
Monday, August 04, 2008

Local stuff

Regulators say San Onofre nuclear plant is safe
Not all neighbors of the facility are reassured as another inquiry begins.
By Elizabeth Douglass, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
August 1, 2008

Despite the launch of its third special inspection in a year at Southern California Edison Co.'s San Onofre nuclear plant, federal regulators Thursday night assured the public that the coastal power plant is safe.

oh, Ok, sure, if the Regulators in the United States of De-Regulation say that it's safe it must be safe, right?

Desalination plan going back to coastal panel
By Michael Burge
August 4, 2008

CARLSBAD – The long-running tug of war between a developer and the California Coastal Commission staff over the state's first large-scale ocean-water desalination plant continues this week as the two sides wrangle over environmental issues...

...MacLaggan said even if that is so, it's beyond the control of Poseidon (Yeah, what an appealing name, eh?) and its customers. Moreover, Poseidon officials say the greenhouse gas law doesn't apply to their operation.
“Under the Coastal Act, (coastal commissioners) don't have the authority to require greenhouse gas mitigation,” said Scott Maloni, a Poseidon vice president.


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