
Saturday, May 26, 2007

Dianne Jacob

San Diego County Board of Supervisors

I am Dianne Jacob, Supervisor of San Diego County’s Second District, representing communities affected by the proposed Sunrise Powerlink including Ramona, Wynola, Santa Ysabel and the greater Julian area...
...SDG&E, to its credit, has made some changes.
The applicant was receptive to the idea of undergrounding a stretch of the 230 kilovolt
Inland Valley Link;

San Diego Gas & Electric Co. gave $50,000 to Dianne Jacob...

and she buys a new rescue vehicle with it, awwww, how wunnerful.

Hey, does she receive any money from the publication that published this article?

Jacob 'splains to the peasants/proles why she's mum on Blackwater (video)
The first part of the Campo Revitalization meeting, conducted by County Supervisor Dianne Jacob. Unfortunately, despite a large number of people present who wished to speak about it, they were not provided with a public comment period (in violation of the Brown Act) and comments about Blackwater were not allowed.

I don't trust why she's mum on Blackwater because Last July, Blackwater hired as a lobbyist Nikki Clay, a longtime cheerleader for corporate welfare...
Clay said she was communicating regularly with the supervisor's office and the office of military powerhouse Congressman Duncan Hunter, even though Potrero is not in his district. Potrero's supervisor is Dianne Jacob. The Blackwater project team proudly noted that although Jacob "has historically required secondary access," in this case "she will be in favor of only requiring primary access."

Here's a couple more reasons why this woman bugs the crap out of me.

San Diego Medical Marijuana Raids
Vote to File Federal Lawsuit Against Prop 215, SB 420
Dec. 7th. Opposing a state requirement that counties issue medical marijuana ID cards, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted to file a federal lawsuit against California's medical marijuana law.

Supervisors moved to sue the state after being threatened with a lawsuit from San Diego NORML for failing to implement the ID system.

County's pension board blocks Jacob's role on benefits
But the retirement association, which has chewed over the retiree health benefit issue itself for the last two years without coming to a resolution, bridled at the county's ultimatum. That unhappiness ultimately led to the board to use a relatively new policy to forcefully "disqualify" Jacob from discussing or voting on the issue.

You know, if there's one thing about this county that sticks in my craw it's that if you're flashing cash you can do whatever the fuck you want to do. It doesn't matter who it hurts, and the public doesn't even need to know about it. There's so many goddamned military bases, loaded with people who don't HAVE any rights that you can always pull the "need to know" bullshit line. Then you ramp up the fear mongering, and the rhetoric on Reich-wing radio hate spew, which is what the right-less uniforms listen to (well that, and the rock station that hasn't changed the fucking playlist since 1979). They watch Faux Newz, it's what's encouraged on the bases. Not that the local mainstream newz is worth a tinkers damn, either. You wouldn't trust it, if you knew anybody unlucky enough to to have their story sensationalized and filled with inaccuaracies. The cash flashers also get away with a lot of crap because there are tons of transient people here, including the right-less uniforms.

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