
Saturday, July 04, 2009

San Diego Celebrates Independence Day

POSTED: 8:30 am PDT July 4, 2009
UPDATED: 8:53 am PDT July 4, 2009

The best places to view the nearly 20-minute-long fireworks show, according to organizers, is from Shelter Island, Harbor Island, North Embarcadero, Seaport Village and Coronado Ferry Landing...

Right. No smoking or drinking allowed on the beaches any more. So, a bunch of squirelly, whiny kids who are only awake because they've been drinking soft drinks all day and their grumpy, sunburnt parents? Parking nightmares?

No thanks.

There's about a dozen other places where they do fireworks displays around this county. I wish I cared. I don't like crowds or loud noises. I'll be doing the BBQ thing with a small group, wondering how many idiots will set fires with illegal fireworks? How many R-wing morons, or ignorant Mexicans will be shooting guns in the air? That's also illegal around here.

So, that was kind of a grumpy post, eh? Lemmee fix that. I love Craig Ferguson, this is a monologue that cracked me up last month. A Scottish guy who probably loves America more than I do, go figure.

Craig Ferguson 6/15/9B Late Late Show MONOLOGUE XD

And any excuse to use this pic. Buh-bye Molly McMooseturd, stay out of the public eye pleeeeeeeeeease.

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