
Wednesday, July 01, 2009

God I hate this town sometimes

Update: 6:08 PM 7/2/2009 TPM says
SD DA Bonnie Dumanis may get involved?
I decided to back off from the blogging and reading of blogs to do a little fiction reading. I've known for years that I like Joseph Wambaugh, so I decided to see how long it takes me to read his books that I've neglected over the years. I've recently started on his fiction. I read "Floaters" which I thought was too kind to San Diego law enforcement in general. I guess he didn't spend any time with any Sheriff's dept guys. I've always been hesitant to live in an area where they are in charge because they have a reputation for being assholes. Now keep in mind that this is coming from someone who has bent over backwards to stay within the confines of the law and have no arrest record to prove it.

Don't get me wrong, I personally have had a mixed bag of results with police. A couple of times as a victim of crime I was treated very respectfully. Once, I was absolutely terrified by this bitch cop because her cynical, nasty response to a beating victim (me) was so vicious. Once on a traffic violation the cop bent over backwards to be kind to me. If he had had a partner with him at the time I might not be writing this now because I was pissed and couldn't figure out what I had done wrong and I thought the siren was way the fuck over the top since I was looking for a safe place to pull over and that wasn't in the middle of the fucking intersection when he put the damn siren on.

Anyway, when you don't pay guys shit, and around 90% of the cops or sheriffs come originally from rednecked shitkicking towns all over the US, and decide that they just can't bear to part with the great weather in SD after they get out of the military you get what you get.

(See what I mean? "Abbott, 29, is a former Marine who has been employed by the Sheriff's Department since 2006" More and more of these guys are gonna overreact 'cause they get whacked out in war zones. They could get away with this shit after Nam and before cell phone cameras and the internet. )

They got pepper sprayed in Rancho Santa Fe at a political fundraiser. Rancho Santa Fe is one of the most expensive places to live in San Diego. I'm doubly pissed because I've met Francine Busby and she is a sweet, gentle, intelligent woman. Unfortunately she is a Democrat, which in this fucktard RepugnanThuglican run town is a bad thing.

Read the comments, notice the way that our local newZ covers this, you will see why the local law enforcement gets away with this shit.

Yeesh, your average cop is a sweetheart compared to these godamned greedy motherfucking fuckhead fucks:

Economic Crisis, The Audit — July 01, 2009 02:57 PM
NYT: Banks
Gearing Up to Kill New Consumer-Protection Agency
By Ryan Chittum

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