
Monday, June 11, 2007

Immigration issues

Mexicans make their place in NYC
This story was reported by Rolando Pujol and Marlene Peralta and was written by Pujol
June 12, 2007

...Their numbers soared from around 62,000 in 1990 to more than 400,000 by many estimates, with domestic economic and agricultural crises in Mexico spurring the exodus....

...The breathtaking birth rate among Mexican women could alone ensure the population's continued expansion, even if immigration were to ebb, said Laird Bergad of the CUNY Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies....

No, wait, it gets better:

...Adding to the population growth could be a new wave of immigration prompted by the lifting of protections on Mexico's corn industry set for next year.

"We're going to see a massive influx of cheap U.S. corn into Mexico ... we're going to see a massive exodus of people from the countryside who can no longer grown corn," Galvez said.

12 percent of America's 300 million people are foreign-born

..."Mexicans are far less likely than immigrants from other countries to hold college degrees or to have completed high school," the report said. "More than 60 percent of Mexican immigrants who are eligible for citizenship or soon will be have not completed high school, compared with less than 40 percent of all other legal permanent residents (LPRs)."...

Birth Rates Among Immigrants in America
Comparing Fertility in the U.S. and Home Countries

...As for legal status, we estimate that the birth rate of illegal alien women was 3.1 children on average in 2002, or about 50 percent higher than the two children natives have on average. The birth rate for legal immigrants is 2.6, or about one-third higher than that of natives...

Births to Immigrants in America 1970 to 2002
In 2002, 23 percent of all births in the United States were to immigrant mothers (legal or illegal), compared to 15 percent in 1990, 9 percent in 1980, and 6 percent in 1970.

Could be worse. Could be Europe where they invite the hateful muslims in and then give welfare to three generations of people with ridiculously high birthrates and no intention of integrating.

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