
Monday, August 11, 2008

Russia expands Georgia blitz, deploys ships

Monday, Aug. 11, 2008

TBILISI, Georgia (AP) - Russia and Georgia clashed on land and at sea Sunday despite a Georgian cease-fire offer and claim of withdrawal from the separatist province of South Ossetia, officials from both countries said...

Russia appears determined to subdue diminutive, U.S.-backed Georgia despite international condemnation. Russia ignored a wave of calls to observe Georgia's cease-fire, saying it must first be assured that Georgian troops had indeed pulled back from South Ossetia.

Illusions of Victory
How the United States Did Not Reinvent War… But Thought It Did
By Andrew Bacevich

Moving on-----

I've had three computers go down since the first week of June this year. My friend's computer is acting up also. Coinky-dink? Yeah sure, like all the weird coinky-dinks that happened to me 5 years ago. I've never been arrested, or questioned for anything before because I don't break the law. Whoever fucked with me and my family did.

I didn't need the road map of North Africa and the Middle East with a stranger's writing on it and Addis Ababa circled that I found in my car a couple of days after my car door was left hanging open. I don't have a passport. I never have had one. Not to mention the fact that a Muslim country full of just the kind of ignorant assholes that I love to hate is the last place a woman like me wants to be. I barbequed the fucker. Nobody I know has any idea where it came from, or who's writing was on it.

The little baby squidlies playing Billy BadAss who made sure I noticed them (I'll never forget that dark turquoisey matte SUV with the dealer paper instead of plates, the little black driver and the big white goon) noticing me on the way home from a friend's house way back then. There was more, but who knows? Could just be coinky-dink.

Glaring incompetence, arrogance and buffoonery give me a sneaking suspicion as to who was behind it, but I'm not going there. Seems to me that terrorizing me was a complete waste of time. That's exactly how I felt for a couple of weeks though. Terrorized. I'm still bitter. I haven't done anything wrong, unless having an e-mail conversation disagreeing on the usefulness of the Iraq war with a local right-wing dickhead mil-blogger was against the law 5 years ago was illegal.

Was it?

Whoops there it is.

This is a red county. They don't like dissidents here. Fucking red fucking fucks.

The County's gotta be pissing their pants over the new grant money from Homeland Security.

SAN DIEGO -- San Diego County has received $7.6 million in grants from the state Office of Homeland Security, an increase of 14 percent, the county announced Thursday

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