
Friday, January 28, 2011

I read, then escape, and then rinse and repeat.

Still slogging through Russ Baker's Family of Secrets. *sigh* In light of the financial crashes, bubbles, and phoenixes that soon will come crashing back to earth in a flurry of feathers, blood, guts and bits of broken bones again, I found this particular bit interesting:

P. 292
"...In the two years leading up to the oil embargo....

The point man for weaving together the complex economic relationship with the Saudis was a little-known fellow by the name of Gerald Parsky. His grasp of U.S. tax laws enable him to advise Arab countries how to benefit from IRS tax exemptions for foreign investment in real estate..."

Oh. Shit. If we are dealing with foreign capital that started that giant sucking sound in the 70's, how bad is it now?

At which point my head hurts enough to hit the escape button and find out what is on Netflix? Oh, so glad you asked! I recently discovered that the first four years of "Brothers and Sisters" is streaming on Netflix. Either I'm getting senile, or I missed the first half of the first year.


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