
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Very enlightening

GO Watch this


and as if we needed any more proof that George W. Bush is an idiot and a cruel hypocrite:

Bush again vetoes stem cell legislation

What does President SociopathicFucktard say?

and "Destroying human life in the hopes of saving human life is not ethical. And it is not the only option before us,'' the president said.

How does that man justify the Iraq war in that tiny little pea brain of his?

Speaking of pea brains, Oh My God, every time I see a report on Pakistan they are burning a flag, or an effigy, and a bunch of men are raving madly about some slight to Islam. Now they are all bent out of shape about the Salman Rushdie Knighting.

Guess all that money the Saudis send over to rile up the jihadis with hatred in those madrassas is accomplishing something.
Congratulations Osama, you fucking dickhead, there's still plenty of pisssed off, ignorant assholes who will blow themseslves up cause they got nothing else to live for. God, what a shithole Pakistan is.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Monday, June 18, 2007

Clinging to hope

(click on pics for info that keeps me hoping)

Greg Palast

John Conyers

and Henry Waxman

As disgusted as I am with
the business of politics in my country, I still have hope.

Even though Republicans suck. Really suck.

Fred Thompson seeks Thatcher's blessing

I'll let Marge tell you what I'm thinking about Fred Thompson and Margaret Thatcher's blessing.

one of my favorite lines from Fargo

But this gives me lots and lots of hope: This farm runs on sun power

Saturday, June 16, 2007

What were they thinking?

The 'Untold Details' of Recent Iranian-U.S. Talks
Baztab News, Islamic Republic of Iran
Thursday May 31,2007

..."The Iranian team made the case that the presence of occupying troops, their disrespect for Iraq's Constitution and religious beliefs, their undermining of the Al-Maliki Government, the slackened trend of infrastructure reconstruction and facilities and the lack of equipment and training - and hence marginalization - of the Iraqi police and army, are the principal causes of insecurity in Iraq. "..

Hmmm, where do I start with this hucky pucky?

CBS: Iraqi PM doesn't trust his military, says coup possible
David Edwards and Muriel Kane

Sabotage attacks target Iraq infrastructure
Saturday, May 26, 2007 09:23 GMT
On the other hand, joint forces arrested a suspect thought to have links with an officer of Iran Revolutionary Guards caught during a combat operation in Sadr City where joint forces found a cache of weapons.

Iraqi police selling weapons on black market
05 Feb 2007 10:35:55 GMT
Source: Reuters

The lack of security in Iraq has everything to do with the fact that Iraqis are trying to hold onto their own oil, and we managed to bumble into fight between the Arabs and the Persians that's been going on for centuries, made worse by their own depletion of oil, and the world's consumption of it.

The US being a leader in the consumption of oil.

If there ever was such a thing in the US as a cohesive group of leaders, they never would have arrogantly allowed our "way of life" to become so dependent on oil that they ever thought that this was an option.

Human tribes


UN Webcast

One of Thousands

And three examples of their tribal extremists

And Holy Moly, whaddaya know?

The locals want you to speak the local language.

At least in school, where their taxes are paying to educate your brats.

And Oh Boy, how did I miss this one?

That's Sir Salman Rushdie to you.

A book I attempted to read twice. I've never been a really big fantasy fan, so I couldn't get through more than a few pages of it.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Reading The Third Chimpanzee

The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal (Paperback)
by Jared Diamond (Author) "IT'S OBVIOUS THAT humans are unlike all animals..." (more)

Yup. More"successful" than any other species on the planet. And more destructive.

In only 15 years the author's information on DNA is outdated.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Is it Time to Take Saudi King Abdullah At His Word and Exit Iraq?

Yeah, sure, ummmm, why did we go there again?
Oh yeah, to do the Saudis bidding.
We're not exactly slaves to the Saudi's, just the critical middle men.

Power Plays: Iran talks with China on strategic oil reserves
Submitted by BuzzFlash on Tue, 06/12/2007 - 9:38am. Gloria R. Lalumia

edited by Gloria Lalumia

The World Energy Watch presents recent news and analysis highlighting the activities of the players involved in the power struggle for the world's remaining energy resources

Mexico oil output drop may spark crisis
June 14, 2007 - 8:09AM

The Life and Death of a Border Town
by David Martinez
Special to CorpWatch
June 12th, 2007

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Is this a joke?

Crimes against humanity
Established 1981
London School of Islamics
An Educational Trust
63 Margery Park Road London E7 9LD
Tel/Fax: 0208 555 2733 / 07817 112 667
Crime against Humanity

To deprive a Muslim child from his/her culture and language is a crime against Humanity. British education system is guilty of such crime for the last 50 years. The first wave of Muslims arrived with three or four languages including English but the next generation born and educated by native teachers has been subject to learn English in local accents, making them mis-fit not only for the British society at large but also for the whole world. A Muslim is the citizen of this small global village....

and part of a telling response:

Their tactics are designed to alienate and cause racial tension. But having a Jew as its head and owner, that is not a surprise....


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I don't care anymore

As strongly as I feel about saving the planet, I feel like I just don't care about Africa anymore.

A group of human beings that are stupid enough to breed themselves into starvation becomes tiring.

Just tiring.

Call me cruel.

Call me heartless.

I just don't fucking care anymore.

The same goes for Palestinians.

And Latin America.

I'm tired of dancing around the fact that these people , are not our friends.

They use us.

We use them.

Some of their citizens want to gain religious and economic hegemony all over the planet.

But the fundamentalist religion which drives that ambition is why the Arab world stopped advancing.

It could even be more basic than that. The Middle East just might be as fucked up as it is because of goats.

We both have some of the same problems.

We both
create some of the planet's problems.

We both help feed the planet's burgeoning population.

And then there is blowback from shit that our arrogant leaders did and neglected to tell us about.

Fuse on the 'population bomb' has been relit
from the May 21, 2007 edition
Commentary: "Economic Scene: A weekly column"

Sometimes I wonder if Europeans had never come to South America and discovered potatoes , would I be lamenting my country being involved in this mess?

Damn goats.
Damn potatoes.
Damn oil.
Damn rulers and their stupid sheeple and their stupid religions

Monday, June 11, 2007

Immigration issues

Mexicans make their place in NYC
This story was reported by Rolando Pujol and Marlene Peralta and was written by Pujol
June 12, 2007

...Their numbers soared from around 62,000 in 1990 to more than 400,000 by many estimates, with domestic economic and agricultural crises in Mexico spurring the exodus....

...The breathtaking birth rate among Mexican women could alone ensure the population's continued expansion, even if immigration were to ebb, said Laird Bergad of the CUNY Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies....

No, wait, it gets better:

...Adding to the population growth could be a new wave of immigration prompted by the lifting of protections on Mexico's corn industry set for next year.

"We're going to see a massive influx of cheap U.S. corn into Mexico ... we're going to see a massive exodus of people from the countryside who can no longer grown corn," Galvez said.

12 percent of America's 300 million people are foreign-born

..."Mexicans are far less likely than immigrants from other countries to hold college degrees or to have completed high school," the report said. "More than 60 percent of Mexican immigrants who are eligible for citizenship or soon will be have not completed high school, compared with less than 40 percent of all other legal permanent residents (LPRs)."...

Birth Rates Among Immigrants in America
Comparing Fertility in the U.S. and Home Countries

...As for legal status, we estimate that the birth rate of illegal alien women was 3.1 children on average in 2002, or about 50 percent higher than the two children natives have on average. The birth rate for legal immigrants is 2.6, or about one-third higher than that of natives...

Births to Immigrants in America 1970 to 2002
In 2002, 23 percent of all births in the United States were to immigrant mothers (legal or illegal), compared to 15 percent in 1990, 9 percent in 1980, and 6 percent in 1970.

Could be worse. Could be Europe where they invite the hateful muslims in and then give welfare to three generations of people with ridiculously high birthrates and no intention of integrating.

still reading

My favorite part of the book so far:

p. 84
(regarding a rabid anti-American document that "detailed" America's contributions to the world that the author was asked to sign while living in Oslo. Rabid anti-Americanism is rampant in Europe)

"What's more, if the document's authors were serious about listing America's contributions to the world, why hadn't they mentioned--- along with Lincoln and Elvis---such inventions and discoveries as airplanes, anesthesia, calculators, computers, DNA, compact discs, elevators, electric light, artificial hearts, helicopters, magnetic resonance imaging, the Internet, microprocessors, microwave ovens, motion pictures, nylon, pacemakers, photography, phonographs, quasars, sound recording, sewing machines, mass spectroscopy, electric stoves, telephones, television, transistors, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and the polio, measles, and meningitis vaccines---just for starters? If they were toting up Norway's special debt to the United States, why not acknowledge the liberation from the Nazis and the half century of protection from Soviet Aggression?"

Europe continues to import and support the most ignorant, backwards, hateful, oppressive elements of the Muslim world, and refuses to integrate these disaffected people.


Fucking idiots.

Woman in UK 'groomed' as bomber

France: America’s New Best Friend
...It had become so bad that several elderly Arab immigrants of the 1950's and 1960's told the French press that their grandchildren - the second generation born on French soil - were actually far more radical and anti-Western. It was in fact these very youth who burned hundreds of cars across France from the late days of October, through the end of the year, and even into the New Year of 2006. They threw rocks and bottles at police, set fire to buildings, and created such mayhem that France immediately fought back with strict anti-rioting laws. And while the pro-socialist, left-leaning press whined about the oppression of youths in the ghettos, the French told each other the truth over dinner conversations: the Muslim immigrant problem had become far too big to continue to ignore...

Oslo Peace Process For Europe? Muslim Crime Wars Against Europe
Fjordman - 5/13/2007
...Sweden has a 25% real unemployment rate. What happens if or when the Swedish welfare state collapses? Isn’t it likely that this will trigger a flood of “welfare tourists” to neighboring countries such as Norway? This question hasn’t even been asked, much less debated, by a single political leader in this country. The number of rape charges in Sweden has quadrupled in a generation, parallel to Muslim immigration. Resident aliens from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia dominate the group of rape suspects. Lawyer Ann Christine Hjelm found that 85 per cent of the convicted rapists in one court were born on foreign soil or of foreign parents. In a new Sociological survey, the wave of robberies the city of Malmö has witnessed during this past year is part of a “war against Swedes.”...

Crossroads Europe (Al Jazeera)
MONDAY, MAY 14, 2007
16:19 MECCA TIME, 13:19 GMT

...The hostility felt by some can lead to fierce tension with the police. Obaid-Chinoy encounters confrontation between Swedish officers and defiant Palestinian teenagers in Rosengard.

Despite this, and the district's devastating unemployment rate of 90 per cent in some pockets, the city's residents remain hopeful for change...

Umm, yeah, hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up faster.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Let's hope...

...that the male suicide bombers who choose to hide behind the niqab are really lousy at plucking their eyebrows, applying eye make-up and disguising their voice.

Cairo campus veil ban struck down
The court said wearing the niqab was a matter of religious freedom
A court in Egypt has ruled that the American University of Cairo cannot ban women from wearing the niqab - the full Islamic face covering - on campus.

Daughters - John Mayer

Me First and the Gimme Gimmes - Goodbye Earl

Dude. I love this.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

simple ecology

P 410 Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond.

Why, then did the Fertile Crescent and China eventually lose their enormous leads of years to late-starting Europe? ...
For the Fertile Crescent, the answer is clear. Once it had lost the head start it had enjoyed thanks to its locally available concentration of domesticable wild plants and animals, the Fertile Crescent possessed no further compelling geographic advantages. The disappearance of the head start can be traced in detail as the westward shift in powerful empires. After the rise of Fertile Crescent states in the fourth millennium B.C., the center of power initially remained in the Fertile Crescent, rotating between empires such as those of Babylon, the Hittites, Assyria and Persia. With the Greek conquest of all advanced societies from Greece east to India under Alexander the Great in the late fourth century B.C., power finally made its first shift irrevocably westward. It shifted farther west with Rome’s conquest of Greece in the second century B.C., and after the fall of the Roman Empire it eventually moved again, to western and northern Europe.

The major factor behind these shifts becomes obvious as soon as one compares the Fertile Crescent with ancient descriptions of it. Today, the expressions “Fertile Crescent"and “world leader in food production" are absurd. Large areas of the former Fertile Crescent are now desert, semidesert, steppe, or heavily eroded or salinized terrain unsuited for agriculture. Today’s ephemeral wealth of some of the region’s nations, based on the single nonrenewable resource of oil, conceals the region’s long-standing fundamental poverty and difficulty feeding itself.

In ancient times, however, much of the Fertile Crescent and eastern Mediterranean region, including Greece, was covered with forest. The region’s transformation from fertile woodland to eroded scrub or even desert has been elucidated by paleobotanists and archaeologists. Its woodlands were cleared for agriculture, or cut to obtain constructions timber, or burned as firewood or for manufacturing plaster. Because of low rainfall and hence low primary productivity (proportional to rainfall), regrowth of vegetation could not keep pace with its destruction, especially in the presence of overgrazing by abundant goats. With the tree and grass cover removed, erosion proceeded and valleys silted up, while irrigation agriculture in the low-rainfall environment led to salt accumulation. These processes, which began in the Neolithic era, continued into modern times. For instance, the last forests near the ancient Nabataen capital of Petra, in modern Jordan, were felled by the Ottoman Turks during construction of the Hejaz railroad just before World War I.

Thus, Fertile Crescent and eastern Mediterranean societies had the misfortune to arise in ecologically fragile environment. They committed ecological suicide by destroying their own resource base. Power shifted westward as each eastern Mediterranean society in turn undermined itself, beginning with oldest societies, those in the east (the Fertile Crescent).Northern and western Europe has been spared this fate, not because it’s inhabitants have been wiser but because they have had the good luck to live in a more robust environment with higher rainfall, in which vegetation regrows quickly.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Putin and Bush

Putin offers Bush to move air defense system from Europe to Azerbaijan
AP 06/08/2007 10:50

You mean this Azerbaijan ?

U.S. adopts limits on clean water law
By Lisa Lambert
Tue Jun 5, 4:56 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The landmark U.S. law to fight water pollution will now apply only to bodies of water large enough for boats to use, and their adjacent wetlands, and will not automatically protect streams, the U.S. government said on Tuesday.

Environmental groups said they fear the new policy will muddy the purpose of the federal Clean Water Act and put many smaller bodies of water at risk. Democrats in Congress have introduced legislation mandating protection of creeks, estuaries and other watersheds.

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers wrote the new guidelines after the Supreme Court split a year ago in a case about which waters fall under the Clean Water Act.

Because of the split decision, lower courts must decide on a case-by-case basis if the law applies to smaller water areas.

Four justices said the law was restricted to protecting navigable waters such as lakes and rivers, and bodies connected to them, while four argued the law had a broader reach.

The new guidelines were intended to help workers in the field determine if a waterway fell under the act, using the argument of Justice Anthony Kennedy, who did not join either side in the decision.

Benjamin Grumbles, EPA's assistant administrator for water, told reporters during a conference the new guidelines would provide greater consistency and predictability for the public.

Now his agency will regulate waters large enough to be used by boats that transport commerce, along with wetlands adjacent to them. It will decide on a case-by-case basis to regulate other tributaries that may affect main waterways.

"In effect, the EPA and the Corps are taking their field staff and the public out to the woods, blindfolding them, spinning them in circles, telling them to 'go west,' and calling that guidance," complained Jon Devine, a senior attorney at the Natural Resources Defense Council.

The EPA's new policy does not offer clear instructions to scientists in the field on how to protect surface waters, Devine said, and would eliminate protections for many streams. He also said the case-by-case decisions would inspire an onslaught of lawsuits and public confusion.

John Woodley, Assistant Secretary of the Army, said there would be no way to measure changes from the guidance.

But, he said, the waterways in the Supreme Court case would have been considered wetlands according to EPA's new guidance.

Angered by the Supreme Court's split, Democratic lawmakers last month introduced the "Clean Water Restoration Act" that would drop the word "navigable" from the original law.

Rep. James Oberstar, a Minnesota Democrat sponsoring the legislation, said the single edit would make clear that the EPA must also protect watersheds, which are often creeks or estuaries where water has collected.

Another gift for oil and gas interests?
Or Big Ag?
Interview with (Legally gagged)
Sibel Edmonds.
Get it.
Got it.

Corporate Crime Reporter
...I mean, if we are going to indict a Congressman for stuffing $100,000 into his freezer, we had better take a close look at a giant international arms dealer stuffing $2 billion into Riggs Bank in our nation’s capital...

Attorney general responds to Bandar, £1bn and BAE

Head of SFO takes responsibility
David Leigh and Rob Evans
Friday June 8, 2007

Reading now

(click on book for summary)

While Europe Slept.
How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within
by Bruce Bawer.

My favorite blurb on the back cover:

"Bawer punctures the moral pretensions of our 'betters' in the Old World. Their supine acceptance of the Muslim oppression of women, their flatulent anti-Americanism, their renewed anti-Semitism--all are fully documented. There is something memorable on every page. Bawer writes with intelligence an passion. A fascinating analysis of Europe's death spiral."
---Mona Charen -- Syndicated columnist and author of Useful Idiots.

So, yeah, Mona looks like a rabid right winger, but sometimes those idiots are useful.

Since I had some brainwashed girl try to sell me Islam in a speech class (not in a class assignment please, fer Christsakes) maybe I'll read the book and make my own decision, eh?

Note, there is an area of San Diego not so pleasantly known as "Little Mogadishu."

Thursday, June 07, 2007

miscellaneous stories today

IFJ Shocked at Murder of Female Reporter
04/06/2007 (International Federation of Journalists)

(Don't like female reporters in Afghanistan? Hey, just kill 'em.)

Court: Women who are forced to abort pregnancies can seek asylum in US
PAUL ELIAS Associated Press Writer
(AP) - SAN FRANCISCO-A federal appeals court has ruled that women who are forced to abort their pregnancies by governments such as China's can be awarded asylum in the United States.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007

(I don't like it. Why should your ability to breed yourselves out of house and home be our problem? Oh Yeah, maybe this? )

Lawyer Links Rove to Ala. Investigation
BOB JOHNSON Associated Press Writer

(AP) - MONTGOMERY, Ala.-A lawyer who claims White House aide Karl Rove may have given assurances that federal authorities were investigating a former Alabama governor said Wednesday that she spoke up because she feared justice had not been served.

(Karl Rove linked to political machinations and miscarriage of justice? Who'd a thunk it?)

Voting critics object at county budget opening; patient also asks county to drop medical marijuana challenge
Last modified Tuesday, June 5, 2007 10:02 PM PDT
By: GIG CONAUGHTON - Staff Writer (North County Times)

...Mikel Haas, director of the county's Community Services Group that oversees the registrar of voter's office, said recently that he has asked the county to buy 2,000 more "touch screen" machines because voters had to wait in line to use some machines in the November 2006 elections.

Although those elections ran with few problems, the issue of electronic voting has been a hot one with some groups, who claim that the machines could be rigged to throw elections...

Do you trust electronic voting machines?

Can Voting Machines Work?
Sunday, Oct. 29, 2006 By MICHAEL DUFFY

County's registrar Deborah Seiler says she hopes to win over critics Last modified Thursday, June 7, 2007 12:35 PM PDT

By: GIG CONAUGHTON - Staff Writer

SAN DIEGO -- New Registrar of Voters Deborah Seiler said Wednesday that she wants people to know she's committed to serving voters, and that she hopes to win over critics who say she never should have been hired by the county.

(Deb give it up, you're not trustworthy. Period.)

Sibel Edmonds

Interview with
Sibel Edmonds.
Get it.
Got it.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I'm listening to Randi Rhodes. She's going over the Republican Presidential Candidates debate.

I heard something about
Hillary getting a bump in the polls after the Democratic Presidential Candidates debate.

I want to know why not one of these twenty candidates will talk about how intertwined foreign policy is with domestic policy in this country. They all act like those policies are separate entities.

I'm going to put on my
Carnac the Magnificent hat and make a prediction.

Hillary vs. Fred in '08.

Pretty funny, huh?

Yeah, exept for the fact that if it does end up being like Dennis or Mike vs. Ron, they won't talk about where the real reform needs to happen anyway. In domestic policy, as it relates to foreign policy.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Stupid monkeys

Powerful cyclone hits Oman

...The Sur export terminal, which handles 10 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas exports every year, would be closed for at least 48 hours, a shipper said. Sultan Qaboos port, which handles vehicles and containers, was also closed...

...Oil prices surged above $70 on news of the cyclone in the Gulf region, which supplies one fifth of the world's oil...

US-Russia clash shadows G8 summit
Published: Tuesday June 5, 2007

You know, if there is intelligent life on another planet, and they can see what is going on on this planet they must be getting comfy and popping popcorn. They're getting ready to watch us stupid monkeys blow up our damn planet, or at the very least, burn all life giving substances right off of it.


If they were some kind of weird experiment, the scientist in charge should have been shot.

Update: 11:49 AM 6/6/2007
I didn't read his regular Monday post until this morning, but it's perfect.

American monkeys are the stupidest of all. If I hear one more person self-righteously blather on about Paris Hilton going to jail, or bitch about the price of gasoline.
On the other hand, if the Islamists get exclusive control of what's left of the oil, I'd just as soon shoot myself. I have no use for religious fanatics of any stripe. They are too focused on the past, and not enough on the increasingly shaky future of the planet.


FCC too harsh on 'fleeting expletives,' court rules
What the president said ... and what TV can broadcast
WASHINGTON -- If President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney can blurt out vulgar language, then the government cannot punish broadcast television stations for broadcasting the same words in similarly fleeting contexts

So, if the Prez and Veep want to swear, swearing is OK? Whatever, swearing is obviously no big deal to me. Jiminy Christmas, even World Nut Daily knew about the real obscenities four effin years ago:

Terror alerts manufactured?
FBI agents say White House scripting 'hysterics' for political effect
Posted: January 4, 20031:00 a.m. Eastern

And what do you know?

protestors who never got any media attention before were right.

Randi Rhodes just had Antonia Juhasz on she talked about the Iraq war WAS the energy plan.

Think that's why Dick is
so secretive about who his visitors have been?

{Yeah, yeah, I know Randi's not on the radio till 3pm here, I prefer her over Ed Schultz, I stream her.}

Dr. Jack Kevorkian never should have been in jail .
That was obscene.

The American Government's energy plan appears to have been a war.
That was obscene.

Me, fucking swearing my ass off about a "corporatocracy" marching my country right off a fucking cliff?


Monday, June 04, 2007

Music break

Every time I read something about the war in Iraq, this song starts playing in my head.

This woman has some pipes!

The Propellerheads and Shirley Bassey---History Repeating

Monday morning.

I wasn't really paying attention to the debate last night.

I was fascinated with
Steve Gilliard's series on colonialism

Thank you EBM at Wampum.

I did hear something about Bill Richardson on the radio this morning. There is some interesting information on him in the book I'm reading.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

So far the Democratic Debate is utter crap

Kucinich may be worth listening to, so I'll stick it out.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Reading now

The Selling of "Free Trade"
Nafta, Washington and the Subversion of American Democracy. (C) 2000.

It's not like I don't experience the wonders of NAFTA every day.
I live in a town on the Mexican border.
Mmmmmm, Mexican sewage.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Why don't we learn this stuff before high school ends?

Riches Beneath the Earth

How Did Iraq and the United States Become Enemies?

Mercantile States and the World Oil Cartel, 1900-1939 (Cornell Studies in Political Economy) (Hardcover)

American Trade and Power in the 1960's

Could it be that they are too busy trying to teach us about Democracy?

Greg Palast and RFK in NYC- MayDay 2007

Karl Rove, caging lists, and Greg Palast!!!!!

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Rove Pick for US Attorney Resigned After Conyers Requested 'Vote Caging' Evidence from BBC
House Judiciary Chair Tells Palast in Interview: 'We're Not Through With Griffin by Any Means'
Indicates Caging Operation Could Not Have Been Done Without Knowledge of Rove, According to Palast Team...

Part 1- Greg Palast and RFK in NYC- MayDay 2007