
Monday, June 11, 2007

still reading

My favorite part of the book so far:

p. 84
(regarding a rabid anti-American document that "detailed" America's contributions to the world that the author was asked to sign while living in Oslo. Rabid anti-Americanism is rampant in Europe)

"What's more, if the document's authors were serious about listing America's contributions to the world, why hadn't they mentioned--- along with Lincoln and Elvis---such inventions and discoveries as airplanes, anesthesia, calculators, computers, DNA, compact discs, elevators, electric light, artificial hearts, helicopters, magnetic resonance imaging, the Internet, microprocessors, microwave ovens, motion pictures, nylon, pacemakers, photography, phonographs, quasars, sound recording, sewing machines, mass spectroscopy, electric stoves, telephones, television, transistors, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and the polio, measles, and meningitis vaccines---just for starters? If they were toting up Norway's special debt to the United States, why not acknowledge the liberation from the Nazis and the half century of protection from Soviet Aggression?"

Europe continues to import and support the most ignorant, backwards, hateful, oppressive elements of the Muslim world, and refuses to integrate these disaffected people.


Fucking idiots.

Woman in UK 'groomed' as bomber

France: America’s New Best Friend
...It had become so bad that several elderly Arab immigrants of the 1950's and 1960's told the French press that their grandchildren - the second generation born on French soil - were actually far more radical and anti-Western. It was in fact these very youth who burned hundreds of cars across France from the late days of October, through the end of the year, and even into the New Year of 2006. They threw rocks and bottles at police, set fire to buildings, and created such mayhem that France immediately fought back with strict anti-rioting laws. And while the pro-socialist, left-leaning press whined about the oppression of youths in the ghettos, the French told each other the truth over dinner conversations: the Muslim immigrant problem had become far too big to continue to ignore...

Oslo Peace Process For Europe? Muslim Crime Wars Against Europe
Fjordman - 5/13/2007
...Sweden has a 25% real unemployment rate. What happens if or when the Swedish welfare state collapses? Isn’t it likely that this will trigger a flood of “welfare tourists” to neighboring countries such as Norway? This question hasn’t even been asked, much less debated, by a single political leader in this country. The number of rape charges in Sweden has quadrupled in a generation, parallel to Muslim immigration. Resident aliens from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia dominate the group of rape suspects. Lawyer Ann Christine Hjelm found that 85 per cent of the convicted rapists in one court were born on foreign soil or of foreign parents. In a new Sociological survey, the wave of robberies the city of Malmö has witnessed during this past year is part of a “war against Swedes.”...

Crossroads Europe (Al Jazeera)
MONDAY, MAY 14, 2007
16:19 MECCA TIME, 13:19 GMT

...The hostility felt by some can lead to fierce tension with the police. Obaid-Chinoy encounters confrontation between Swedish officers and defiant Palestinian teenagers in Rosengard.

Despite this, and the district's devastating unemployment rate of 90 per cent in some pockets, the city's residents remain hopeful for change...

Umm, yeah, hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up faster.

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