
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Congress finally overrides the religious extremists and lands on planet earth

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We wanted to let you know about two major victories we’ve won in the past few days both in the fight against abstinence-only programs.

On Friday afternoon, the House Appropriations Committee beat back an effort to continue funding to the Community Based Abstinence Education Program (CBAE). As you know, President Obama has called for the elimination of abstinence-only funding, and the FY 2010 Labor/HHS/Education Appropriations bill being considered by the committee followed his lead. That led to a Republican amendment, proposed by Reps. Robert Aderholt (R-AL) and Zach Wamp (R-TN), to restore funding to the discredited program. The amendment was defeated 24-35.

And late last night, the House Energy and Commerce Committee defeated a similar amendment to the Health Care Reform Bill by a vote of 26-29. That amendment, which was offered by Rep. Lee Terry (R-NE) would have re-authorized the Title V abstinence-only program, which was intentionally allowed to expire earlier this year.

It is likely that we will see more attempts to restore funding to abstinence-only programs when both bills reach the House floor, and we will need your help to make sure those efforts are unsuccessful. We will keep you informed as the bills progress.

Take that you religious nut-jobs. Ha.

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