
Monday, August 04, 2008

Democracy Now covers the anthrax case

Amy Goodman talks to Glenn Greenwald and Dr. Meryl Nass. Links to more from them on the Democracy Now page (click on title link).



TPM Muckraker

Am I the only one who automatically looks for the defense contractor, Homeland Security contractor, and who in the administration sits on the board? All those guys sit on a million different boards. They all make money off of this shit.

Better to convict (in the mainstream media) the dead guy who had a patent on some of his anthrax vaccine work than to look at what might be hinky connections right?


Cui Bono?

Rummy made money at Gilead, Cheney made money at Halliburton; they got their war, and that's all war is to those sick fucks, it's cha ching time, and Oh, who's this?

From Brownieland, it's Joe and this little board that he's director of got two federal grants totaling $4.5 million for development of its botulism and next-generation anthrax vaccine candidates, reported here July 29, 2008

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