
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Congress finally overrides the religious extremists and lands on planet earth

Population Connection Banner
We wanted to let you know about two major victories we’ve won in the past few days both in the fight against abstinence-only programs.

On Friday afternoon, the House Appropriations Committee beat back an effort to continue funding to the Community Based Abstinence Education Program (CBAE). As you know, President Obama has called for the elimination of abstinence-only funding, and the FY 2010 Labor/HHS/Education Appropriations bill being considered by the committee followed his lead. That led to a Republican amendment, proposed by Reps. Robert Aderholt (R-AL) and Zach Wamp (R-TN), to restore funding to the discredited program. The amendment was defeated 24-35.

And late last night, the House Energy and Commerce Committee defeated a similar amendment to the Health Care Reform Bill by a vote of 26-29. That amendment, which was offered by Rep. Lee Terry (R-NE) would have re-authorized the Title V abstinence-only program, which was intentionally allowed to expire earlier this year.

It is likely that we will see more attempts to restore funding to abstinence-only programs when both bills reach the House floor, and we will need your help to make sure those efforts are unsuccessful. We will keep you informed as the bills progress.

Take that you religious nut-jobs. Ha.

My useless putz congresswhore Bilbray

Recent House Votes
Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2010 - Vote Passed (219-208, 1 Present, 5 Not Voting)

On Thursday, the House voted on this $24.1 billion bill funding the Treasury Department, the executive branch, the judicial branch, the District of Columbia and independent agencies.

Rep. Brian Bilbray voted NO......send e-mail or see bio

Restore Our American Mustangs Act - Vote Passed (239-185, 9 Not Voting)

On Friday, the House passed this bill that intends to improve the management and long-term health of wild free-roaming horses and burros.

Rep. Brian Bilbray voted YES......send e-mail or see bio

Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010 - Vote Passed (320-97, 16 Not Voting)

The House approved this $33.3 billion bill funding the Department of Energy, Army Corps of Engineers and related agencies and programs.

Rep. Brian Bilbray voted YES......send e-mail or see bio

Woo hoooooo, save the Mustangs. Sheeeeeit, how many fucking four-legged Mustangs are in his very suburban district here?

Monday, July 20, 2009

La Jolla man suspected of soliciting the murder of wife

By Staff, City News Service
Monday, July 20, 2009

A La Jolla family-law attorney was behind bars Monday on suspicion of repeatedly soliciting the murder of his wife.

Bwaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha h ha ha.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Reading Now

Update 12:06 PM 7/21/2009
Obama notes lack of humility among bankers Whoa, there's a shocker eh?

Secrets of the Temple by William Greider.

Since I am reading the book [(c) 1987] and was inspired to read the book by watching Mr. Greider on Bill Moyers Journal speak about the Federal Reserve I was hoping I would see more articles from him. I spotted this article and the title grabbed me:
Dismantling the Temple

At N.Y. Fed, Blending In Is Part of the Job
Some Fear Wall Street Too Heavily Influences The Financial Enforcer
New York Fed President William C. Dudley served 10 years as Goldman Sachs's chief economist.
Washington Post Staff Writer (Who?)
Monday, July 20, 2009

Religion sucks #19

Indonesia Steps Up Probe Against Jemaah Islamiyah After Blast
By Berni Moestafa
July 20 (Bloomberg) --

Jemaah Islamiya


Busy little buggers these guys

Olmert: U.S. must stop focusing on settlements

Last update - 16:44 18/07/2009
By Haaretz Service
Tags: ehud olmert, Haaretz TV

Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has called the United States' focus on freezing construction in the West Bank an impediment to the Middle East peace process, in an article published in The Washington Post on Friday...

Bwaaaah ha ha ha ha hahahaaahaaaa.


Saturday, July 18, 2009


HISTORICAL GOLD PRICES- 1833 to Present (May '09)

Published on Friday, July 20, 2001 by
Exporting Corporate Control
A Gold Company with Ties to the Bush Family Tries to Muzzle a Muckraking Journalist
by Joe Conason

Poppy Strikes Gold by Greg Palast
—By Greg Palast, From The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (Penguin/Plume, 2003)
April 2003 Issue

Gold Mining Threatens Ancient Andean Glaciers
in Top 25 Censored Stories for 2007
Source:, June 20, 2005
Title: “Barrick Gold Strikes Opposition in South”
Author: Glenn Walker

Bush permits desecration of Mt. Tenabo for gold mining
By Steven Newcomb
Despite years of well-voiced opposition from traditional Western Shoshones, the Bush administration, by-way-of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), approved a massive open-pit, cyanide heap-leach gold mine at Mount Tenabo.
Posted on November 28th, 2008 by hunwut

Congo suffering

Gee, somehow I didn't buy Obama's admonishment of Africans regarding their corruption. I wonder why?

This is why I don't smoke pot

Because FUCK THE MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS, the pinche pendejos.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Walter Cronkite died today


slideshow ABC

Cronkite's regret

San Diego History "The Stingaree"

Unforgettable: A Walk on the Stingaree Side, Part 1 /

Jeff Smith | Published Wednesday, July 1,2009

Unforgettable: A Walk on the Stingaree Side, Part 2

Unforgettable: A Walk on the Stingaree Side, Part 3
By Jeff Smith | Published Wednesday, July 15, 2009

(Next time: Walter Bellon: “The most hated man in San Diego.”)

Friday squirrel blogging

picture from February, when there was some green stuff around.

You simply have got to read BadTux today. He's been closely following the health insurance wankers.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Secrets of the Temple by William Greider

This book is massive.I don't think I've wanted to read a book this long since I read
The Arms of Krupp, by William Manchester

I never really thought about the inflation of the 70's redistribuing wealth more to middle-class homeowners from the investor class, but it makes sense.

I did have an alarming thought when he mentioned that the wealthy buy gold and (US) real estate as a hedge against inflation, like the Chinese have done some of recently.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Memorial Held for Herb Klein; Former Nixon Aide, Union-Tribune Exec

SAN DIEGO — Memorial services were held Tuesday for former Nixon aide and Union-Tribune executive Herb Klein...
...He helped guide the chain's editorial positions, while maintaining contacts in politics and sports. He served a combined 52 years with Copley...

Jeebus, can I puke now? I'm so sick of hearing about this creep. He may have been helpful to the RepugnanThuglicans here, but that's what I hate about this town, and that's what I hated about that paper.

Just Fabulous

Norma McCorvey

The Scene: Culture Wars Intrude on a Day of Cordiality
By Ann Gerhart
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"...On the way out, an older white-haired woman turned to yell about overturning Roe v. Wade, then slipped through the door, where Capitol Hill police promptly arrested her.
She was Norma McCorvey, 61 -- Jane Roe herself."

Cowardly piece of shit bitch. You got what you wanted in 1971, and you don't have the right to to take the choice that your LIE opened up for other women. You lied about being raped, but the court system was already in motion and it eventually gave women who really were raped the choice regarding keeping a rapist's brat.

Fuck you. We have all done things that we wish we had not. We live with it, we don't hide behind a bunch of fanatical religious nut-jobs in order to take away choices for them.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Obama Repeats Threat to Veto Bill Over F-22 Jet

Published: July 13, 2009
President Obama placed his political capital on the line Monday and reiterated his threat to veto a military spending bill unless the Senate removed $1.75 billion set aside to buy seven additional F-22 fighter jets.

Good. The M-I-C doesn't need to be running what's left of the American economy.

As of 2009, the United States government is spending about $1 trillion annually on defense-related purposes

According to this, it's half the federal budget.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
That's Great Now Fix the Economy
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJoke of the Day

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cheney 'ordered CIA to hide plan'

Putting this mofo (and everyone else who cooperated with this arrogant dickhead) on trial at the Hague is the only way the US will ever reagain any credibility. Do I belive that this piece of shit Cheney will fall on his sword for his country?

Fuck No I don't believe that, too much money for Halliburton to make in the oil, and gas and war biz in Iraq and Iran.

Federal Reserve

AlterNet Video

Holding One of DC's Most Secretive Institutions Accountable
Posted by Harry Hanbury, Lagan Sebert, Mike Fritz, American News Project on July 10, 2009 at 8:40 AM.

The Federal Reserve is one of the most powerful and secretive institutions in Washington, long considered beyond the reach of lawmakers. But now, as details emerge of how the Fed secretly doled out more than a trillion dollars during the financial crisis, a rare bipartisan movement in Congress demands that the Fed be held accountable.

Federal Reserve

AlterNet Video

Holding One of DC's Most Secretive Institutions Accountable
Posted by Harry Hanbury, Lagan Sebert, Mike Fritz, American News Project on July 10, 2009 at 8:40 AM.

The Federal Reserve is one of the most powerful and secretive institutions in Washington, long considered beyond the reach of lawmakers. But now, as details emerge of how the Fed secretly doled out more than a trillion dollars during the financial crisis, a rare bipartisan movement in Congress demands that the Fed be held accountable.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Governator of Calley-for-nya (title link article is excellent)

... California's ongoing budget crisis hasn't helped. Last year Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger slashed the state's already meager funding for emergency shelters. The year before, he vetoed a $55 million program that would have provided housing for 5,000 people with mental illness. His most recent budget proposal slashes nearly all the services that aid the growing ranks of the poor--cutting eligibility for Social Security and disability and eliminating what's left of the state's welfare system, as well as its entire health insurance program for children. The governor plans to borrow $2 billion from cities and counties, which will mean severely reduced funds on the local level. All of this likely will throw more people onto the streets....

"In May, California voters rejected other parts of the February budget agreement. We believe that voters should be given a choice to decide if they want to keep $2.5 billion in corporate tax loopholes that were passed in secret by the Legislature as part of their failed budget deals," said Lenny Goldberg, executive director of the California Tax Reform Association.

Of course it's not ALL the Governator's fault. Long time Republican homeowners don't want to talk about the The Prop. 13 Gorilla

"The Family" LMAO

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Bible study that. Fundamentalist fucktards. Go figure.

Oh the other hand don't try to tell me that here is not a "Jewish mafia" type organization working in Washington, because I will call you a fucking liar. Why can't we be free of the ball and chain which is the Jewish state of Israel if that is not true? WTF does Israel do for the US?

How many more settlements will this "security aid" protect?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wendell Potter on Profits Before Patients

This guy is heroic. Watch it. (click on title link)

Friday squirrel blogging

and Arianna keeps us focused on things that should make us squirrelly:

Arianna Huffington
Posted: July 9, 2009 04:58 PM BIO Become a Fan Get Email Alerts Bloggers' Index
Keeping the Spotlight on Lobbying Outrages and Economic Hard Times

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Pyongyang's cyber-terrorism hits home

Jul 10, 2009

By Donald Kirk (Asia Times)

WASHINGTON - North Korea has caught American and South Korean officials completely by surprise with a shocking cyber-offensive that has broad implications for the North's drive to perfect its ability to deliver weapons of mass destruction to carefully selected targets in Japan, South Korea or possibly the United States.

I don't know how we stop that pesky little megalomaniacal asshole Kim Jong-Il. Hopefully whichever of his brats he puts up as the next leader is useless, like a lot of spoiled brats are.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Monday, July 06, 2009

I'm sad today

People who flip out when they drink and do destructive things shoud be in jail when they do that, right? People who hit other people shouldn't be set free if they flip out when they don't take their medication and do booze and tweak, right?

Metinks de system broken. I hope my friend don't get more broken too. I guess bruises aren't enough evidence to charge someone.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

San Diego Celebrates Independence Day

POSTED: 8:30 am PDT July 4, 2009
UPDATED: 8:53 am PDT July 4, 2009

The best places to view the nearly 20-minute-long fireworks show, according to organizers, is from Shelter Island, Harbor Island, North Embarcadero, Seaport Village and Coronado Ferry Landing...

Right. No smoking or drinking allowed on the beaches any more. So, a bunch of squirelly, whiny kids who are only awake because they've been drinking soft drinks all day and their grumpy, sunburnt parents? Parking nightmares?

No thanks.

There's about a dozen other places where they do fireworks displays around this county. I wish I cared. I don't like crowds or loud noises. I'll be doing the BBQ thing with a small group, wondering how many idiots will set fires with illegal fireworks? How many R-wing morons, or ignorant Mexicans will be shooting guns in the air? That's also illegal around here.

So, that was kind of a grumpy post, eh? Lemmee fix that. I love Craig Ferguson, this is a monologue that cracked me up last month. A Scottish guy who probably loves America more than I do, go figure.

Craig Ferguson 6/15/9B Late Late Show MONOLOGUE XD

And any excuse to use this pic. Buh-bye Molly McMooseturd, stay out of the public eye pleeeeeeeeeease.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Change Congress in 20 minutes

First seen posted by Agi over at Guys from Area51 , who also posts over at Agitprop

This might be a good reason to do so:

Weapons: Our #1 Export?
Frida Berrigan | June 30, 2009
Editor: John Feffer

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

God I hate this town sometimes

Update: 6:08 PM 7/2/2009 TPM says
SD DA Bonnie Dumanis may get involved?
I decided to back off from the blogging and reading of blogs to do a little fiction reading. I've known for years that I like Joseph Wambaugh, so I decided to see how long it takes me to read his books that I've neglected over the years. I've recently started on his fiction. I read "Floaters" which I thought was too kind to San Diego law enforcement in general. I guess he didn't spend any time with any Sheriff's dept guys. I've always been hesitant to live in an area where they are in charge because they have a reputation for being assholes. Now keep in mind that this is coming from someone who has bent over backwards to stay within the confines of the law and have no arrest record to prove it.

Don't get me wrong, I personally have had a mixed bag of results with police. A couple of times as a victim of crime I was treated very respectfully. Once, I was absolutely terrified by this bitch cop because her cynical, nasty response to a beating victim (me) was so vicious. Once on a traffic violation the cop bent over backwards to be kind to me. If he had had a partner with him at the time I might not be writing this now because I was pissed and couldn't figure out what I had done wrong and I thought the siren was way the fuck over the top since I was looking for a safe place to pull over and that wasn't in the middle of the fucking intersection when he put the damn siren on.

Anyway, when you don't pay guys shit, and around 90% of the cops or sheriffs come originally from rednecked shitkicking towns all over the US, and decide that they just can't bear to part with the great weather in SD after they get out of the military you get what you get.

(See what I mean? "Abbott, 29, is a former Marine who has been employed by the Sheriff's Department since 2006" More and more of these guys are gonna overreact 'cause they get whacked out in war zones. They could get away with this shit after Nam and before cell phone cameras and the internet. )

They got pepper sprayed in Rancho Santa Fe at a political fundraiser. Rancho Santa Fe is one of the most expensive places to live in San Diego. I'm doubly pissed because I've met Francine Busby and she is a sweet, gentle, intelligent woman. Unfortunately she is a Democrat, which in this fucktard RepugnanThuglican run town is a bad thing.

Read the comments, notice the way that our local newZ covers this, you will see why the local law enforcement gets away with this shit.

Yeesh, your average cop is a sweetheart compared to these godamned greedy motherfucking fuckhead fucks:

Economic Crisis, The Audit — July 01, 2009 02:57 PM
NYT: Banks
Gearing Up to Kill New Consumer-Protection Agency
By Ryan Chittum

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I was never really a big Michael Jackson fan

But today it hit me that it seems like his music has always been part of the background noise in my life. I never saw the the movie Ben , but I remember the song Ben . I remember hearing ABC on the radio and I'll be there .

I heard a disturbing bit on the radio this morning about Joe Jackson promoting his record label at the Michael tribute thing and I got curious about Michael's young life, so I looked it up on
Wikipedia . The kid was singing in strip clubs before he was 10?

Yeesh, no wonder Janet and Michael wrote Scream .

I found this song called Sugar Daddy on youtube but I don't really remember it. I remember the more innocent, sweet songs from when he was a boy.

I always hated PYT because the girl who antagonized a boyfriend that beat the crap out of me in front of her and then refused to go with me to file a police report loved that song. But who could forget Rock With You , or Human Nature or what a big deal that Thriller was?

Tragic death, but not uncommon it seems like, for a life lived in the spotlight.

The grandmother was granted temporary custody of Michael's children.

Someone put together a nice montage on youtube called Michael Jackson History

He was talented and successful and he leaves us lots of music and memories.