
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I don't care anymore

As strongly as I feel about saving the planet, I feel like I just don't care about Africa anymore.

A group of human beings that are stupid enough to breed themselves into starvation becomes tiring.

Just tiring.

Call me cruel.

Call me heartless.

I just don't fucking care anymore.

The same goes for Palestinians.

And Latin America.

I'm tired of dancing around the fact that these people , are not our friends.

They use us.

We use them.

Some of their citizens want to gain religious and economic hegemony all over the planet.

But the fundamentalist religion which drives that ambition is why the Arab world stopped advancing.

It could even be more basic than that. The Middle East just might be as fucked up as it is because of goats.

We both have some of the same problems.

We both
create some of the planet's problems.

We both help feed the planet's burgeoning population.

And then there is blowback from shit that our arrogant leaders did and neglected to tell us about.

Fuse on the 'population bomb' has been relit
from the May 21, 2007 edition
Commentary: "Economic Scene: A weekly column"

Sometimes I wonder if Europeans had never come to South America and discovered potatoes , would I be lamenting my country being involved in this mess?

Damn goats.
Damn potatoes.
Damn oil.
Damn rulers and their stupid sheeple and their stupid religions

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