
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Phelps ties Spitz with 7 golds in one Olympics

You have to watch him slam that wall in order to believe it.


History written: Phelps wins No. 8
By Steven Nelson
Posted Saturday, August 16, 2008 7:12 PM ET

Shouldn't be too hard to watch the kid bathe in the glory of making history, he sure seems like a nice kid.

And Torres?

3 olympic silver medals at 41 in a sport where most people know they're going somewhere or they're not at 15.

Dara Torres

Dude. This woman is waaaaaaaaay inspiring to some of us old bitches.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Amazing swimmers

Go Michael!

Great job !

Just don't get those medals anywhere near your mouth!

Lead out of China?

Now who'da thunk it?

"We will smash them up!" France's Alain Bernard boasted on Sunday after the heats of the men's 4x100m freestyle relay.

Lezak was incredibly exciting.
These guys are really good.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


In an unbelievable string of bad luck when it comes to computers, the loaner, which looks like it does everything except wipe your butt for you, can't find the monitor.

I'm pretty fed up with this bullshit.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Russia expands Georgia blitz, deploys ships

Monday, Aug. 11, 2008

TBILISI, Georgia (AP) - Russia and Georgia clashed on land and at sea Sunday despite a Georgian cease-fire offer and claim of withdrawal from the separatist province of South Ossetia, officials from both countries said...

Russia appears determined to subdue diminutive, U.S.-backed Georgia despite international condemnation. Russia ignored a wave of calls to observe Georgia's cease-fire, saying it must first be assured that Georgian troops had indeed pulled back from South Ossetia.

Illusions of Victory
How the United States Did Not Reinvent War… But Thought It Did
By Andrew Bacevich

Moving on-----

I've had three computers go down since the first week of June this year. My friend's computer is acting up also. Coinky-dink? Yeah sure, like all the weird coinky-dinks that happened to me 5 years ago. I've never been arrested, or questioned for anything before because I don't break the law. Whoever fucked with me and my family did.

I didn't need the road map of North Africa and the Middle East with a stranger's writing on it and Addis Ababa circled that I found in my car a couple of days after my car door was left hanging open. I don't have a passport. I never have had one. Not to mention the fact that a Muslim country full of just the kind of ignorant assholes that I love to hate is the last place a woman like me wants to be. I barbequed the fucker. Nobody I know has any idea where it came from, or who's writing was on it.

The little baby squidlies playing Billy BadAss who made sure I noticed them (I'll never forget that dark turquoisey matte SUV with the dealer paper instead of plates, the little black driver and the big white goon) noticing me on the way home from a friend's house way back then. There was more, but who knows? Could just be coinky-dink.

Glaring incompetence, arrogance and buffoonery give me a sneaking suspicion as to who was behind it, but I'm not going there. Seems to me that terrorizing me was a complete waste of time. That's exactly how I felt for a couple of weeks though. Terrorized. I'm still bitter. I haven't done anything wrong, unless having an e-mail conversation disagreeing on the usefulness of the Iraq war with a local right-wing dickhead mil-blogger was against the law 5 years ago was illegal.

Was it?

Whoops there it is.

This is a red county. They don't like dissidents here. Fucking red fucking fucks.

The County's gotta be pissing their pants over the new grant money from Homeland Security.

SAN DIEGO -- San Diego County has received $7.6 million in grants from the state Office of Homeland Security, an increase of 14 percent, the county announced Thursday

Friday, August 08, 2008


Chained ghosts
Aug 7th 2008
From The Economist print edition
Americans in the Gulag

Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union

Georgia's importance as an energy
transit state

- Fri Aug 8, 2008 11:21am

US army exercises begin in Georgia UPDATED ON:
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
20:21 Mecca time, 17:21 GMT

Did the U.S. Prep Georgia for War with Russia?
By Nathan Hodge August 08, 2008 12:52:00 PM
Categories: Crazy Ivans

Now onto the Olympics. And the question of repression. We believe that we are above it. Is that possible?

(in billions s of dollars)

Planet of Slums by Mike Davis

With a highly globalised world economy struggling with a current population of 6.7 billion, how long can we fool ourselves that we are aloof?

Corporate America Prepares for Battle Against Worker Campaign to Roll Back Assault on the Middle Class
By Joshua Holland, AlterNet. Posted August 8, 2008.
Big business has prepared a war chest of at least $150 million to stop progressive economic legislation that would seriously tax the rich.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Last Comic Standing

Iliza won.


Whiny titty baby repugnant thuglicans circle jerk

instead of telling their asinine trader buddies to quit fucking the world with their speculation.


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Stopping the greedy f*ck$

S.D. agents help bust massive ID-theft ring

The thieves hacked into wireless networks of retailers, including BJ's Wholesale Club, OfficeMax, Boston Market, Barnes & Noble, Sports Authority, Forever 21 and DSW, as well as TJX Cos., owners of Marshalls and T.J. Maxx, authorities said.

I remember watching some news magazine show and they rode around in a van with a laptop computer that had some program downloaded from the internet on it that literally got your credit or debit card number out of the air outside the stores.

40 million of them in this bust.

The stores who lost the numbers in the newgazine that I watched had already lost millions of numbers and knew that they needed to upgrade to a more secure network and it was more expensive so they didn't.

So are these scumbag assholes who got busted (who look like they are from what used to be communist countries, where generally people survive by bribery, corruption and ruthlessness) to blame or are the stores who refuse to protect their own revenues, profits and your card numbers?

Ok, on to more soutions to greedy fucks that are making our lives harder.

Obama Nails It: Calls For Release of 70 Million Barrels From The Strategic Petroleum Reserve
Raymond J. Learsy
Posted August 4, 2008 05:35 PM (EST)

...Nothing would be more immediately effective than a willingness to release oil from the SPR to rein in oil prices. It would immediately impact the psychology of the traders, having them begin a run for the exits. It would be a signal to oil producers, most especially OPEC that our days of being patsies to their cartel corruption are at an end. And it would have an immediate and salutary impact on the price of oil. Witness today simply mentioning the possibility broke the price of oil almost immediately by over $5 per barrel to under $120/bbl ending the day a shade under $4 barrel lower...

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Military spying

Controversial military counterspy office closed
By PAMELA HESS – 1 day ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon on Monday officially dissolved an intelligence office that once created a controversial database about potential threats to military bases, shifting it to the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Oh, so they won't be spying on Quakers anymore?

DIA's new mission adds to intel arsenal
By PAMELA HESS – 3 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Defense Intelligence Agency, long a home for intelligence analysis, is joining the spy vs. spy game.

Mmmmmmm, OK.

Russian Judge Rules Sexual Harrassment is Ok as it Ensures Survival of the Human Race

Does this surprise me?

Nope, I'm still reading Anne Applebaums's Gulag. And chapter 11 in Naomi Klein's the Shock Doctrine is all about the Pinochet style economic shock treatment applied in Russia.

Not surprising to me either is that Amazon Warrior Priestess graves have been excavated on the Russian Steppes.

Some answers, but not all, likely in anthrax case

What? This tiny little article is just baffling. What's the point?

Yeesh, the whole case, and the reporting on it is giving me a headache. Anthrax Vaccine -- posts by Meryl Nass, M.D. is covering the updates and other articles.

Moving on, sort of, I can't help but be cynical about the anthrax case because I read TomDispatch on a pretty regular basis.
Today's post is no exception to a long line of must reads.

PS this made me laugh:
San Diego Company Helped with Anthrax Case

Why would it make me laugh?

I got an e-mail recently asking me how life was in "the black heart of the military-industrial-complex?"

A perfectly valid question.

Monday, August 04, 2008

The Navy needs PR help

The Navy hopes to award the contract in September.

Oh OH OH, My hand's up, Pick me. Pick Me . Piiiiiiiicccckkk Meeeeeeeeeee.
BWWAAAA HAA Ha ha ha ha, just kidding.

Democracy Now covers the anthrax case

Amy Goodman talks to Glenn Greenwald and Dr. Meryl Nass. Links to more from them on the Democracy Now page (click on title link).



TPM Muckraker

Am I the only one who automatically looks for the defense contractor, Homeland Security contractor, and who in the administration sits on the board? All those guys sit on a million different boards. They all make money off of this shit.

Better to convict (in the mainstream media) the dead guy who had a patent on some of his anthrax vaccine work than to look at what might be hinky connections right?


Cui Bono?

Rummy made money at Gilead, Cheney made money at Halliburton; they got their war, and that's all war is to those sick fucks, it's cha ching time, and Oh, who's this?

From Brownieland, it's Joe and this little board that he's director of got two federal grants totaling $4.5 million for development of its botulism and next-generation anthrax vaccine candidates, reported here July 29, 2008

Local stuff

Regulators say San Onofre nuclear plant is safe
Not all neighbors of the facility are reassured as another inquiry begins.
By Elizabeth Douglass, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
August 1, 2008

Despite the launch of its third special inspection in a year at Southern California Edison Co.'s San Onofre nuclear plant, federal regulators Thursday night assured the public that the coastal power plant is safe.

oh, Ok, sure, if the Regulators in the United States of De-Regulation say that it's safe it must be safe, right?

Desalination plan going back to coastal panel
By Michael Burge
August 4, 2008

CARLSBAD – The long-running tug of war between a developer and the California Coastal Commission staff over the state's first large-scale ocean-water desalination plant continues this week as the two sides wrangle over environmental issues...

...MacLaggan said even if that is so, it's beyond the control of Poseidon (Yeah, what an appealing name, eh?) and its customers. Moreover, Poseidon officials say the greenhouse gas law doesn't apply to their operation.
“Under the Coastal Act, (coastal commissioners) don't have the authority to require greenhouse gas mitigation,” said Scott Maloni, a Poseidon vice president.


Saturday, August 02, 2008

Gulag by Anne Applebaum

So far this book is telling a story of horrors unimaginable to me, or most Americans, I would hope. I'm curious now as to what young Stalin had to do with the Czarist secret police?

Update 5:42 PM 8/3/2008
Last struggle is over for Nobel laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
From The Times
Tony Halpin in Moscow
August 4, 2008

more on Solzhenitsyn

OK, then I guess I picked a weird time to read this book eh?

Friday, August 01, 2008

Dead whales and oil companies' seismic testing

Mmm, missed this last month.
Whales stranded off Madagascar
BBC News -
09 Jun 2008

Same old shit, different company.


Missed this one,

and this one

Shit. All of these articles go on and on about algae blooms and chasing fish, and eating sand and blah blah blah. Most of these mass beaching have one of two things in common:

Seismic testing (generally for oil or gas), or Navy Sonar testing in the area recently, both of which are so fucking loud that the bones in ceteceans' ears break.

I'm not a scientist, but I'm not a freaking idiot either. I became a liberal after taking business classes, how's that for defiant?

The militaries which depend upon oil probably don't want me connecting the dots, eh?

Fuck 'em. This planet is so fucked because of human activity

Friday Squirrel Blogging

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Meet the McFakes, oops I mean McFates -- DC whores

There's Something About Mary: Unmasking a Gun Lobby Mole
July 30, 2008
Mary McFate was a prominent gun control activist. Mary Lou Sapone was a freelance spy with an NRA connection. They are the same person. A Mother Jones investigation

War and recruiting standards?

I was reading this from Nick Turse's book last night:

The report from the Criminal Investigation Command, or CID, tracks an increase from 23 reported gang incidents in fiscal 2005 to 60 in fiscal 2006, saying in part the new servicewide definition of gangs added more cases to the total.

And heard about this this morning:

Navy cites smoking as likely cause of carrier fire
By CHELSEA J. CARTER – 13 hours ago

SAN DIEGO (AP) — Smoking appears to have sparked a fire that caused $70 million in damage to the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington, Naval officials said Wednesday

US Navy calls MySpace kids an "Alien Life Force"
Posted by Xeni Jardin, September 28, 2007 10:00 AM permalink

You know, I read a lot of depressing shit, and I grew up in San Diego, so a lot of what's in this book comes as no surprise to me, but I gotta say the most depressing part of this book is the connection (that if you're ME, anyway, you could find) between the Defense Department's astronomical need for oil (fuel) and this fucked up war in Iraq. That and some recruiting has been privatized also, and not just for mercenaries.

Moving on, I read the newz today Oh boy...

When the newz steals,
they steal BIG.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Base for Another World War
By Tanveer Jafri
Contributing Writer
"The whole world is passing through a phase of inflation and starvation that has never been imagined so far."

Wow, this Tanveer Jafri person must be a fucking genius.

Hey genius, has the world ever passed through the phase of this kind of human population numbers? How about this phase of ecological destruction caused by human population pressures?

Fuck me.

Here's more of the genius at work:

Despite America is trying to prepare fuel from food grains and that is causing the food problem of the world..

American president Bush has asked Israel army not to hesitate to attack with missiles on the nuclear establishment of Iran...

Even president Bush has called Iran the 'Axis of Satan...

Last year I was astonished to hear that the name of a man of aggressive nature, George Bush was proposed for Noble peace prize...

I don't know what language this piece of shit was originally written in, but the English translation is sad, as is the author's knowledge of International politics, and truly sad is the author's knowledge of American politics.

Still reading

I'm reading "The Complex" by Nick Turse and I'll be disappointed if the voting part of the matrix isn't covered in the book, or at the very least, the RepugnantThuglican IT guys. Watch this 6 minute clip .

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Complex and the Gulag

Since my friend is ok, ( 5.4 aint no big deal ) & I'm sick of bad news, I think I'll just read today. These two titles together make me think of Blackwater and Halliburton.

Predators of press freedom

Bilbray sighting in San Diego

Dang, where's my rotten tomatoes when I need them?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Top 10 Places to get Kidnapped From (According to an insurance agency that sells kidnapping insurance)

Mexico Update August 5, 2008Mexican police linked to rising kidnappings
Colombia yeah hmmmmm
Philippines yeah hmmmm
Runners Up
South Africa
Argentina (huh? 6 years ago maybe)
They didn't mention Somalia and the Horn of Africa
Must not pay to insure aid workers, or something.
Pakistan is mentioned in the top five here
Pakistan Taliban legalized kidnapping in March

Why? I was curious after watching Manda Bala (Send a Bullet) (2007)

I browsed around looking for connections. I looked at the usual suspects:


Percentage of people living in poverty


Then, since the kidnapper in the slums of Sao Paulo had ten kids I wondered if it was

Little access to family planning

Even though it's wanted and needed

Abortions illegal


Humanitarian crisis

or drug trafficking whoops, better not pull that shit in Iran or Saudi Arabia or China

And while I was stumbling around I happened upon some other connections which may or may not be added factors.

Oil reserves
Gas reserves

So, after reading enough stuff online today to be bleary eyed and tired, and wonder why this list that was done in '99 pops right up, my opinion is that the reasons for kidnapping generally involve 3 or more factors listed.
5:02 PM 7/27/2008

Friday night was full of important messages from Carolinians

I watched this PBS NOW episode with N. Carolinian John Edwards but I was goofing off Friday night, I missed Bill Moyers.

Big mistake.
This needs to be seen.

Ex Senator from S. Carolina, Ernest "Fritz" Hollings' book Making Government Work

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008

Integrating Islam


I can't open the link to what's on NPR right now. It's called Integrating Islam and has been covering Islam in Europe and the United States. It's fascinating to me. Yesterday I spent some time reading a blog called Islam in Europe.

Friday Squirrel Blogging

I got nuthin on the critters today. Just part of the scenery around here. I thought squirrel blogging was original, boy was I wrong.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Libya loves Switzerland

Libya 'halts Swiss oil shipments'

Hannibal Gaddafi has denied claims he assaulted two of his staff in Switzerland
Libya's state shipping company says it has halted oil shipments to Switzerland in protest at the brief arrest of leader Muammar Gaddafi's youngest son.

It threatened further action if the Swiss did not apologise for the arrest

Geneva police held Hannibal Gaddafi for two days after he and his pregnant wife allegedly hit two of their staff...

The couple were charged with assaulting two of their staff, a Moroccan man and a Tunisian woman, with a belt and coat hanger. The woman was hospitalised.

The 32-year-old Gaddafi had had previous run-ins with the law.
In 2005, he was convicted by a French court for striking his pregnant companion in a Paris hotel.

...The Swiss foreign ministry said on Wednesday that Libya had "taken a number of worrying retaliatory measures" for Mr Gaddafi's arrest since he was released on bail on 17 July.

It said Swiss companies ABB and Nestle had been ordered to close their Libya offices and that Swiss staff there had been arrested.


Never underestimate the power of some greasy, oil slicked thug's horrible brat to get away with criminal activity, and make you pay for their imagined slight. I wonder how many servants the little prick has already buried in that hell hole of a desert,Libya?