
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Is this a joke?

Crimes against humanity
Established 1981
London School of Islamics
An Educational Trust
63 Margery Park Road London E7 9LD
Tel/Fax: 0208 555 2733 / 07817 112 667
Crime against Humanity

To deprive a Muslim child from his/her culture and language is a crime against Humanity. British education system is guilty of such crime for the last 50 years. The first wave of Muslims arrived with three or four languages including English but the next generation born and educated by native teachers has been subject to learn English in local accents, making them mis-fit not only for the British society at large but also for the whole world. A Muslim is the citizen of this small global village....

and part of a telling response:

Their tactics are designed to alienate and cause racial tension. But having a Jew as its head and owner, that is not a surprise....


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