgan is paid for each case that it handles, so that means that the more Americans that go on food stamps, the more profits JP Morgan makes.

Yes, you read that correctly.

January 20, 2011 5:03 PM

After Vote, GOP Not Done with Health Care Repeal Effort

Posted by Jill Jackson


Friday, January 21, 2011

Business over people....again

Jeffrey Immelt, GE CEO, To Replace Volcker On Obama's Economic Team
The Huffington Post Lila Shapiro First Posted: 01/21/11 10:06 AM Updated: 01/21/11 10:13 AM
"...The two men have significantly different backgrounds. Immelt is a lifelong Republican and, as Bloomberg put it, "a corporate heavyweight who can help burnish Obama's pro-business credentials."..."

Should Jeffrey Immelt Really Be Leading Our Job Creation Strategy?
1/21/11 HuffPo Scott Paul

There is no swifter way to alienate working class voters than to name an outsourcing CEO to lead your jobs strategy. Yet that's exactly what President Obama is doing.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King

I can't watch this and stay composed.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Miss Nebraska fake blonde ditz

Teresa Scanlan wins Miss America 2011; Miss Nebraska slams WikiLeaks during pageant

Great, a 17 year-old airhead from the cornfields is Miss America. The dingbat needs to go get her roots bleached or her teeth bleached, or work on those fabulous abs, but come on, social commentary from a 17 year-old beauty queen?

Puhleeeeeeeeze. Sometimes what this country shows the world is just plain embarrassing.