
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Grammys tonight

Eh Feh, I think I have heard one of these songs, unless this is the old McCartney version of Helter Skelter. I don't much care for rap, and most R & B sounds the same to me. I kind of wrote off the Grammys as just one more sad commentary on life in America when I happened to catch part of that Gawdawful song one year about it being "hard out here for a pimp." I think back to what my kid listened to and I can see that some of her favorites from 5 or 6 years back are up for Grammys, but the dinosaur rockers are surprising to me, um, unless I don't know any better and their namesake kids are up for awards. If I could figure out when the kid who went to my high school a gazillion years after I went, I might watch part of it, but since the kid didn't even write the one song I like, again let me reiterate... eh feh.

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