
Tuesday, June 05, 2007


FCC too harsh on 'fleeting expletives,' court rules
What the president said ... and what TV can broadcast
WASHINGTON -- If President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney can blurt out vulgar language, then the government cannot punish broadcast television stations for broadcasting the same words in similarly fleeting contexts

So, if the Prez and Veep want to swear, swearing is OK? Whatever, swearing is obviously no big deal to me. Jiminy Christmas, even World Nut Daily knew about the real obscenities four effin years ago:

Terror alerts manufactured?
FBI agents say White House scripting 'hysterics' for political effect
Posted: January 4, 20031:00 a.m. Eastern

And what do you know?

protestors who never got any media attention before were right.

Randi Rhodes just had Antonia Juhasz on she talked about the Iraq war WAS the energy plan.

Think that's why Dick is
so secretive about who his visitors have been?

{Yeah, yeah, I know Randi's not on the radio till 3pm here, I prefer her over Ed Schultz, I stream her.}

Dr. Jack Kevorkian never should have been in jail .
That was obscene.

The American Government's energy plan appears to have been a war.
That was obscene.

Me, fucking swearing my ass off about a "corporatocracy" marching my country right off a fucking cliff?


Monday, June 04, 2007

Music break

Every time I read something about the war in Iraq, this song starts playing in my head.

This woman has some pipes!

The Propellerheads and Shirley Bassey---History Repeating

Monday morning.

I wasn't really paying attention to the debate last night.

I was fascinated with
Steve Gilliard's series on colonialism

Thank you EBM at Wampum.

I did hear something about Bill Richardson on the radio this morning. There is some interesting information on him in the book I'm reading.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

So far the Democratic Debate is utter crap

Kucinich may be worth listening to, so I'll stick it out.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Reading now

The Selling of "Free Trade"
Nafta, Washington and the Subversion of American Democracy. (C) 2000.

It's not like I don't experience the wonders of NAFTA every day.
I live in a town on the Mexican border.
Mmmmmm, Mexican sewage.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Why don't we learn this stuff before high school ends?

Riches Beneath the Earth

How Did Iraq and the United States Become Enemies?

Mercantile States and the World Oil Cartel, 1900-1939 (Cornell Studies in Political Economy) (Hardcover)

American Trade and Power in the 1960's

Could it be that they are too busy trying to teach us about Democracy?

Greg Palast and RFK in NYC- MayDay 2007

Karl Rove, caging lists, and Greg Palast!!!!!

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Rove Pick for US Attorney Resigned After Conyers Requested 'Vote Caging' Evidence from BBC
House Judiciary Chair Tells Palast in Interview: 'We're Not Through With Griffin by Any Means'
Indicates Caging Operation Could Not Have Been Done Without Knowledge of Rove, According to Palast Team...

Part 1- Greg Palast and RFK in NYC- MayDay 2007

Thursday, May 31, 2007

response to comment

You know, I try and try to understand the motivations of the neocons, but it just doesn't make sense without replacing the worship of God with the worship of money and power.

The Clash of Civilizations Doesn't Exist... Yet
By Joshua Holland, AlterNet. Posted September 1, 2006.

"Outing" the Neocons: The Office of Special Plans
Sat Mar 12, 2005 at 01:34:45 PM PDT

So, ok, that said, I don't know who or what entity controls the price of uranium, but if it's American based mining companies, they may be looking to recoup some of the money that has hemorraged out of this country and into China:
China, nuclear technology, and a US sale from the May 30, 2007 edition

And here is a very local, very good example of just how frustrated Americans are with their access to "democracy" and "justice."

This is one of the very few media outlets in my area that will actually report on it, but notice how even the local government employees won't do interviews:

'And that's it'
County dismisses critics of elections—office hires
by Kelly Davis

Here is another one, they made me laugh again this morning.

This video shows the reasons why I am so scared of my own government now.

I'm not even going into what I personally went through.

Weasledog nailed how I feel about the mess our country has become about a week ago

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

More oil stuff

FEATURE- China weighs Iran and Iraq risks for oil prize
27 Nov 2006 18:03:50 GMT
Source: Reuters

Depletion level in Ghawar
May 19, 2007 - 11:30am

The “Oil Weapon” is Unleashed Against Iran
Posted on Feb 13th, 2007

(They don't like my link, so ya gotta Google this: )
Russia Overtakes Saudi Arabia as World’s Leading Oil Producer — OPEC

Russia Overtakes Saudi Arabia as World’s Leading Oil Producer — OPEC
MosNews Created: 23.08.2006 11:24 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 13:39 MSK

Belarus KGB holds head of state oil-processing firm
6:31 a.m. May 30, 2007

Oil refinery building boom abroad - not in U.S.

Posted on Wed, May. 30, 2007
By Kevin G. Hall
McClatchy Newspapers
...a boom in construction is under way to meet the growing demand for gasoline in the United States and in big developing countries such as China and India...

UPDATE 1-Mexico oil output flat at 3.182 bpd in April
Mon May 21, 2007 12:16pm ET

(well, maybe the next US president will quit trying to thump the whold world over the head with a bible, yeesh)

Here's a question for you:

Why does every leader in the Middle East focus their sheeple's attention on Israel?

answer: So the sheeple don't look at their own leader's fuck ups.

We in the US are quite aware of the fact that our infrastructure was haphazardly, and arrogantly planned and our standard of living is about to take a major dive downward.

Religion sucks, no matter what brand it is (II)

Malaysia rejects conversion appeal
By Claudia Theophlius
Al Jazeera
May 30, 2007

Since I was raised in a country that lets you practice any religion you choose, as long as it's peaceful, this kind of stuff is almost incomprehensible to me. Being that the Western religions (Including Christianity, Judaism and Islam ) are so patriarchal it's not completely incomprehensible.

I must admit, though, some religious extremist factions suck more than others.
Click here to see what I mean
Watching guys like this makes me want to show THEM what intolerance really is, with a fucking baseball bat. To knock out what's left of their teeth, the ignorant, intolerant assholes. Jerkwads are stuck in the 13th century for a reason---THEY ARE STUPID, STUBBORN, AND WEAK.
Afraid of women,. Otherwise why would they need to control them with violence?

Completely unrelated, but it makes me laugh:

Report: Fred Thompson to run in 2008
Published: May 30, 2007 at 12:38 PM

Somebody cue the "Law and Order" intro music.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Desperate Iraqi Refugees Turn to Sex Trade in Syria

New York Times

Published: May 29, 2007
..Inexpensive Iraqi prostitutes have helped to make Syria a popular destination for sex tourists from wealthier countries in the Middle East. In the club’s parking lot, nearly half of the cars had Saudi license plates...

This sentence from an article on the "DC Madam" cracks me up.

The coming days will unveil hundreds of victims who fell into the clutches of Julia's prostitutes. )

Oprah of the Middle East' flees over TV row

Controversial Egyptian presenter holes up in London
Conal Urquhart in Cairo
Sunday March 4, 2007
The Observer

The woman known as the Oprah Winfrey of the Middle East has fled to London in fear for her safety amid a row over allegations that actresses were paid to pretend they were prostitutes on her television show.

Jihadis and whores
By Spengler
Middle East
Nov 21, 2006

Wars are won by destroying the enemy's will to fight. A nation is never really beaten until it sells its women.

Big Names in US prostitution
Sat, 05 May 2007
Women empowered?

"I think I empowered a lot of women. I got a lot of women through graduate school," she told ABC News.

She said the women she employed included a college professor, a medical researcher, a Navy officer, a legal secretary and a suburban realtor, who just wanted to make extra money.

American Military-Base Prostitution
Jennifer Latstetter

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

Do our "representatives" have some sort of secret information that they become privy to once they are elected and wander the halls of congress?

Perhaps something like the fact that our entire country is ribboned over with and saturated by oil based chemical compounds that are simultaneously supporting and destroying the fragile and unnnatural system we use to live in this country.




Electricity generation.

Diesel trains transport the coal.

Casualties in Iraq.

Why Are We in Iraq?
Justin Raimondo
May 28, 2007

Lawrence R. Velvel, Dean of the Massachusetts School of Law, interviews Stephen Kinzer, author of Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq.

Why We Fight

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Blackwater's Starr

Suit against Blackwater over contractor deaths moves to arbitration
By BILL SIZEMORE, The Virginian-Pilot
© May 20, 2007

Blackwater Succeeds in Forcing Arbitration of Employee Claims
Harper's magazine
Scott Horton
May 22, 2007

Daily Kos diary Potrero vs. Blackwater from Sat. Mar 17, 2007

US Security Contractors Open Fire in Baghdad
By Steve Fainaru and Saad al-Izzi
The Washington Post
Sunday 27 May 2007

Sending in the Praetorian Guard
Harper's Magazine
BY Scott Horton
May 28, 2007

Every day I want this company to go back to the fucking swamp they came from and play with Kenneth Starr, the reptile they hired to represent them in court.

I've got reptiles on the brain. I saw this picture out of the corner of my eye the other day and just had to link to the article. It's a couple of years old now.

I thought of Russian and U.S. military intervention when I saw this picture. The critter sploded.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The prom is coming up.

The prom is coming up. I have a lovely daughter who insists on poking holes in her body, and decorating said holes with metal and plastic of ever-increasing gauge. The coiffure she favors I believe is referred to as a "Mohawk." Her latest nod to fashion is a tattoo that permanently marks what may well be a temporary nickname. Her boyfriend has suddenly discovered the joy of dreadlocks. I was under the impression that they were not all that interested in attending the prom. This morning I was busy digging up information on my least favorite County Supervisor and the husband made a mistake, which I immediately capitalized on and sent him to the mall with the aforementioned children to "look at prom stuff."

The husband reappeared a while later with what looked suspiciously like a formal dress bag. No sign of the children, though. I remembered a bit later that they were off to a friend’s house for a ‘craft party.’ How convenient for them, eh? Crafty, those kids. I untied the knot in the dress bag and headed for the closet to hang it up and realized to my horror that the dress was too long to hang inside the closet. My lovely daughter is petite. She is tiny, in fact. Unable to resist my curiosity I laid the whole bag on the bed and peeked under the edge of it at a four by four inch patch at the hemline.

Occasional black beads on white satin.

Three-hundred and sixty bucks.

The husband is taking her to get it altered.

Wonder if the boyfriend is wearing his kilt and combat boots?

Dianne Jacob

San Diego County Board of Supervisors

I am Dianne Jacob, Supervisor of San Diego County’s Second District, representing communities affected by the proposed Sunrise Powerlink including Ramona, Wynola, Santa Ysabel and the greater Julian area...
...SDG&E, to its credit, has made some changes.
The applicant was receptive to the idea of undergrounding a stretch of the 230 kilovolt
Inland Valley Link;

San Diego Gas & Electric Co. gave $50,000 to Dianne Jacob...

and she buys a new rescue vehicle with it, awwww, how wunnerful.

Hey, does she receive any money from the publication that published this article?

Jacob 'splains to the peasants/proles why she's mum on Blackwater (video)
The first part of the Campo Revitalization meeting, conducted by County Supervisor Dianne Jacob. Unfortunately, despite a large number of people present who wished to speak about it, they were not provided with a public comment period (in violation of the Brown Act) and comments about Blackwater were not allowed.

I don't trust why she's mum on Blackwater because Last July, Blackwater hired as a lobbyist Nikki Clay, a longtime cheerleader for corporate welfare...
Clay said she was communicating regularly with the supervisor's office and the office of military powerhouse Congressman Duncan Hunter, even though Potrero is not in his district. Potrero's supervisor is Dianne Jacob. The Blackwater project team proudly noted that although Jacob "has historically required secondary access," in this case "she will be in favor of only requiring primary access."

Here's a couple more reasons why this woman bugs the crap out of me.

San Diego Medical Marijuana Raids
Vote to File Federal Lawsuit Against Prop 215, SB 420
Dec. 7th. Opposing a state requirement that counties issue medical marijuana ID cards, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted to file a federal lawsuit against California's medical marijuana law.

Supervisors moved to sue the state after being threatened with a lawsuit from San Diego NORML for failing to implement the ID system.

County's pension board blocks Jacob's role on benefits
But the retirement association, which has chewed over the retiree health benefit issue itself for the last two years without coming to a resolution, bridled at the county's ultimatum. That unhappiness ultimately led to the board to use a relatively new policy to forcefully "disqualify" Jacob from discussing or voting on the issue.

You know, if there's one thing about this county that sticks in my craw it's that if you're flashing cash you can do whatever the fuck you want to do. It doesn't matter who it hurts, and the public doesn't even need to know about it. There's so many goddamned military bases, loaded with people who don't HAVE any rights that you can always pull the "need to know" bullshit line. Then you ramp up the fear mongering, and the rhetoric on Reich-wing radio hate spew, which is what the right-less uniforms listen to (well that, and the rock station that hasn't changed the fucking playlist since 1979). They watch Faux Newz, it's what's encouraged on the bases. Not that the local mainstream newz is worth a tinkers damn, either. You wouldn't trust it, if you knew anybody unlucky enough to to have their story sensationalized and filled with inaccuaracies. The cash flashers also get away with a lot of crap because there are tons of transient people here, including the right-less uniforms.

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

Reading today.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Tell me something I DON'T know

Why Male Military Veterans Are Committing Sexual Assault at Alarming Rates
By Lucinda Marshall, AlterNet. Posted May 25, 2007.

...Sexual violence has been a de facto weapon of war since the beginning of the patriarchal age. Raping and assaulting women is seen as a way to attack the honor of the enemy, and women have always been the spoils of war...

Um, yeah, I actually had a young, drunk jarhead tell me just how aware of this particular facet of military history he was. He appeared to have no problem with it. He was so drunk, he probably doesn't even remember saying it.

Reading this book brought back that particular memory and a host of mixed feelings. Including rage.

The Alternet article also states:

"...It isn't surprising that the DOJ feigns bafflement... "

Right, because they're NOT baffled.

Come ON man, Lynndie England is in the same brig that hosts a sex offender treatment program. Looks like there maybe an introductory seminar on the East Coast .

Oh heaven help us, look what I found on the Google: My experiences include being one of the early pioneers in the development of the United States military sex offender treatment program. Hopefully they're more sciency now. Do I believe sex offender treatment works? I don't know, but I do know there is lots of shit that goes on in this city that the military AND the tourist agencies don't want you to know about.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Veterans care

The battle of Iraq's wounded
The U.S. is poorly equipped to care for the tens of thousands of soldiers injured in Iraq.
By Linda Bilmes, LINDA BILMES teaches public finance at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. She is the coauthor, with Joseph Stiglitz, of the report, "The Economic Cost of the Iraq War: An Appraisa
January 5, 2007
...that for every fatality in Iraq, there are 16 injuries...

Forgotten Heroes
By Dan Ephron and Sarah Childress
March 5, 2007 issue

House bills give veterans a boost
House bills give veterans a boost
The approved measures address traumatic brain injury, increase health care funding and extend eligibility for rehabilitation.
By Jim Abrams The Associated Press
Article Last Updated: 05/24/2007 02:55:50 AM MDT

Bush supports $120B Iraq war compromise
5/24/2007 AP

I can't help but look at that number and wonder how much, really, will be set aside for veterans care?

And how much will end up in a trust fund for the latest hatchling (grandchild) of Dick Cheney, who's stock happens to be worth at least 3000% more than it was before this war started.

The Cheney family, who the world would rejoice over if they'd just get the fuck out of the gene pool.

(click on pic for recent approval numbers)

Samuel David Cheney is Dick's latest grand-hatchling's name? Sam?

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Condoleezza Rice Visits Camp Pendleton
Accompanying Rice on the afternoon stopover at the northern San Diego County USMC installation was Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer. A handful of Australian troops are training at the base.

and I'm off to watch a perfectly fitting show:
Voyage of the Courtesans
Recalling the 1790 voyage of British female convicts who were sent to an Australian penal colony. The women transformed the vessel into a brothel and offered their services to men at ports along the way. The documentary is based on a book by Sian Rees.

G8 update

German authorities use scent tracking to keep tabs on G-8 protesters
AP May 22 2007

Valley Girl Goodling testifies

The politically fired U.S. attornies.

And the testimony of No Sé Nada Torquemada 's student on her role in the whole mess.

More from HuffPo

Rove's Emails from Greg Palast.

Local Fox TV covers Voter Outrage

Color me shocked.
I wish I had been the one they booted out, but alas, I was not there.
I might have used the phrase "fucking up democracy, or "shredding any hope of democracy" rather than "subverting democracy."

(For a little less anger, and a little more clarity, visit TERRYFACEPLACE )

Ok, here goes---

"...a packed Supervisors in a mid-morning meeting with numerous public comments taking on the supervisors for approving secret vote counting, buying millions more in machines the day before this public comment, and being unresponsive to polls stating that over 80% of San Diegans want a transparent voting system....

FOX TV Expose of E-Voting Official Corruption!!

Voter Outrage

Voting Groups Want Former Diebold Saleswoman Ousted from San Diego Elections Job
By Kim Zetter May 22, 2007 8:52:34 PMCategories: E-Voting, Election '08

Two voting groups descended on San Diego's board of supervisors today to protest the recent appointment of former Diebold saleswoman, Deborah Seiler, as the county's new registrar of voters. They also want Seiler's new assistant registrar, Michael Vu, ousted due to controversies surrounding his tenure as elections director in Ohio. Vu resigned as elections director from Cuyahoga County, Ohio, last year after two of his staff members were convicted of rigging the 2004 presidential recount and after reports revealed numerous problems with the way elections were administered during his time on the job...

The fishwrap covered it
Who are they sleeping with at Diebold, or do they just like fucking US?

A quickie from San Diego CityBEAT
Stories for those who like 'em short

And my favorite, with the quote from the dingbat who is supposed to be representing ME in this corrupt county:

..and Supervisor Pam Slater-Price lashed out.

"Excuse me please," Slater-Price said. "During the time you were speaking, we did not boo, hiss, catcall or laugh. That is very rude and totally unacceptable behavior."...

Protesters criticize county elections hirings
By: GIG CONAUGHTON - Staff Writer

"Oh, how wude dose pwotewsters ahwew."

Whassamatter princess, nobody ever been honest with you about how they don't like stolen/rigged elections?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Is There a Docu in the House? Moore Unspools a Second Opinion

I'll go see Sicko before I give this silly, snippy article a whole lot of my energy.

Health care is something that I happen to care about. The uninsured get screwed on their healthcare bills here in California , and a hell of a lot of people don't have any health care coverage in this country. Medical expenses are cited as reasons for filing banckruptcy in about half the cases.

more effing voting stuff

UC Pivotal in State Voting System Review
By David Harvey
Staff Writer

May 21, 2007 — California Secretary of State Debra Bowen's intensive review of voting systems began last week as part of her quest to assess the state's voting methods before the February 2008 primary elections

...An exception to the Sacramento testing will be the network used by Los Angeles County, which is considered a vendor because of its custom voting system.

"The issue with Los Angeles County is that all votes go to a hunking mainframe computer, so it's not possible to test that system here," Bowen spokeswoman Nicole Winger said.

Voting machine vendors briefly delayed the tests by voicing concern about the guidelines of Bowen's planned review....

local information:

Voter Oppression Moves to San Diego!
June Caldwell
May 21, 2007

The public had a chance to speak this about this this morning at 9 am. I've been looking for information online for a couple hours now ( as of12:05 PM 5/22/2007). I couldn't find much. Thank God for the local Air America Radio affiliate or we might now know anything that was going on in this town. Not that the powers that be want us to be informed, involved citizens.

S 1348, Immigration bill

Go here and click on the radio button that says Bill Number, type in the search box S 1348.

I'm no lawyer, but I'm having trouble finding any harsh punishment for employers of "undocumented workers." Maybe I'm just cynical enough to think that there will always be a market for
counterfeit green cards.

Maybe that's because it looks to me like the only real change is a national database.

Wonder if
ChoicePoint will get the contract?

Has anybody ever seen the amazing amount of incorrect information about themselves, purchased from private information database holding companies that employers actually use in their hiring process?

I have.

I laughed my ass off.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Kuwait ends dinar-dollar link

And other things going on in the Middle East.
When Hugging Is a Crime
Posted on May 21, 2007
Taking the plunge: In this “before” shot, Nilofar Bakhtiar prepares to skydive for a charity—an unlikely setting for a career-busting faux pas.

Nilofar Bakhtiar, Pakistan’s federal minister for tourism, is in hot water with clerics in her home country for hugging a skydiving instructor who guided her through a tandem parachute jump for charity last month. Now, after striking such an “obscene” pose, she’s had to resign from Pakistan’s Cabinet.

Chief Rabbinate Finalizes Ban on Christian Women's Conference

OPT: ‘Femicide’ on the rise in conflict zone
RAMALLAH, 7 March 2007 (IRIN) - Three Palestinian women were shot dead in the northern Gaza Strip last month – rumours say it had to do with ‘honour’.

Iraq: 'Honour Killing' of teenage girl condemned as abhorrent
Posted: 02 May 2007
17-year-old Kurdish girl stoned to death

Nice. What a neighborhood. What are we doing over there again? Oh yeah, oil.

We do not want this type in our neighborhood either.

Mother-In-Law 'Plotted Honour Killing'
Monday, 14th May 2007, 14:05
Category: Crime and Punishment

Husband of 'honour killing' teenager arrested on suspicion of murder

Update at 1:02 PM 5/23/2007:

'Troubling' views on suicide bombings
78% of U.S. Muslims opposed, but young adults are less sure

Matthai Chakko Kuruvila, Amr Emam, Chronicle Staff Writers
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
About 1 in 4 young adult American Muslims says suicide bombings against civilian targets "to defend Islam" can be justified rarely, sometimes or often, according to a new Pew Research Center poll -- a finding that disturbed American Muslim leaders and thinkers across the country...

Sheriff's woes, electronic voting, pests included in county budget

By: GIG CONAUGHTON - Staff Writer
(North County Times) Last modified Monday, May 21, 2007 12:02 PM PDT

SAN DIEGO -- The Sheriff's Department is still having a hard time finding new deputies. Construction has dried up in the unincorporated areas of the county. A freeze has been lifted for local prosecutors. Electronic voting appears to be here to stay. And destructive insects could have a tougher time getting into San Diego County in the coming year.

Methinks Gig has a sense of humor to mention electronic voting and in the next sentence, bugs.

But wait, there's more humor here:

...More electronic voting machines

Also likely to get an increase is the county's fund for voting machines.

Electronic voting machines have stirred some controversy with a minority of election watchers. But the San Diego County registrar of voters office is expecting its budget to jump from $15.53 million to $25.26 million, in part because the county intends to buy more electronic voting machines.

The county agreed to buy 10,200 Diebold TSX "touch screen" voting machines for $31 million in 2003, and used those machines in November's elections...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Nifty toys

for Israel:

Notice the lack of interest in telling the American people what was passed in their Congress' appropriations bill on Thursday:

israel missile google search

Al Jazeera front paged it.

Israel lobby done good... again.

And as a super-duper added bonus for us here in San Diego there's this:

The move was spearheaded by Duncan Hunter of California, the senior Republican senator on the House Armed Services Committee and a candidate for his party's 2008 presidential nomination.


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Death Toll for Contractors Reaches New High in Iraq

...At least 146 contract workers were killed in Iraq in the first three months of the year, by far the highest number for any quarter since the war began in March 2003, according to the Labor Department, which processes death and injury claims for those working as United States government contractors in Iraq.

That brings the total number of contractors killed in Iraq to at least 917, along with more than 12,000 wounded in battle or injured on the job, according to government figures and dozens of interviews...

...A top security industry official said he was told recently by American military and contracting officials that 50 to 60 percent of all truck convoys in Iraq were coming under attack. Previously, he said, only about 10 percent had been hit...

U.S Fatatlities confirmed by the DoD

This war sucks. Actually, all war sucks.

You expected me to make some smart-ass remark about Blackwater or DynCorp ?