
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The stimulus bill

$100 billion jolt of 'green stimulus'

Transit Paradox: Ridership Up, Services Down
Wednesday February 4, 2009

Stimulus: Economic Boon or Bloated Bust?
BU experts pick apart the plan
BU Today staff

Stimulus package: Big money, huge plans
Where $800 billion would go and what it might produce
Janet Hook, Noam Levey, Jim Puzzanghera, Richard Simon and Jim Tankersley contributed to this report Washington Bureau
February 1, 2009

...The bill also increases by $7,500 the tax credit for first-time home buyers, if they make less than $75,000 a year. It provides a new tax credit for up to $2,500 in college tuition and related expenses for people earning less than $80,000 a year....

...In addition to the $30 billion for highway and bridge construction and maintenance, the bill provides $20 billion for school projects, from repairs to projects such as installing solar roofs. Among other provisions: $3 billion for airport improvements; $2.5 billion for new commuter or other light rail systems; $2 billion to modernize existing transit systems; $1.1 billion to improve intercity passenger rail service.The measure also provides $4.5 billion to the Army Corps of Engineers for "environmental restoration, flood protection, hydropower, and navigation infrastructure critical to the economy"; $3.1 billion for infrastructure projects on federal lands; and $1.5 billion to make low-income housing using green technologies

Yeah. From what I've seen the amount that is headed for long term sustainability seems like a pretty small portion of $800 billion. In a country where next fucking quarter's earnings are stressed to a ridiculous degree, this does not surprise me.

We suck at long term planning. Nobel-prize-winning physicist Steven Chu, the new head of Energy is concerned about climate change affecting California's farms.

According to the California Department of Food and Agriculture, "California agriculture is nearly a $36.6 billion dollar industry that generates $100 billion in related economic activity."

Hump day

Holder is in.

Greed is out.

My congressman is a dickhead.

Oh look, he proved it again.

Recent House Votes
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 - Vote Passed (250-177, 6 Not Voting)The House gave final approval to this wage discrimination measure.

Rep. Brian Bilbray voted NO......send e-mail or see bio

Fer christsakes, this dickhead has at least one daughter. I sure hope she marries well. Somehow I doubt that, but hey there's always dickhead congressmen besides her father that she could latch onto.

I'm going to go finish reading another depressing yet important book.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Blogroll Amnesty Day

Whew. I've been all over blogtopia (skippy's word) and I've discovered a few things.

1) People who don't have blogrolls bug me.

2) People who insist on posting really long posts bug me.

3) People who are catergorize their posts endlessly bug me.

4) People who blog and appear to believe that they are the best writers evah bug me.

You know what doesn't bug me?

The fact that anybody who can get to a computer with an internet connection can have a blog, and they can choose to write about whatever they want to, and they can set it up and run it however they want to.

And I can read what they write.

Or not.

So, here's another batch, & don't forget my
first batch.

"is dissent illegal yet?"

I haven't asked what the blog title means yet, but I like the blog.

The Sunny Skeptic
Some great stuff from a "militant atheist."

Tome of the Unknown Writer

Who (unlike me) is a real writer.

Reverend Manny and The Twilight Empire

(who always leaves a cute or peaceful sign off when he leaves comments!)

"In the Natural World, there is no good nor evil, only the footsteps of Man"

You link to me I link to you.

Snow in London bringing poeple together?

click on pic for audio report

Yeah yeah, like the blackouts in New York...

The hurricanes and tornadoes in Texas and Florida

The rain in southern California…

BZZZZZZZT. Wrong answer, people still drive like assholes in the rain here.

Like earthquakes in southern California.

BZZZZZT. Nope. We laugh at those unless it’s a really bad one, which is rare.

Hmmmm, what brings people in SoCal together?

I was going to make a joke about that silly show True Beauty. Yeah I watch it, so what? My artist friend and I are rooting for the SD County kid, who happens to be an artist, and doesn't appear to take himself overly seriously (he likes streaking to lighten things up) OK?

And then I remembered that people come together in San Diego when the fires are bad here.


Suck it up, this is a way bummer dude post.

It’s Not Going to Be OK
Posted on Feb 2, 2009
By Chris Hedges

How Taxpayers Finance Fantasy Wars
By Chalmers Johnson

Road Trip
Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler

Our stystem and infrastructure are pretty flawed and about to wreak havoc on us.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Fixing the blogroll *sigh*


I give up. I'll be switching back to the blogger bloglist. If you'd like me to link to you and you will reciprocate, please let me know and I'll fix it as I slog through adding the links again, one by one.

Update 5:19 PM 2/2/2009 Ok, I think I'm ok now. If I goofed and deleted your link whilst slogging a way here, please let me know in the comments section, and I'll fix it.

For today though, poke me with a fork, I'm done.

I should read this:

Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, Economic Death Spiral at the Pentagon posted February 02, 2009 5:32 pm

Nah fuggit, it's that time again...

I swear I'm addicted to this song.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Cars -- Just What I Needed

Ok. Whether you love this song or hate it, if you were there, you remember it. It was my bridge from mainstream pop rock to New Wave . Well, that and this one by the Pretenders. It meant that computers and music were going to get along nicely. And they have.

Whoa, there's a lot of us out there doing the BAD thing

Small Bad2

More sites to gawk at, thanks skippy!

You missed my picks? Here.

Ob Rag BlogFreaks, Uppity Women and Politicos
Indigenous Nudity A frank commentary of American politics, personal finance and culture.
One Sided War gods are mean but people are worse
Oh Well: A Commentary on News and Politics This is a blog examining the political, social and economic issues from my own irrelevant perspective. When examining some of these issues, I just have to shake my head and say, "Oh well. Whatever happens, happens."
San Diego Politico News, commentary and opinion dedicated to advancing a Progressive Political and Social agenda here in San Diego County.
The Rational Realist Opinions and insights on alternative investments with a focus on real estate securities.
Angry Renter.comRenters and responsible homeowners against a government mortgage bailout

Uh Oh, I'm supposed to go watch movies with a friend, because we're not into football. Mmmmmmmm, I have a feeling that I may not make it.

Yeah, and one other thing--- Can somebody tell me why a college age kid smoking a bong hit is a huge newz story? Fer Christsakes, I was a competitive swimmer and the first time I took a bong hit I was twelve. BFD. When he starts training again he's not going to have time for it. He's got ADHD and he's not working out right now, he's probably trying to shut his head up and calm down for ten freaking minutes. I could have told you this was coming.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Blogroll Amnesty Days

Small Bad2

This BAD thing is fun. I've been moving outside of my comfort zone and have rediscovered blogs that I used to read a long time ago , but thought they had completely quit. I've also been checking out what other bloggers have found and proudly posted. I've added Jon Swift and Blue Gal, because frankly, they have some great stuff on their blogs.

Blogrolling is still doofed up, So I'll have to change the blogroll slowly, one by one. I don't have a humongus blogroll because I try to check every one at least twice a week, maybe less if you blog less, maybe more if you blog more. Maybe I'll change the blogrolls around a bit. There are so many blogs I've never visited before, heh, I feel like a kid in a candy store.

Here's my six picks again.

Ob Rag Blog
Freaks, Uppity Women and Politicos

(I was born in OB, heh)

Indigenous Nudity
A frank commentary of American politics, personal finance and culture.

One Sided War
gods are mean but people are worse

Oh Well: A Commentary on News and Politics
This is a blog examining the political, social and economic issues from my own irrelevant perspective. When examining some of these issues, I just have to shake my head and say, "Oh well. Whatever happens, happens."

San Diego Politico
News, commentary and opinion dedicated to advancing a Progressive Political and Social agenda here in San Diego County.

The Rational Realist
Opinions and insights on alternative investments with a focus on real estate securities.

Renters and responsible homeowners against a government mortgage bailout

Celebrating Blogroll Amnesty Days (BAD)

Small Bad2

These are blogs that I discovered recently and I enjoy. I found a couple of local gems.

Ob Rag Blog
Freaks, Uppity Women and Politicos

(I was born in OB, heh)

Indigenous Nudity
A frank commentary of American politics, personal finance and culture.

One Sided War
gods are mean but people are worse

Oh Well: A Commentary on News and Politics
This is a blog examining the political, social and economic issues from my own irrelevant perspective. When examining some of these issues, I just have to shake my head and say, "Oh well. Whatever happens, happens."

San Diego Politico
News, commentary and opinion dedicated to advancing a Progressive Political and Social agenda here in San Diego County.

The Rational Realist
Opinions and insights on alternative investments with a focus on real estate securities.

Renters and responsible homeowners against a government mortgage bailout

Friday, January 30, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I knew somebody was going to pick up on this one when I read it yesterday.

It's a real bummer. Especially as it coincides with reports about the increasing. troop suicides . Watching CSPAN is sometimes frustrating.

Here's a question. How come they never counted troop suicides till the 1980's? And how much of it is the war, and how much is the economy. Don't tell me service members don't have family members who have lost jobs in this economy.

The Financial Crisis Is Driving Hordes of Americans to Suicide
By Nick Turse, Posted January 29, 2009.

The depression has begun.
Amy Goodman talks to William Greider about it today This bullshit ain't going away and I know why it's happening AND why those who really can do something about it, won't. I have a theory anyway, but I could be wrong. I sure hope I'm wrong.

Christ Almighty, Abu Dhabi has it figured out, WTF is wrong with us?

Oh look, it's a right wing weenie roast

ABC & CBS Chide Republicans for 'Turning Cold Shoulder' to Obama

They don't know what a mandate IS.

Mr. President, please tell them, and thank you :)

Covington’s White Collar Unit Depleted by Exodus to Justice

23 Corporate Crime Reporter 5, January 27, 2009


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Trying to find bloggers for BAD

Obviously I've gotten a bit loopy.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Reading Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet

The New Geopolitics of Energy
by Michael T. Klare

I'm finished with The Way of the World by Ron Suskind.

Frankly, one of the things that struck me was that it was a legal filing from military lawyer who happend to be a Holocaust survivor's child that started the ball rolling that led to Obama's order to close Gitmo.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

World Celebrates Inaugural of Barack Obama as 44th President

Published Jan 20, 2009, by ■ Carol Forsloff

As an American this kind of blows me away. I knew that Americans would celebrate, but the world?


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gaza tunnels resume smuggling



Russia ready to cooperate with US on Afghanistan

MOSCOW (AP) - Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev says Moscow is ready to help U.S. efforts in Afghanistan by allowing the Americans to ship cargo intended for coalition forces across Russian territory.

Medvedev says that Russia also is ready to help international efforts to combat drug-trafficking and terrorism.

He spoke in televised comments during Friday's visit to Uzbekistan, a central Asian nation bordering Afghanistan.

Medvedev expressed hope that President Barack Obama's administration will be more successful in stabilizing Afghanistan than its predecessors.

Medvedev's comments appeared to reflect the Kremlin's hope of mending relations with Washington following a breakdown in ties under former President George W. Bush.

2009-01-23 13:28:07 GMT

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...Afghans display pride in their religion, country, ancestry, and above all, their independence. Like other highlanders, Afghans are regarded with mingled apprehension and condescension, for their high regard for personal honor, for their clan loyalty and for their readiness to carry and use arms to settle disputes.[63] As clan warfare and internecine feuding has been one of their chief occupations since time immemorial, this individualistic trait has made it difficult for foreign invaders to hold the region...

Why are those in power so fucking stupid?

Update 9:23 PM 1/30/2009
Hmmmm. Looks like these people have another angle on the same problem.
Bill Moyers interview

Friday, January 23, 2009

David Sirota on Bill Moyers Journal

The kid is seriously easy on the eyes. The fact that he's such a smart, progressive political strategist and journalist doesn't hurt.

I'm not embarrassed by my President any more

In fact, I'm pretty darn proud.

Obama to reverse 'global gag rule' on family planning organisations
Daniel Nasaw in Washington, Friday 23 January 2009 16.23 GMT
Article history
...The rule change "would be huge," California Representative Diana DeGette of Colorado told National Public Radio. "By the US restricting women's rights to reproductive planning internationally, it really destroys their lives. Because they can't control the size of their family, that affects their use of resources and food and child nutrition and so many other things. The way to increase the stability in Third World countries, frankly, is for sensible family planning."

Obama Reaches Out to the Muslim World
Not only was Obama the first President to mention the word "Muslim" in an inauguration speech, he did it with his hand out instead of with his fist clenched (to borrow a Presidential phrase).

Appointing Emissaries, Obama and Clinton Stress Diplomacy
...Mr. Mitchell, a former Senate majority leader, helped broker a peace agreement in Northern Ireland. Mr. Holbrooke, a longtime diplomat who was the American ambassador to the United Nations, played a central role in drafting the 1995 Dayton peace accords, which ended the war in Bosnia...

Obama's stimulus proposal advances in Congress
The bill moves forward in the House over Republican efforts seeking deeper tax cuts.
Associated Press
January 23, 2009
Washington -- Amid grim new evidence of economic weakness, legislation at the heart of President Obama's recovery plan advanced in Congress on Thursday over the persistent opposition of Republicans seeking deeper tax cuts.

Senate passes wage discrimination bill
By JIM ABRAMS – 17 hours ago
...Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid predicted that "the first bill that President Obama will sign will be this piece of legislation." He said the bill would send an important message because "this administration stands for equality and fairness."

Obama strongly backs the measure and invited Lilly Ledbetter, the retired Alabama tire company worker whose lawsuit inspired the legislation, to accompany him on the train trip bringing him to Washington for the inauguration...

The Freedom of Information Act is Back
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
By Barack ObamaPresident of the United States
January 21, 2009

I did not know I could cry so many happy tears. I've noticed an uptick in hits on my blog from other countries. It's nice to not feel like a pariah simply because I'm an American.

Do I credit my new President?

Yes I do.

Here's the squirrel pic, they're out today.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

TV interlude

Whoa, that was quick. Some right to lifer talking about abortions and then a shoulda been an abortion on Dr. Phil. (mAnn Coulter).

'Scuse me while I go scrub my eyeballs and ear canals.

Thank heaven for bloggers. This just made me giggle:

"Bush: booed by 2 million, buoyed by 2 networks. And they wonder where blogging came from.

Obama Directs C.I.A. to Shut Guantánamo

Published: January 21, 2009
WASHINGTON — President Obama signed executive orders Thursday directing the Central Intelligence Agency to shut what remains of its network of secret prisons and ordering the closing of the Guantánamo detention camp within a year, government officials said.

Good news regarding the US government? Oh My, I hardly know how to react to this, it's been so damned long.

My congressman is a dickhead

Recent House Votes

Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 - Vote Passed (289-139, 6 Not Voting)The House passed this bill to expand the Children’s Health Insurance Program to cover an estimated total of 11 million children.

Rep. Brian Bilbray voted NO......send e-mail or see bio

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm confused

It's a new era. Why are us liberal bloggers still trying to highlight the idiocy of right-wing pundits?

Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh should be allowed to slide into irrelevancy, slowly, painfully, and endlessly.

No more fighting with these turds.

No more extra media coverage for their over-inflated egos.

No more shining a light on their hate.

Who takes these fucktards seriously?


I mean, really, is it a majority of people in the US, or some whiny, spoiled ass bitches who pay these whores to spew elitist hatred for the masses?

Fuck 'em, the masses have spoken.

Of Al Gore's Presidency Denied, Eight Years of Illegitimacy, and the Triumph of Meritocracy over Corrupt Entitlement -- A BuzzFlash Editor's Blog by Mark Karlin
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Channel surfing the inauguration

I thought:

"If I hear one more teevee pundit fawn over something grand that Ronald Reagan said I'm gonna puke!"

Then I thought "It's exciting to have two little girls in the White House."

Are these girls cute or what?

We Win!: The Inaugural Celebration Caps a Victory in the Political Cultural War
Mojo blog (Mother Jones)

...Before hopping on that train, Obama proclaimed, "People who love this country can change it."

That is the opposite of the old slogan used by the right when the political culture war began: "America, love it or leave it." No, the protesters of that time countered, America, make it better...

(gay Episcopal bishop Gene Robinson says some really great stuff in the embedded link)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Obama Inauguration Celebrities: The List

hat tip to skippy

Israel continues hanging itself

Israel to keep tight grip on Gaza reconstruction
Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:45am EST

I forced myself to read the articles linked to this one yesterday. I was bleary eyed by nightfall. I was sad also, that democracies like the US and Israel have become as ugly in their behavior as the ugliest, most vicious dictatorships.

I'm not sure that whoever is running PR for Israel knows that it's impossible to control the message these days. There's just too much technology available for very little money. The real story is going to leak out.

Watching HBO webcam on the mall in DC, listening to the speeches.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I was there

Just not for this show.


I'm still slogging through "The Way of the World" by Ron Suskind. I'm only half-way through it.